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Need Help Trouble with "the alliance'' in the assassin playthrough


First of all, I want to reiterate what great things you guys have done with this game :) I come back to it every few years for a good playthough and you guys have always made it muchhhhhh more enjoyable. Frankly I don't understand why bigger game studios have not made something that is close to it.

Onto the problem I am facing sadly. I'm currently playing the assassin playthough and I am at the start of the third mission, the alliance. After visiting Tello in Marigot, I am supposed to go to st. Pierre and go to the tavern. After speaking with the bartender, Chico Cois is supposed to talk to me; but he is not there.

What am I supposed to do? If I follow the guide, Assassin Quest Walkthrough | PiratesAhoy!, He should be right there after talking to the bartender. Chico Cois has followed me on some adventures in the previous quest, but I was under the impression he left at some time during it (I took a break for a while, so I can't recall the exact details). Am I missing a detail? Is it possible that he was supposed to stay with me all this time and that he died unbeknownst me? If so, I dont think I have an old save where he is still alive..

Here are my last 2 savegames, 1 before talking to Tello in Marigot, and the last one when I have already talked to the bartender in st. Pierre.

Any help is greatly appreciated!! I forget much of the game until I play every time after, its been a really great campaign so far and I'd love to see it to the end :D


  • zipp.7z
    700.5 KB · Views: 231
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Is Chico Cois in your passenger list? Is he in your shore party when you arrive in St. Pierre?

Talking to the bartender does not make Chico Cois appear. If he's in your party, he will talk to you. If he's not in your party, he can't! Therefore, use the "Passengers" interface to put him into your party before you go into the tavern.
Hi Grey Roger,

Thanks for your reply! I was assuming that part of the quest guide was outdated (cherry picking I suppose ;)) because he didn't become a passenger/officer in my party. I found an old save where is he walking with my party, as a sort of fourth extra officer. When he was there, he also was not in the passenger list. I was also under the impression that he was immortal when I searched the forum for an answer: Assassin Main Quest

That save was before a lot of progression though, not sure I'd be willing to go back to that save :/ Are there any ways I can check files/add him back in?

Thanks in advance!
Early on, the vice admiral has assigned Chico Cois to you as a sort of supervisor. He is not an officer but follows you around, and indeed is not in your passenger list.

Chico Cois should first become an officer when you go to find the spy in Speightstown, Pelagius Lizarraga. If you have a full set of your own officers at this point, this will fail.

When the vice admiral told you to kill a traitor in Hopital fort, and you left his residence, did Chico Cois give you a stinkpot, or had you lost him by then?
Okay! It seems that fail did not happen for me. I have a savegame where I have saved the spy in speightstown on the 2nd of february. I am standing with 3 officers and Chico Cois seperately, without being an officer athe jetty, ready to set sail to Havana.

I also have a save in the dungeon, where I am with Chico Cois and 3 other officers.

After going to the vice admiral, Chico Cois did give me a stinkpot! However, my next save is 25th of february, where I am standing in front of the fort to kill the traitor, with 3 officers but without Chico Cois... I suppose he was still supposed to be with me then if I hear you right. I can't remember any specific details but if I remember right, I sailed straight from quest objective to quest objective without further combat or anything.

I'm guessing there is not an easy way to get him back? I sailed for a few months after throwing the bomb (when there was no deadline and he was already gone) to get more money, ships and rank but would like to finish the quest as well. :(
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Put this into the "PROGRAM" folder of your game installation, then press F12. When you move to another location, Chico Cois should be an officer, replacing whoever you had in the number 1 slot. (Your former officer should still be a passenger in case you want to put him back.)


  • console.c
    35.3 KB · Views: 223
Aah that worked, just did the tavern part again, now succesfully! I can't thank you enough! :D I was expecting the worst, I am very glad that I can continue the story of Johan Elting thanks to you :cheeky Now to disciplin him on missing all of the training

I gotta add for other people whoever also get this bug; I've played a bit further now and sadly you'll have to do this every time you need him, he doesn't stay as an officer and leaves after every interaction.
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