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Trophies in the Free Play mode

Glad to see some exciting progress being made here!
I still stand by my opinion from post #10, but clearly you fine people believe this is the right thing to do and therefore you have my support for sure. :cheers
Two new locations for my next quest.

Captura de Ecrã (82).png
Captura de Ecrã (78).png
Ok, the engineer trophy quest is finished.

I had made this library maze earlier and thought it could work well here. Especially
when the new cloister in Cartagena was suggested by @Bartolomeu.

It's just a retexture of the well-known Redmond dungeon but I continued and retextured
also the dead ends.

What to find as a reward? @GreyRoger suggested a new musket and I found another one
which could pass as a new invention. To make it even more engineer themed you have to
assemble it after finding all parts.

The cloister looked a little empty so I added monks here and there.
monks and donkey.jpg

That gave the idea of a scary librarian being the threat in the library dungeon.
I'd like to release a new update soon. @Jack Rackham: could you upload the files for this quest (plus any other new work, of course) so I can include it?
That just takes me to a login page.

Didn't you already upload the Coast Brothers concert files? I certainly downloaded something to do with that, including a console file to activate it.
Yes I did and if you have at least the "CoastBrothers.wav" file and will include it here are the rest of the files.


  • next JRH files 6516.7z
    9.9 MB · Views: 150
Doing a WinMerge comparison of new stuff to old:
PROGRAM\DIALOGS\Malcom Hatcher_dialog.c, PROGRAM\Storyline\FreePlay\StartStoryline.c: the player seems to be given a letter plus the "Gunman" and "Professional Gunman" perks right at the start. I thought the idea of these trophy quests was that the player should achieve something before being allowed the quests? If you really want to give every "Engineer" player all this at the beginning of a game, fair enough; or perhaps instead require that the player find the letter somewhere and acquire the perks by normal gameplay as prerequisites for starting the quest? (The other advantage of doing it this way would be to leave the whole thing optional, as other sidequests are - the player can generally choose to avoid them or decline them.)

PROGRAM\Loc_ai\LAi_events.c: what was the effect of this code, now deleted?
           if(IsCharacterPerkOn(attack, "Gunfighter") && attack.chr_ai.charge >= "2")
               attack.chr_ai.charge = charge + 1.0;
The line 'attack.chr_ai.charge = charge + 1.0;' is now moved to sections specific to the "Woodes Rogers", "Goldbug" and "Bartolomeu" storylines - what does it do?

Other than that, it looks fine. I've copied your new code into some existing files so as to have both your Engineer quest, and @Bartolomeu o Portugues' new "A French Companion" quest for José Joaquím Almeida.
Last edited:
The removed code you ask about is now replaced with a fix for the three storylines mentioned. When firing at nothing with a multiple shot gun the counting
down of used shots was wrong. -2 instead of -1. It's fixed.

Yes the letter and the given perks are a nice start.
Perks: I didn't want to end up in a situation where you do everything right and survive the Library and find that you can't equip the new gun. Terrible.
Letter: there's s lot to find as you have to get all six gun parts + the tools + ok ammo.

And this small adventure is optional - nothing happens if you just let it be.
Does the problem with the wrong number of shots only happen in those storylines? Or can this be expected from multi-shot pistols in general? If it's just those three stories, what are they doing to the pistols? (And why doesn't "Assassin" break them as well?)

Perks: rather than give gun perks at the start of an engineer's career, perhaps give them automatically along with the gun? Maybe the engineer has learned a few things about how to use guns while putting this one together?
It was a special fix by @PieterBolen for those 3 storylines that caused it. But it's fixed now.
Perks: I think it works as it is.
If you really insist that the engineer gets "Gunman" and "Professional Gunman" right at the start, even if the player doesn't want to follow this quest, then so be it. But I do ask you to please reconsider, on several grounds:

The way I always envisioned the background professions is as exactly that: the player's background.
It is where the player started. But it doesn't have to be where the player ends.
That is up for the player to discover for him/herself while playing.
Why would an engineer always be a professional gunman?

Giving the perks when the gun is complete satisfies the requirement that the player can't leave the library with a gun that can't be equipped, and makes them an additional reward for completing the quest.

One engineer in particular, Robert Fulton, already starts with a nice advantage - a free steam frigate. Now he gets the two "Gunman" perks for free at the start of the game as well!