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Trig's general git shop

About the officers ammo. I don't remember how it was meant to function but it sounds bad.
I'll see to it when I get home again. :)
7500 yards is a bit too much. But they should not be reduced to impotency, where small ships can knock them out.

Collision detection is off on some ships. The Spanish War Galleon and the 1st rates come to mind. I've been thinking about starting a thread on that subject.

POTC has gone through many evolutions over the years. Think of those buildings as WIPs from modders who have since moved on.

Dunno why they keep firing at surrendered ships.

If you hit the "0"(zero) button it disables direct sail and that problem goes away. You might also be interested in the Open Sea mod. I prefer it although it makes the island much much farther apart.

Sometimes the officers do not equip items and I have to equip them manually, but they always seem to have ammo when I think to check. Their swords do wear out, and so do the crew's swords.
- Officers don't equip items and armour I give them, only weapons? So no compass for my navigator and no cuirass for the assault team?
Sometimes the officers do not equip items and I have to equip them manually, but they always seem to have ammo when I think to check. Their swords do wear out, and so do the crew's swords.
I have a problem like this in my game and I have noticed it's in the build as well - equipable items that modify skills do not have their modifiers taken into account when an officer equips them automatically. To have the modifiers apply you must equip the officer's item manually. I have tried to fix this but have been unsuccessful.
Ok, so how does one go about equipping the officer's item manually?
All I seem to see is the option to give him the items...

Nevermind. I'm a silly git. :blush:
hello and good morning, please help ...is it normal that the day count happens with the clock passing every hour when sailing? i have a little unnatural feel when its aprl-17th at 11 hours and at lunch time
(12:00) its aprl-18th

thnx, i dont want to get old for dinner
POTC has always been like that as far as I know, however the open Sea Mod changes that so that one hour is one hour. The forum changes seem to have left it out so far though.

EDIT: Dropbox is working! Sort of.... Here is a link to the open Sea Mod I am using. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/76702168/Open%20Sea%20mod%20v02.zip
I personally think the nation paint schemes school of though should be abolished... Naval vessels were never painted to a uniform scheme during the scope of this game, instead being pained based on their captain's whims and the current styles. For example, the white Nelson Checker was not primarily an American scheme, it just happened to be in style during the end of the Napoleonic period and beyond. It was equally common among English ships. Overall, paint varied more with era than it did nation.
i remember officer equips only sword, pistol, and armor if its in their inventory (i verified armor and they equip (just give them a body which change when armor is equiped) ) ammos are equiped automatically

i add that some unique weapons cant be used by officers like the sword of cortes

to pieter => about the town guard weapons mods: when i added my code in "character_init", the only problem is that "nation island" is set after "character_init"

so the best way can just be making "nation island" loads before "character_init" but i dont know which files set the "nation island"

or perhaps try to make the "early town guard" code working because thats the only problem :/

edit: i see that my code already works fully in all periods from golden age of piracy to the corsican

(the only change in later period is the new faction "america" on eleuthera and my code works)

the problem is for early periods, the town guards nation show the "late period nation" for example "port royale" is an english colony in late periods and a spannish colony in earlier periods and it still getting english weapons in early periods

why does it works for late and not early periods ?

here is the FULL town guard code (character_init.c)

void AddGameCharacter(ref n, ref ch)
if (!CheckAttribute(ch, "id")) return;
int chridx = GetCharacterIndex(ch.id);
ref chr;
if (chridx >= 0) {
  makeref(chr, Characters[chridx]);
} else {
  makeref(chr, Characters[n]);
  chridx = n;
DeleteAttribute(chr, "");
CopyAttributes(chr, ch);
chr.index = chridx;
DeleteAttribute(ch, "");
if (!CheckAttribute(chr,"quest.officerprice")) chr.quest.officerprice = 0;//PB
if (isSoldier(chr) > -1) {
  chr.model.uniform = chr.model;
  int iNation = sti(chr.nation);
  string model = "m" + sti(chr.model);
  if (iNation >= 0 && iNation < NATIONS_QUANTITY) model = Nations[iNation].fantomModel.(model);
  if (iNation == PERSONAL_NATION) model = characters[GetMainCharacterIndex()].Soldier.(model);
  SetModel(chr, model, chr.sex, chr.sex, 0.0, false);
        TakeItemFromCharacter(chr, GetCharacterEquipByGroup(chr, BLADE_ITEM_TYPE));
        TakeItemFromCharacter(chr, GetCharacterEquipByGroup(chr, GUN_ITEM_TYPE));
        //ARF change: sword equip depends on nation char (later periods) i always put the less rare swords
        if(GetCurrentPeriod() >= PERIOD_GOLDEN_AGE_OF_PIRACY)
                case ENGLAND:
                    GiveItem2Character(chr, "blade39");//ARF: Gold Handled Naval Dirk, awesome looking (available from golden age of piracy)
                case FRANCE:
                    GiveItem2Character(chr, "blade3");//ARF: Badelaire (available in all periods but guards get later)
                case SPAIN:
                    GiveItem2Character(chr, "blade47");//ARF: Light Tizona (available in all periods but guards get later)
                case PORTUGAL:
                    GiveItem2Character(chr, "blade29");//ARF: Portuguese Officer's Sword (available in all periods but guards get later)
                case HOLLAND:
                    GiveItem2Character(chr, "blade26");//ARF: Solingen Rapier (available from spannish main but guards get later)
                case AMERICA:
                    GiveItem2Character(chr, "blade27");//ARF: Bosun's Choice {no faction} (available from golden age of piracy)
                case PIRATE:
                    GiveItem2Character(chr, "blade50");//ARF: Venetian Navy Cutlass {pirate sword} (available from golden age of piracy)
                // default:
                    GiveItem2Character(chr, "blade36");//ARF: hunting sword (all periods available) only for "non regular" nation
            GiveItem2Character(chr, "pistolmket"); //musket for periods from golden age of piracy
            chr.equip.gun = FindCharacterItemByGroup(chr, GUN_ITEM_TYPE);
            if (ENABLE_AMMOMOD)
                TakenItems(chr, "gunpowder", 1 + rand(2));
                TakenItems(chr, "musketbullets", 1 + rand(1));
        //ARF: sword equip depends on nation char (for earlier period) i always put the less rare swords
                case ENGLAND:
                    GiveItem2Character(chr, "blade22");//ARF: Corsair's Pride (available all periods but guards get earlier)
                case FRANCE:
                    GiveItem2Character(chr, "blade9");//ARF: French Admiralty Rapier (not available after golden age of piracy)
                case SPAIN:
                    GiveItem2Character(chr, "blade16");//ARF: Tizona (not available after golden age of piracy)
                case PORTUGAL:
                    GiveItem2Character(chr, "blade15");//ARF: Iberian Longsword (not available after golden age of piracy)
                case HOLLAND:
                    GiveItem2Character(chr, "blade23");//ARF: Dutch Admiralty Sword (available all periods but guards get earlier)
                case AMERICA:
                    GiveItem2Character(chr, "blade10");//ARF: piranha {no faction} (not available after golden age of piracy anyway AMERICA doesnt exist early)
                case PIRATE:
                    GiveItem2Character(chr, "blade6");//ARF: Schiavona {pirate sword} (not available after colonial power)
                // default:
                    GiveItem2Character(chr, "blade36");//ARF: hunting sword (all periods available) only for "non regular" nation
            GiveItem2Character(chr, "pistol1"); //ARF: short pistol for earlier periods
            chr.equip.gun = FindCharacterItemByGroup(chr, GUN_ITEM_TYPE);
            if (ENABLE_AMMOMOD)
                TakenItems(chr, "gunpowder", 1 + rand(2));
                TakenItems(chr, "pistolbullets", 1 + rand(1));
        chr.equip.blade = FindCharacterItemByGroup(chr, BLADE_ITEM_TYPE);

out of subject: also what happend to the modding sub forum ? i cant see it
out of subject: also what happend to the modding sub forum ? i cant see it
Can you access it now? I've just tweaked the permissions to allow Modders to see it. Looks like Keith forgot to set that back up properly.
Bugs ho!

  • Blacksmith_4 and Blacksmith_6 show face-pics of completely different models than themselves.
  • (Could well be a Native game bug) Sometimes my meager spyglass turns into Keppler's telescope and I can see clearly the flags on ships up to 3000 yards away (see screenie 1 with bug and 2 without upon reload)
    Keppler.jpg NoKeppler.jpg
  • Any way to enable saving during combat? Because the game does still randomly crash and it's utterly hearbreaking that when you're fighting an English xebec, barque, war galleon and a Pirate xebec and snow brig, and manage to sink the barque, mine one xebec, board the other xebec, clear the first deck, then freeze and crash. Saving in between would have certainly saved a lot of banging-head-against-wall.
Ahh, the spyglass bug. It recently happened to me and I have already forgotten what triggered it. Do you know that if you deselect your spyglass you will still have a generic one? A weak one is better than one that is far too powerful.

Since boardings are still shaky and crash prone, being able to save there might be a good idea. Methinks it was once considered a cheat to be able to save there.
If you think these above are usable, please tell me who to send them to.
I can't view the images you're referring to unless I right-click and choose 'view image', just so you're aware.
I definitely think they're worth using, so if you could upload the files then that would be great. :onya
Before the forum upgrade, I would have said you could use our FTP, but Keith has since moved away from that in favour of Dropbox-like services, which you could use.
However, I think he mentioned something about this new format including a file sharing platform of some sort, so watch this space...
I can't view the images you're referring to unless I right-click and choose 'view image', just so you're aware.
I definitely think they're worth using, so if you could upload the files then that would be great. :onya
Before the forum upgrade, I would have said you could use our FTP, but Keith has since moved away from that in favour of Dropbox-like services, which you could use.

The forum transfer made pics go away. I relinked them they should work now, no?
Flags post.

Here is the dropbox linque: https://www.dropbox.com/s/6v05t7aovdyt932/imppnt-trig.zip
Does it work or have I got some settings wrong?

For the in game personal flag choice, I'd recommend making them available (for the variety of it all) split into sub conversation menus if possible:

"I want to talk about flags, bla bla bla..."​
"We have flags of major powers." -->​
"Select one:​
Russia, Poland (Poland-Lithuania), Habsburgs (Austria), Prussia, Sweden, Denmark-Norway, Venice, Turkey"​
(two sets for early and late game periods)​
"We have flags of independent lands." -->​
"Select one:​
Scotland, Malta, Naples, Savoia, Sicily, Genoa, Tuscany, Ragusa"​
(same for all periods)​
"We have flags of lands that hope to become independent." -->​
"Select one:​
Brandenburg, Hannover, Ireland, Wales, Lithuania, The Hansa, Spanish Holland, Your own custom flag (to change, edit the last flag in impflg4 and imppnt4)"​
(same for all periods)​

Yes? No? Maybe? ;)

Flags of lands (if they don't display correctly on previous page still):
PlayerFlags01.jpg IndependentFlags.jpg

Also Bugs ho!
  • Captured an English captain who had Corsairs Pride sword and some brace of pistols equipped. Next thing I see all my officers have same sword and pistols, even if I previously equipped them with different (sometimes more valuable) stuff.
  • And at the same while England's attitude towards me went from Hostile (-67) to Neutral (-20), even though it was an English sloop I looted and sunk.
the .zip file contains fixed LAi_equip.c (weapon period for all encoutered character) and nearly fixed character_init.c (with town guard code, the only problem is for early periods, guards have "late periods" faction so they get the wrong faction weapons, it doesnt make errors, so fully playable) for who is interested about my weapons fixes


  • weapon_period.zip
    8.4 KB · Views: 123
The forum transfer made pics go away. I relinked them they should work now, no?
Flags post.

Here is the dropbox linque: https://www.dropbox.com/s/6v05t7aovdyt932/imppnt-trig.zip
Does it work or have I got some settings wrong?
The pictures still don't show up properly in that post, for some reason.
On the other hand, your Dropbox link does work. :onya

For the in game personal flag choice, I'd recommend making them available (for the variety of it all) split into sub conversation menus if possible:

"I want to talk about flags, bla bla bla..."​
"We have flags of major powers." -->​
"Select one:​
Russia, Poland (Poland-Lithuania), Habsburgs (Austria), Prussia, Sweden, Denmark-Norway, Venice, Turkey"​
(two sets for early and late game periods)​
"We have flags of independent lands." -->​
"Select one:​
Scotland, Malta, Naples, Savoia, Sicily, Genoa, Tuscany, Ragusa"​
(same for all periods)​
"We have flags of lands that hope to become independent." -->​
"Select one:​
Brandenburg, Hannover, Ireland, Wales, Lithuania, The Hansa, Spanish Holland, Your own custom flag (to change, edit the last flag in impflg4 and imppnt4)"​
(same for all periods)​

Yes? No? Maybe? ;)
That would be a good way of categorising them, yes. Might have to wait for Pieter to comment on it though; he knows more about that dialogue than I do.
With the flags, we'd first have to update the code to allow more than 6 different personal flags in one period.
Pirate_KK has code for that, but I haven't got it working yet in Beta 2. Something for the next two months to try...

Saving in battle is disabled on purpose because it is buggy.
Some things that are important in battle cannot be saved, so when you reload, you won't enter the exact same situation.
For example, your sails are automatically set if I recall and your cannons already loaded.
This happens when not in battle too, but then it's not so much of a concern.