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Just for fun.locations[FindLocation(Pchar.location)].box1.items.red_uniform = 1; //mycket snygg kostym, ihoplagd, aldrig använd
locations[FindLocation(Pchar.location)].box1.items.sextant = 1; //kvadrant
locations[FindLocation(Pchar.location)].box1.items.tin_jug = 1; //liten tennkanna
locations[FindLocation(Pchar.location)].box1.items.tobacco = 3; //flera tobaksflätor
locations[FindLocation(Pchar.location)].box1.items."pistol9+2" = 2; //2 par mycket vackra pistoler
locations[FindLocation(Pchar.location)].box1.items.silver_bar = 1; //silvertacka
locations[FindLocation(Pchar.location)].box1.items.clock1 = 1; //gammal spansk klocka och (1 el 2 itms)
locations[FindLocation(Pchar.location)].box1.items.foreign_items = 1; //några andra småsaker av ringa värde
locations[FindLocation(Pchar.location)].box1.items.drawing_kit = 1; //cirkelbestick av mässing
locations[FindLocation(Pchar.location)].box1.items.strange_shells = 1; //5 el 6 underliga snäckor
locations[FindLocation(Pchar.location)].box1.items.package = 1; //gammal sjömanskappa, med oljedukspaket (karta + anteckningsbok)
locations[FindLocation(Pchar.location)].box1.items.temp_purse = 2660; //påse med pengar
Is that what it says in the novel?In WoodesRogers I have this "Stephenson's chest" conating exactly what was in Billy Bones Seachest.
You should give it another try with a fresh perspective. Maybe you were just not in the mood. Next time crank up some Chieftains in the background for total immersionI haven't read it in forever.
In fact, I don't think I ever finished.
For some reason it didn't quite draw me in.
Same here. For many years in my youth I thought of it as the best novel ever.Coincidentally I also have a deep affection for "Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hide" by the same author.
Yes yes yes. Black Dog, BlindPew indeed very good stuff.the 1990s film adaptation
That's the kind of memory I loveGoldbug. When I was fourteen (1968) my parents bought a new summer house. In the attic I found a very badly used copy of Poe's short stories.
Since then I read the Goldbug again now and then.
Thank you so much, lad! It means a lotNicely done Tempesta. Thanks for making me aware of this silent film version. I enjoyed your comparison of the film’s stills with the novel.