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Mod Release The Smart Start Mod Version 75: New starting gear for Charles! (CHEAT CODES TOO!) (dlc compatible)

Open shipini and search makeref(refShip,ShipsTypes, and continue to search until you see what you want like, for example a frigate
Open benua and search pchar.Ship.Type = GenerateShipHand(pchar, since there is a schooner and a Spanish Galleon, you will want to replace the Galleon so change the Galleon refid into Frigate refid like this pchar.Ship.Type = GenerateShipHand(pchar, SHIP_FRIGATE_H. The numbers that follow are: "max caliber of cannon the ship can carry. deadweight (cargo weight), max crew, HP (this is unmodified so the actual HP you get will be bigger since the ship has the HP upgrade, if you don't want just remove or replace it with the max number of crew upgrade), price (shipyard always buy at lower price and you don't want to sell your unique ship so just leave it), speed rate, min crew, turn rate.)
This is the ship I replace the galleon
pchar.Ship.Type = GenerateShipHand(pchar, SHIP_LSHIP_ENG, 42, 37000, 937, 8200, 20000, 28.2, 56.0, 70.42);
And English ship of the line.
If you need more detail, i'll write one and send you a file. But I think this is easy enough. I got my file here so you can compare with the unmod file.


  • Benua.c
    56.5 KB · Views: 397
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I think I got it all. Thanks!! I'm guessing the last 3 sets of numbers are max speed, turn rate and against the wind? Only have one question. Where do I put the ship_init.c file?
You don't have to put the shipini if you use the abbot to get the ship. Just change the ship that will be spawned in the benua.c file, then go to the abbot and get the ship.
Right and I understand that. One of the very few things that annoys me is captain's cabins. The bigger the ship the less places you have to store stuff. I didn't see anyway that could be changed with the abbot, but it can be changed in the ship_init.c file.
The captain cabin on big ship have at least 2 trunk and 2 locker to store item (but all item will be move into a same storage whenever you change ship). If you mean less carry weight, you can also change it in the benua file, though just the ships that you get from the abbot. If you want to change the carry weight of all ship, you'll have to change the entire shipinit, after you've changed it, put the file in PROGRAM/ships. Then add a command line in the file NewStartKit_Cheater.ini. PROGRAM\ships\shit_init.c
But if I remember correctly, the change you made in the shipinit will also affect the npc ship, so as the result they will carry more. Thus I think only change the ship you get from the abbot is the better choice.
Hello, I would like to ask if there is a way to reload the files in program folder other than starting a new game? For example changing weight of an item in initGoods.c or indeed changing a value in ship_init.c and having that change appear in current savegame. Thank you.
You'd have to add the PotC Build Mod reinitialise functionality.
I've got no clue how possible that would be in this game, but if you have the code, there will probably be a way.
No idea Azthek, that's something I want to know too. xD But it seem it's not possible, and I don't want to risk trying mod or code because I also don't want to reinstall the game again.
Discover how to set the indian officer immortal, in the dialogs\russian\Quest\Sharlie\Tichingitu.c, change the line LAi_SetImmortal(npchar, false); into LAi_SetImmortal(npchar, true); and he is immortal, swarm by dozen of enemies in a battle of 11 vs me and him (my crews are all dead because I take on a heavy frigate 205 vs 40), I let him be the bait and leisurely kill the pirate 1 by 1.
@Nelsonliang would you mind uploading a copy of Tichingitu.c and if you have it the one for Longway too. Kinda got screwed over on getting Longway, 90% of my officers as well as Charles is over level 30 and Longway spawned in at level 11, so it's kind of a pain in the butt to babysit him during boarding.
ok, both of them are put in the Sharlie folder. Not sure about Longway and other special npc you get from Dutch gambit (I haven't get that far), but I set them max stat and perk with only rank 1 to save money, so you can feel free too change it to your liking, just open OtherNPC and find them using their names.


  • OtherNPC.c
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  • Tichingitu.c
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Thanks Nelson it's much appreciated. I couldn't find any reference to Longway in the othernpc.c file. Really wishing I could see or have access to all these other files. Starting to think having the Steam version kinda sucks since we get just the minimum files.
well, Nita uploaded a zip file of all the decrypted PROGRAM, you can download it and do some modifying yourself, i'm going to test if I can increase the banker maximum about of deposit is working as I thought or not. If yes, I can deposit all my money in 1 banker for easier access.
page 2 name havefun.zip, but I will up load for you now, this is the unmodified PROGRAM so you should save it somewhere, mod and copy and paste so you don't mess up your current modded game.


  • PROGRAM_TEHO_1.6.0_ENG(22.6.18).zip
    4.3 MB · Views: 509
Again thanks a ton Nelson!!!! I did see the HaveFun file but the one I downloaded only had a few folders and sub folders and 2 files in it... This will help out so much. I did find Longway under the HollandQuest folder.
I change the officer stats for HollandGambit in this file instead of the separate file you find in Quest folder. I don't know whether this will work or not, but it seem possible. As the files in Quest folder are mostly trigger and dialog. So if your approach fail, try mine instead.


  • QuestsUtilite.c
    220.1 KB · Views: 516
Found away to increase the amount of peso and doubloon that Usurer can take. If anyone is interested, it's in the Usurer_dialog.c. By changing the value 1000 to something bigger, the usurer can take bigger deposit, so player don't neet to place deposit in multiple bank.
if ( (sti(Pchar.Quest.Deposits.(sDepositType1).Result) + sti(Pchar.QuestTemp.Deposits.(sDepositType1).Sum)) > sti(NPChar.UsurerDeposit)*1000)
The same goes for doubloon using this line , change 10 into bigger number
if ( (sti(Pchar.Quest.Deposits.(sDepositType2).Result) + sti(Pchar.QuestTemp.Deposits.(sDepositType2).Sum)) > sti(NPChar.UsurerDeposit)*10)
And this is the file, put in PROGRAM\dialogs\russian


  • Usurer_dialog.c
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