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The Smart Start Mod: Caribbean Legend Edition. New starting gear for Charles! (CHEAT CODES TOO!)


Sailor Apprentice
Storm Modder
New update as of 3/18/2025

It seems I have been working on this since 2017 back for sea dogs to each his own. Now it is back for Caribbean Legend!

THE CURRENT VERSION REQUIRES THE MOVEMENT UPDATE BETA, aka, beta version 1.4 or higher, as of 3.18.2025. When update is stable, it will be merged to main branch.

Caribbean Legend Edition is also live on steam workshop!

screenshots are on the steam workshop page. i am too lazy to post them on here too.

The mod allows you to obtain cheats from the priest guy on starting island after talking to fatass fadey. They will cost you some doubloons though. It also allows you to get better gear at the very start. Getting the loan from priest in church is the recommended way to fully experience mod in full. Besides, no one wants to spend 6 hours on a rock in the middle of nowhere, now do they ;)

Some services of the Holy Church include: Immortality, new companions, absolution, promotions in the french navy, money, power, weaponry, new ships, crew, slaves, whores, and more!

You will have to advance to talk with fatass fadey first for any cheats to work. You also get the starting gear from priest if you skip tutorial. Equipment Is not under warranty.

The Latest version of mod is version 85.

it also now comes packed with two text files, where you can copy paste a certain section of code to get cheat prices or default prices. cheat is 1 doubloon each thing, and regular is more than 1 dubloon. any copy pasting goes in benua.c file in mod directory

to run it without steam workshop, you need to use the extract the overlays.txt file from the .zip and drag it to the main directory.

Old Version Changelogs, for archival reasons and to show how long I have been working on this pos:

Changelog 10/25/2017 8:58 am:

Better start gear

less start money

included potions of health

changes readme from .rtf to .txt

changes packing of mod from .rar to .zip

Changelog 10/28/2017 9.21 am:

removed the other files for being overly op, and there are now only two downloads. It simplifies stuff.

changelog 10/28/2017 5:36 pm:

final public version uploaded. Will continue to update though

Deleted download for version 6, and it is replaced with version 7

changelog 10/30/2017 10:27 am:

deleted version 7 and naval officer edition, and put in a main single version, version 10

changelog 10/30/2017 8:37 pm:

Final update to public version. version ten now has start ship changed, and fix for regatta quest...i think.

changelog 10/31/2017 10:06 am:

Fixed a broken quest from fadey and regatta should be fixed...again...i hope

requires new save

changelog 10/31/2017 1:31 pm:

Fixed regatta.....again...i i swear upon me mum.

requires new save

changelog 11/1/2017 10:08 am:

Updated to latest patch.

requires new save

changelog 11/2/2017 10:08 am:

Updated to latest patch. and made open beta downloadable

requires new save

changelog 11/2/2017 5:40 pm:

Fixed a folk dulc bug

changelog 11/3/2017 4:58 pm:

added community cheat codes

changelog 11/5/2017 8:32 am:

added more community cheat codes

fixed broken dialog

removed old variants to clear up space

added version 18

changelog 11/5/2017 10:07 pm:

added more community cheat codes

added version 20

Nerfed super start for reasons i will not explain

changelog 11/6/2017 10:47 pm:

Fixed major bug

added version 21

changelog 11/6/2017 10:47 pm:

Fixed multiple UNKNOWN TO ME PREVIOUSLY major bugs involving the new npc's

added version 2 accordingly

changelog 12/16/2017 10:47 pm:

fixed a major bug

made it working again

gutted some features for the moment.

added version 23

changelog 10/19/2019 10:47 pm:

Updated version number to latest version of game. no other changes

changelog 2/19/2020 2:28 pm:

removed punacie giving you new gear, now the priest guy does when you get money from him. This was to future proof this mod for future dlc update if it changes stuff.

added new cheat to raise all skills on right side on screen to 100 (aka max)

changelog 3/9/2020 2:28 pm:

Updated to 1.7.0 english version of game. Final mod update until/unless game is updated.

changelog 8/26/2020 6:21 pm:

i lied it seems. I added colt pistol and ammo as options for a cheat, along with a quick bug fix. because i can

changelog 8/26/2020 8:51 pm:

now also used rpgutil file and changes special to 100 each, and fixed blessed ship bug.

changelog 8/27/2020 7:31 am:

minor changes to random and unique companions hired by priest guy. Unique looks more military and less like a crooked government person, while random is more distinguished. Changed the map from starting gear back to old version, but added a option from priest to get new, better map, if you have enough dubloons

changelog 1/6/2021 8:50 am:

uploaded brand new fixed version, start with most perks unlocked at start, and halved special points at start, to allow level ups. sorry for the screwup i never noticed.

changelog 1/10/2021 7:10 pm:

uploaded brand new fixed version, start with most perks unlocked at start, start with 10 special points in each category at the very start, to allow level ups. Yiou also start at lvl 25, and i borrowed some code from this forum thread for this, so many thanks to person who posted it, i tweaked it a bit, so its not too op at start. Also, i added a new custom npc you can recruit. who gives you weapons for a price, anywhere and any time, when he is in the field with you.

changelog 1/11/2021 1:48 pm:

Same shit as before, except in version 46 you now start with 4 barrel pistol instead of colts when choosing start 4. I left prior version up for anyone who wants ot still start with colts.

changelog 1/12/2021 7:28 pm:

Added new custom npc and ability to get promoted in french navy. Removed most of the stuff involving renown and other trait, to betterl et people choose their own evil pathi f they want

changelog 1/13/2021 2:10 pm:

Added ability to get pardoned in any nation, by way of the church. also, confessional.

changelog 1/13/2021 10:50 pm:

Cleaned up text and code, and added ability to buy gold bars from the priest. Gold Bar Price is a work in progress.

changelog 1/15/2021 4:54 pm:

Cleaned up text and code even more, and added another custom npc.

changelog 1/31/2021 6:24 pm:

Cleaned up text , and custom npc now refer to you by title if one is owned. Also, removed massive start level but made it so you can gain more experience in all forms via priest.

changelog 3/21/2021 10:32 pm:

Updated to newest update of game, which is in beta as of time of writing this. also added a small thing and tweaked code.

changelog 6/30/2021 7:37 am:

Updated to newest update of game, which is in beta as of time of writing this. I also made some major changes to code and stuff that can be done with mod. Also organized options for priest and expanded them. Governor Chubbie now grants starting gear on release from prison at start, but priest can still give the generous loan if you skip tutorial. You now need to earn most skills in game. also, new game is required to use all new features.

changelog 11/1/2021 8:22 am:

Updated to newest update of game, which is 1.7.3 and is final update pending the release of legendary edition of the game. i hope people have fun :)

changelog 11/2/2021 9:56 am:

Added ability to obtain a corvette from the priest guy, and updated readme. I also removed the old downloads, which were highly outdated. Otherwise there are no other significant changes.

changelog 11/7/2021 4:16 pm:

Added ability to have a reputation changing sermon done, but more importantly, i fixed a bug which was hindering Spanish relations solution stuff. sorry for that

changelog 5/11/2024 12:40 pm:

Added ability to have a get ship upgrade materials from church. also fixed some random crap, and tweaked new gear you get from various sources related to this mod

changelog 12/22/2024 5:27 pm:

Fixed some bugs and removed a file that i accidentally included in prior version

changelog 2/10/2025 1:27 am:

reuploaded due to uploading wrong broken version before. again. sorry.

changelog 2/11/2025 12:26 am:

slight bugs fixed and some new features i made due to being bored.

the attached .zip files are what you need to use. Follow the instructions in the readme. I am not giving any more info than this. The Readme will explain it all :D


  • overlays.txt
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  • overlay_SmartStartModCaribbeanLegend_beta.zip
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