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    Maelstrom New Horizons

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Released the one and fifty three

Would anyone be willing to swap out the crests? Just so we can get a bit more varied use?
These ships should show up as pirates also. In fact the old model is the most numerous pirate ships I have normally encountered.
Are pirates supposed to use galleons?
I'm not sure if it's historically accurate, but I'm no expert on this. :shrug
I guess it would make sense for the more successful pirates, but in general it might be too good a ship for them to use.
Thinking about it further, it makes more sense for pirates to possess merchant vessels, seeing as they were the ships often hunted down for their cargo.
So, going by that idea, I doubt this galleon is worthy of pirate use, being a navy ship by design.

Also, we need to keep in mind that the three Revenges don't have identical stats, because they were intended to replace the roles of Galeon5 and Galeon5W, which were exclusively English ships.
So if we do make them available to different navies, we'll need to adjust the stats to make things fair for each nation.
Galleon is a hull type, and historically pirates used them just like other seafarers of the era. :)
For the sake of my folder renaming, which of the Revenge's has taken over the role of the different Galeon5 versions?
Some debate is needed for this. I tentatively set Revenge1 as a merchant ship. She has the smallest crew and largest cargo capacity. Revenge2 is a smaller ship with a larger crew, and Revenge3 has the historically accurate crew size.

They are based on the old English galleons overall tho.
I'm thinking if maybe we should name them:

RN_RevengeM (merchant)
RN_RevengeW (war)
RN_RevengeF (fast)
RN_Revenge (regular)
Depending on what ends up being the most appropriate.

Just to distinguish between the different stats; we may want to see this reflected in different refShip.SName lines as well.
I suppose we can use some of these descriptors:
string = GaleonEng,"English Galleon"
string = GaleonEngW,"English War Galleon"
string = GaleonEngHW,"English Heavy War Galleon"
string = GaleonEngF,"English Fast Galleon"
string = GaleonEngFW,"English Fast War Galleon"
Renaming the Revenge models would make sense. I think this is how it went with the old Galeon5 models:
  • ID = Galeon5: English Galleon (merchant-based stats)
  • ID = Galeon5W: English War Galleon (naval stats)
  • ID = Galeon5FW: English Fast War Galleon (naval stats + extra speed) (this was another variant of Galeon5W done through code)
So either we can follow on from those stats with the Revenge models, or we can maybe keep two versions for England and give the other one to other navies?
I'll need to check how other navies use galleons of this period, to see if it would benefit them to have a new model.
I'll leave the decision up to you then; let me know what it'll be and I'll adjust the models and code accordingly. :doff
How about this?

- Revenge1 -> RN_Revenge: English Galleon (merchant stats)
- Revenge2 -> RN_RevengeW: English War Galleon (naval stats)
- Revenge2 -> FR_RevengeW: French War Galleon (naval stats) [coded double, or make above ship generic?]
- Revenge3 -> RN_RevengeF: English Fast War Galleon (naval stats + extra speed)

I figured that Spain already has more than enough galleons of its own, including the Apostol Felipe and SP_BattleGalleon, so they don't need any more! xD:
Portugal can make more use of the Spanish galleons if need be; I'm not entirely sure how much they use them at the moment.
The ship doesn't suit the Dutch navy very well either, but I think Revenge2 could pass off as a French galleon, because the colour scheme looks less English than the others.
So the end result has the English navy using all three ships, with Revenge2 also being available to the French.

The question is, do we want to use different names for Revenge2 depending on the nation?
She could be doubled using code in ships_init.c and have two different refShip.SName lines for this, or we could simply make the ship available to both nations and give her a generic name.
Either way, we'll need to replace or remove the stern crest so she can be used by France.
I'd say coded double isn't necessary; just a generic type name should do.
Alternatively, we keep all of them for England only and just give each the appropriate type and folder names.
OK then, let's keep them exclusive to England with different stats for now, just because it saves code and texture modifications. :onya
Alright then; simple does the trick. Let me know if you or anyone knows what to do with the folder names.
Is it going to be this?

- Revenge1 -> RN_Revenge: English Galleon (merchant stats)
- Revenge2 -> RN_RevengeW: English War Galleon (naval stats)
- Revenge3 -> RN_RevengeF: English Fast War Galleon (naval stats + extra speed)
Yep, that should work as far as I'm, concerned. :yes
You could also add an 'M' to the first Revenge to clarify its purpose, if you want.
I have been sailing this ship in PotC for a while; just wanted to say - Thank you for such an amazing ship. She is really beautiful.

Whoever did the walkfile is a god :bow :bow - - being able to walk all over the ship ( & try the view from the tiller ) even right out to the bow & rear balcony is awesome.

Yes, that is probably the best ship in the game. :onya

Other very nice ships are the class 6 light fluyt, the Nepyunus heavy brig, and the FWzP. I haven't been able to sail the Wicked Wench yet, but she looks good too.