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The Final Lesson


Terrain Machine
3D Artist
Terrain Sculptor
So, I finally decided to go for the dutch gambit and I don't care much now as to which path to follow. I noticed the conversation on this thread is switching to the "Final Lesson" DLC, I thought it was important to keep the thread that way, so I also changed the title
So, after the Final Lesson DLC, I started a new game, so that I fix the "sail to" problem I had, and most importantly, be able to play the new quests!

After I finished the final lesson, the dutch gambit goes next, and here I am in a dilemma on which path to follow, the Dutch, the English, or the Secret Org.?

Is there somebody who can make a list with the awards/loots/winnings that you get on each quest? I remember the DWIC one, as I had played it before, but what about the other quests? I guess it is balanced, but I would really like to know what you get from each quest.
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We need to start a new game for the final lesson dlc to work ?
No, but you need to be level 12 or lower to play the quests... And for the final quest (final lesson), that you get after completing the five first, you need to be no higher than 14. You also must not have initiated the dutch gambit quest, nor having talked to brother just before that. I know... it's quite a harsh restiriction.:(
I started a new game before i bought the dlc i was level 4 and now i keep plaing the same character . Now i am level 7 but i cant find any new quest giver . Can someone tell me theyr location ?
A banker will give you Slave Trader quest, but later mission is bugged. Recommend this quest when you have a very good navigator or good navigation skill.
Quest givers Schedule:
8.00 - 20.00 - Saint Pierre
8.00 - 15.00 - Basse-Terre.
8.00 - 21.00 - Kapstervil.
8.00 - 20.00 - Port-au-Prince.
10.00 - 16.00 - Tortuga.
Saint-Pierre (bonus, after you complete all the 5 above)

(translate to english)
This thread is a bit confusing. And it confused me. If anyone is just starting out and wants to know more about the DLC - Final Lesson this is what you need to know.

The DLC is not called the Slave trader quest. I thought it was after seeing one sentence here on the thread. And after I couldn't get enough slaves by the time I reached the level 12 I thought I failed the quest and started a new game.

The Final Lesson DLC consists of five small, individually independent quests. First one is called Resin Dog and you get the quest in St. Pierre as soon as you disembark in the city.
Second one is called something like "Homecoming". You get it in Tortuga from the Governor's wife as soon as you disembark as well.
The third one is Grand Albalate and you get it in the Port-au-Prince tavern.
The 4th and 5th quests I haven't completed. I read in the Russian forum you get it in Capsterville and Basse-Terre.

Again, it has nothing to do with the Slave trader quest. And you can probably play the Slave trader quest by the time you are higher than level 12.

Do not make my mistake.

And again, thank you, for God knows what time SD:TEHO, for pointing this out to me. You are like my first officer here! :)
You are welcome!

Just 2 more things:

1. As i said: Slave trader quest is absolutely level/rang free. That means that you can always play it, even at rang 40 for example.

2. You are free to choose with which quest or city to start from. There is no order and they have all different difficulties. That means that you should keep a save game at level 4 and if you find one quest to difficult at the moment because of your low skills or whatever, just turn back and choose another one.
Thank you. It is so important to have a good crew on board. And I am glad to have you as my first officer.

I just have one question? Do you wanna get paid in pesos or in doublons? :)
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Feel free to ask me everything at every time about the whole game because i played it already twice and can hardly wait for the release of the new DLC "Flying the Jolly Roger" that must be played after one of the 3 Dutch Gambits and before you start the "Pirate Saga". This game is absolutely addicting to me!

Feel free to ask me everything at every time about the whole game because i played it already twice and can hardly wait for the release of the new DLC "Flying the Jolly Roger" that must be played after one of the 3 Dutch Gambits and before you start the "Pirate Saga". This game is absolutely addicting to me!
Wow!! Amazing!! You really played it twice?? Thanks in advance for your great help!! :thumbs1