a word wivye: thingy, bamboo is alrigh', inni? as I said, make it a lil thinner and any rodent still with its wits about it would take another vessel to get away from the rain season. Where we're at the heart of my marbelingos. the paintings near the water-line are coming off in flakes. Why, one thought this is a dreamship. Donno what sea-life is pondering upon, hmm, well. it's pretty easy that sumphing can be done about it, what you reckon? tinge it oh please with specks of aquamarine, teal, emerald colours. Care about the other ships when you want to cruise the big waters. Ya ya, me knows, paddling on a class eight surfboard, one keg o' rum, fishing-rod and a net lets one really wish for a lonely island to erupt suddenly in ear-sight range, the rats and frogs can become quite a vexing problem.
If someone could point out a link where any pupil in starting to fiddle in mods and such might get enough courage, insights and results for saying more on the subject. Tried scan and paste, the propeller from the processor flew off like a loose balloon in a sprightly winter-storm.
*phrows a bottle of message at the silly sea-gulls*
...now, these are pretty agile soms. Hey, they picked up on a signal:
ah, a bit of fog and no winds for a change of gear. Luwwits, la'ers me rowlerskaters
If someone could point out a link where any pupil in starting to fiddle in mods and such might get enough courage, insights and results for saying more on the subject. Tried scan and paste, the propeller from the processor flew off like a loose balloon in a sprightly winter-storm.
*phrows a bottle of message at the silly sea-gulls*
...now, these are pretty agile soms. Hey, they picked up on a signal:

ah, a bit of fog and no winds for a change of gear. Luwwits, la'ers me rowlerskaters