new from DA, the most epic spider battle ever:
Sunday morning i awake in a bleary state, hungover and generally feeling like sh*t. I head into the kitchen to fetch some coffee. Once the coffee is acquired i head towards the study to get on the computer. As i'm walking there i notice a spider walking along a pillar in the house. I stop. It stops. We stare at each other.
"Okay you little bastard" I say, and run for the Fly Spray. I come back and it's gone. At this point i think it's critical to point out i'm deathly afraid of spiders, to the point of near arachnophobia. The little prick has scampered off, and i can't find him.
Later that night i'm drinking some coke, and i leave the bottle on the bench and go to watch TV. I run out and head back to get more coke, and the little f**ker is sitting there perched on the coke bottle, just looking at me, saying "Yeah what? I'm on your bottle. Bitch." So i consult face book
Mattyohh Found the missing spider. It is currently sitting on my bottle of coke. Touche you little bastard, touche.
Sun at 22:59 · Comment · Like
I get about 21 comments, all of them saying or agreeing with other people on flamethrowering it. So i go and grab a can of deodorant, come back and torch the cunt off my coke.
It ran off to die, well i assumed so, until about 15 minutes ago. When i saw it, in my bathroom, on my shower door. Clearly a deodorant flamer wasn't being enough to kill the cunt. So i grab my massive can of hairspray, and and another can of deodorant, and i spray it with both of them. It's running down the shower door coming at me, so i throw down the deodorant, and rip out my lighter, and then WHOOOSHHHHHHH Flames erupt, and cause this f**ker had been sprayed quite heavily with flammable liquid it burst into flames, and fire ran up the shower door, and this thing hit the floor on fire, so i sprayed it more, and more, and torched it more.
And it's dead now, but it had this look on it's face like "Well played worthy adversary" or, "I layed eggs in your pillow"
Complaint: Now i have to clean scorch marks off my bathroom floor before my dad sees it.
tl;dr epic spider battle, AND I WON