All you need to do is to open PROGRAM\Ships\ships_init.c (I think this applies to AoP as well), make a copy of an existing entry and change it for the Black Pearl.
As an example I have here for you my PotC entry:<!--c1--><div class='codetop'>CODE</div><div class='codemain'><!--ec1--> //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Black Pearl by Kazeite
refShip.Name = "BlackPearl";
refShip.BigPicTex = 1;
refShip.BigPicTexName = "SHIPS1";
refShip.SName = "BlackPearl"; = refShip.Name;
refShip.Nation = PIRATE;
refShip.unique = true;
refShip.Class = 3;
refShip.Walk = "BlackPearl";
refShip.Cannon = CANNON_TYPE_LONG_LBS24;
refShip.MaxCaliber = 24;
refShip.Weight = Tonnes2CWT(1100);
refShip.Capacity = 2200;
refShip.CannonsQuantity = 36;
refShip.Cannons.Borts.cannonf.qty = 2;
refShip.Cannons.Borts.cannonb.qty = 2;
refShip.MaxCrew = 300;
refShip.MinCrew = 60;
refShip.SpeedRate = 16.8;
refShip.TurnRate = 36.5;
refShip.Price = 180000;
refShip.HP = 7000;
refShip.SP = 100;
// KK -->
refShip.EmblemedSails.normalTex = "sail_whole_black_patch1.tga";
refShip.EmblemedSails.nationFileName = "sail_whole_black_patch2.tga";
refShip.Viper_SailsTypeType = 5;
refShip.Viper_SailsTypeModel = 0;
refShip.Viper_SailsTypeColour = 2;
refShip.Viper_SailsTypeDesign = 0;
// refShip.AbordageLocation = "BOARDING_BATTLESHIP";
refShip.BI.Tex = 14;
refShip.BI.Pic = 0;
refShip.QDeck = "ShipDeck6";
refShip.CannonsDeck = 2;
refShip.CargoHold = 1;
refShip.Cabin = "Cabin4"; // Thomas the Terror
// <-- KK
refShip.Type.Trade = false;
refShip.Type.War = true;
refShip.CanBuy = false;
refShip.CanEncounter = false;
refShip.WaterLine = 0.3;
refShip.SpeedDependWeight = 0.3;
refShip.SubSeaDependWeight = 1.0;
refShip.InertiaAccelerationX = 0.4; refShip.InertiaBrakingX = 2.0;
refShip.InertiaAccelerationY = 10; refShip.InertiaBrakingY = 4;
refShip.InertiaAccelerationZ = 4.0; refShip.InertiaBrakingZ = 2.0;
refShip.Height.Bombs.Y = 1.0; refShip.Height.Bombs.DY = 0.5;
refShip.Height.Grapes.Y = 2.0; refShip.Height.Grapes.DY = 1.0;
refShip.Height.Knippels.Y = 10.0; refShip.Height.Knippels.DY = 8.0;
refShip.Height.Balls.Y = 1.0; refShip.Height.Balls.DY = 0.5;
refShip.GeraldSails.rey_b2 = 1;
refShip.GeraldSails.rey_b3 = 1;<!--c2--></div><!--ec2-->
As an example I have here for you my PotC entry:<!--c1--><div class='codetop'>CODE</div><div class='codemain'><!--ec1--> //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Black Pearl by Kazeite
refShip.Name = "BlackPearl";
refShip.BigPicTex = 1;
refShip.BigPicTexName = "SHIPS1";
refShip.SName = "BlackPearl"; = refShip.Name;
refShip.Nation = PIRATE;
refShip.unique = true;
refShip.Class = 3;
refShip.Walk = "BlackPearl";
refShip.Cannon = CANNON_TYPE_LONG_LBS24;
refShip.MaxCaliber = 24;
refShip.Weight = Tonnes2CWT(1100);
refShip.Capacity = 2200;
refShip.CannonsQuantity = 36;
refShip.Cannons.Borts.cannonf.qty = 2;
refShip.Cannons.Borts.cannonb.qty = 2;
refShip.MaxCrew = 300;
refShip.MinCrew = 60;
refShip.SpeedRate = 16.8;
refShip.TurnRate = 36.5;
refShip.Price = 180000;
refShip.HP = 7000;
refShip.SP = 100;
// KK -->
refShip.EmblemedSails.normalTex = "sail_whole_black_patch1.tga";
refShip.EmblemedSails.nationFileName = "sail_whole_black_patch2.tga";
refShip.Viper_SailsTypeType = 5;
refShip.Viper_SailsTypeModel = 0;
refShip.Viper_SailsTypeColour = 2;
refShip.Viper_SailsTypeDesign = 0;
// refShip.AbordageLocation = "BOARDING_BATTLESHIP";
refShip.BI.Tex = 14;
refShip.BI.Pic = 0;
refShip.QDeck = "ShipDeck6";
refShip.CannonsDeck = 2;
refShip.CargoHold = 1;
refShip.Cabin = "Cabin4"; // Thomas the Terror
// <-- KK
refShip.Type.Trade = false;
refShip.Type.War = true;
refShip.CanBuy = false;
refShip.CanEncounter = false;
refShip.WaterLine = 0.3;
refShip.SpeedDependWeight = 0.3;
refShip.SubSeaDependWeight = 1.0;
refShip.InertiaAccelerationX = 0.4; refShip.InertiaBrakingX = 2.0;
refShip.InertiaAccelerationY = 10; refShip.InertiaBrakingY = 4;
refShip.InertiaAccelerationZ = 4.0; refShip.InertiaBrakingZ = 2.0;
refShip.Height.Bombs.Y = 1.0; refShip.Height.Bombs.DY = 0.5;
refShip.Height.Grapes.Y = 2.0; refShip.Height.Grapes.DY = 1.0;
refShip.Height.Knippels.Y = 10.0; refShip.Height.Knippels.DY = 8.0;
refShip.Height.Balls.Y = 1.0; refShip.Height.Balls.DY = 0.5;
refShip.GeraldSails.rey_b2 = 1;
refShip.GeraldSails.rey_b3 = 1;<!--c2--></div><!--ec2-->