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Thagarr's Pirate News!

You know, I've been feeling like naming fictional ships after these unfortunate victims of crime for some time now. A perverse desire to avenge their fate I guess.

Facts like these should be posted regularly on BBC and CNN (and other news) sites; there's a lot of Haitian coverage right now but a dozen ships "missing" has significant international economic impact as well.
Thanks Captain Maggee, I dunno what the heck happened! :shrug

SWS, yeah, I don't know exactly why Reuters is the only one covering it, but I am glad someone at least is!
Off topic, any news on getting Stallion's blog started? I'm sure its a minor software glitch. Or just set the flag at the bottom to "publish" instead of "save as draft".
Keith had a look and everything appears to be fine from his end :shrug
Must be on my end, then.
I've tried both IE and Firefox, but both are the same. I'm thinking I'm missing something.
I've got it set that entries are to be saved automatically as "published", but it still refuses to save it in anything other than a draft in the blog entry creator/editor.
Okay try publishing that draft..... Or get Keith to publish it?

I'm itching to see what's behind the iron curtain..

Turkish navy saves Indian vessel from Somali pirates

Saturday, 16 January 2010 13:13

A Turkish frigate prevented a hijacking attempt Saturday by pirates to hijack a vessel in the Bay of Aden.

TCG Gokova serving in the international naval force against pirates, under NATO's Standing NATO Maritime Group 2, intervened a skiff pirate boat which opened fire on Indian vessel M/V JAL, in an hijacking attempt, 105 nautical miles off the coast.

Turkish Chief of Staff announced that TGC Gokova fended off the pirates with manoeuvres, and a chopper which took off from TGC Gokova and a team of underwater assault commandos seized the boat arresting 6 pirates along with their arms.

Original story here :
Shots fired as pirates squabble over ransom

Posted January 18, 2010 01:12:00

Rival Somali pirate gangs fired shots at each other on Sunday in a dispute over how to split any ransom for a hijacked Greek-flagged oil tanker with two million barrels of crude oil aboard.

Pirates from the semi-autonomous northern region of Puntland, who seized the Maran Centaurus in November, say they do not want to a share the spoils with pirate gangs in the pirate haven of Haradheere, where the vessel is moored.

But the tanker and its 28 hostages are now under the control of gunmen from Haradheere. The pirates from Puntland, aboard speedboats nearby, are threatening to set fire to the tanker if they miss out on any payment.

"We have risked our lives in hijacking the ship. These Haradheere men cannot deprive us of our rights," a pirate called Aden said.

"If need be, we shall start a fire as soon as the ransom is about to arrive."

The United Nation's shipping agency warned in December that if the tanker had an accident due to bad weather off the coast of Somalia it would create an "environmental catastrophe".

The ship's Greek management company says there are nine Greeks, two Ukrainians, one Romanian and 16 Filipinos on board.

Many residents fled the centre of the normally peaceful Haradheere on Sunday morning fearing violence could engulf the coastal town north of the capital -- or allow hardline Islamic insurgents to take advantage of the situation and move in.

"Our town was calm and booming but now we fear violence," local elder Abduallahi Ali said in a telephone interview.

"The pirates are well-armed and if they exchange fire it will affect the whole area."

Rest of the story here :

Oil tanker owners pay pirates up to $7.6m ransom

A RANSOM believed to be between $5.5 million and $7 million ($6-$7.6 million) for a Greek-flagged oil tanker was dropped onto the ship yesterday.

The tanker Maran Centaurus has two million barrels of oil on board.

The ransom is the largest ever paid to Somali pirates, who hijacked the tanker in November with 28 crew members on board.

"The ransom was brought in this afternoon and it is $US5.5 million," Ahmed Ganey, a member of the gang that hijacked the ship, said.

"The argument intensified when the ransom money was brought.

"Some of the pirates are on board the ship while others are on-shore and refusing anybody to get down or to go on board."

Andrew Mwangura of the East Africa Seafarers Assistance Programme said $US7 million had been dropped by a chopper.

A gang from Somalia's northern pirate lair of Harardhere demanded the lion's share of the spoil, a move disputed by those from Somalia's breakaway region of Puntland.

Start of sidebar. Skip to end of sidebar.

End of sidebar. Return to start of sidebar.

Members from both groups are holding the ship.

Ecoterra International, a green NGO that also monitors illegal maritime activities in the region, said a ransom had been paid, but did not specify the amount.

"The problem is now that the pirates on the vessel will not be able to return to the shore because of the infighting," it said.

"At present there is a stand-off and nobody can predict how the release will develop."

The Maran Centaurus was captured on November 29 near the Indian Ocean archipelago of the Seychelles while sailing from Kuwait to the Gulf of Mexico.

It is the second oil tanker captured by the rampaging Somali pirates, following the hijacking of the Sirius Star in November 2008 with a cargo estimated to be worth around $US100 million dollars.

The Sirius Star was released in January 2009.

Original story here :
This story just keeps getting even more interesting...

Latest breaking update:VLCC MARAN CENTAURUS

Reportedly the ransom delivery for VLCC MARAN CENTAURUS took place after the incident and the aircraft returned to drop the huge ransom at 16h45 local time (13h45 UTC). The problem is now that the pirates on the vessel will not be able to return to the shore, because of the infighting. At present there is a stand-off and nobody can predict how the release will develop.


Not yet officially confirmed reports from our maritime observers on the ground in Somalia say that the delivery of a huge, record-breaking ransom to the oil supertanker VLCC MARAN CENTAURUS failed.

While the delivery had earlier been scheduled for tomorrow, a change of plans launched it for today. But just before the estimated time of the air drop of the money four speedboats manned by a rival pirate militia from the central Somali coast tried to position themselves close to the tanker with the plan to snatch the ransom. Though a reuters report speaks of rival pirates from Puntland, local observers identified the attackers as HabrGedir Saleban, who hail from the same area of those who are presently holding the oil tanker.

Reportedly three helicopters from a nearby warship launched a counter-attack and fired upon the attacking speedboats whereby one of the boat drivers got injured. It is for sure a novum that naval helicopters interfere in the pirate quarrels among themselves, but certainly in this case it was warranted and highly necessary in order to avert an environmental disaster of extreme magnitude, which would be caused if the tanker would be hit and set on fire.

ECOTERRA Intl. had warned already in November of the serious danger the highjacked tanker poses to the marine and coastal ecosystems of the entire Indian Ocean coast of the Horn of Africa.
Since several days reports had transpired, which said the pirate groups were up in arms against each other concerning the sharing of the expected extraordinarily high ransom and it is certainly not safe to deliver a ransom unless a plan agreed by all sides is in place and a rear-guard is set up.

The helicopters managed to drive the rival group in their boats back to the shore and the delivery was called off.

VLCC MARAN CENTAURUS was seized on Nov. 29, 2009 near the Seychelles while sailing from Kuwait to the Gulf of Mexico. The tanker has a crew of 16 Filipinos, nine Greeks, two Ukrainians and one Romanian on board and is carrying around two million barrels of crude oil.

Already during the release of the last very large crude carrier, the VLCC SIRIUS STAR the delivery operation saw the death of six Somalis in a confused operation, which nearly caused that vessel not to be released.

Original story here :

The above story was posted on the 17'th, so I am assuming that other arrangements were made for the payment because according to the AFP...

Ransom paid to pirates for Greek supertanker

By Mustafa Haji Abdinur (AFP)

MOGADISHU — Somali pirates freed the Greek supertanker Maran Centaurus, one of the largest ships ever hijacked, after a plane dropped more than five million dollars in ransom on the deck.

The ransom sparked a deadly feud within the group of pirates delaying the release of the ship and its crew of 28 who were taken in the Indian Ocean on November 29.

"Maran Tankers Management Inc... report that the vessel was released by those holding her at 0830 local time today (0530 GMT)," the operators and managers of the Greek juggernaut said in a statement.

"The tanker with all crew on board is now under naval escort on route to a suitable safe port."

The European Union's anti-piracy naval mission said the FS Salamis warship had sent a helicopter to the Maran Centaurus for medical assistance and the freed vessel was headed for Durban in South Africa.

Ecoterra International, an environmental group that monitors illegal maritime activity in the region, said the last pirates left the supertanker early Monday.

"The stash of the record-breaking ransom (over seven million dollars) is reportedly now held in a heavily guarded house in Harardhere," the group said in a statement.

It added that pirates reportedly bragged about generously giving 500 dollars to each crew member -- 16 Filipinos, nine Greeks, two Ukrainians and a Romanian -- "for good cooperation".

"The ransom was brought in this afternoon and it is 5.5 million US dollars," Ahmed Ganey, a member of the gang that hijacked the ship, told AFP on Sunday.

He said that clashes broke out over the sharing of the bounty which several sources said resulted in two deaths.

Rest of the story here :
Somali Pirates Killed in Fight Over Ransom for Tanker

Jan. 19 (Bloomberg) -- At least three Somali pirates were killed and three others wounded in an overnight gun battle in the town of Haradhere over the sharing of a ransom paid for the release of a Greek-flagged supertanker, elders and pirates said.

“The fighting started during an argument over the dividing of the ransom paid for the ship,” Bashir Shiine Muse, a pirate who claims his group hijacked the Maran Centaurus, said by telephone from Haradhere today. “Three men died and three others were wounded during the crossfire. Local elders are trying to mediate between the two sides.”

The ransom, believed to be a record $7 million, was dropped onto the tanker on Jan. 17, Muse said. “There is mistrust within the group because there are rumors that some extra money has been transferred into another bank account that some of us weren’t aware of,” he said.

The 2-million barrel carrier was seized about 800 miles (1,280 kilometers) off the Somali coast on Nov. 29 while sailing to the U.S. from Kuwait. It was steered toward the Somali coast where it lay at anchor off the port of Hobyo, the International Maritime Bureau said on Dec. 10. The oil it is carrying is estimated to be worth $150 million.

“The situation in Haradhere is little bit calm this morning because local elders are engaging to mediate between them,” Abdiwahab Mo’lim Hassan, a local elder in the town, said by phone today. “We can see that both sides are regrouping and they are really equipped with heavy weapons.”

Rest of the storyhere :
Museum offers reward for pirate's head

Posted January 21, 2010 19:12:00

A museum in Germany has offered a reward of thousands of euros for a nail-pierced skull, thought to be that of legendary pirate Klaus Stoertebeker.

The skull was stolen from the museum earlier this month.

"We are launching an appeal for the head," said the director of the Hamburg History Museum, Lisa Kosok, without saying precisely how much was on offer.

The cranium, thought to be about 600 years old, was spirited away on January 9 in mysterious circumstances from its exhibition case.

Ms Kosok said the theft could be a "bad joke" or the culprit could be a collector with an interest in pirates.

"There are many possibilities. We are following up on a number of leads," she said.

The skull, impaled by a large rusty nail, was discovered in 1878 during construction for a warehouse district in an area where pirates used to be beheaded and their heads displayed on spikes as a grisly warning.

The museum had long displayed the skull, which was already missing a jawbone, as belonging to Stoertebeker.

Stoertebeker is believed to have been executed in 1401 with 30 henchmen outside the walls of the Hanseatic League city.

Later forensic analysis determined that the skull may well belong to a man beheaded about 1400, although not necessarily Stoertebeker.

The museum tried in vain in 2004 to produce a definitive link to Stoertebeker with a DNA analysis comparing genetic material from the cranium with that of possible descendants.

Stoertebeker, old German for Tip Up the Mug, earned his name for his fabled carousing.

After a lengthy reign of terror on the North Seas, he was captured off the Helgoland archipelago and taken to Hamburg to be executed.

Original story here :
If I recall correctly, after he was beheaded, his body stood up and walked passed 20 of his men before it collapsed ....mebbe his head decided to take a stroll this time! :woot
Somali pirates will die before releasing Paul and Rachel Chandler

Somali pirates yesterday threatened a fight to the death that would endanger a hostage British couple if British forces attempt to rescue their captives.

“We die first before they get freed,” said one of the pirates, contacted by satellite telephone.

Paul and Rachel Chandler, from Tunbridge Wells, Kent, were captured on October 23 as they sailed their yacht, the 38ft Lynn Rival, from the Seychelles towards Tanzania.

The pirates’ new threat follows reports that an operation mounted by the Special Boat Service to rescue the couple was “bungled” before it could reach them because of technical problems.

“If anyone interrupts our negotiations to get the payment of a ransom, it will be a risk for them [the Chandlers],” said “Gelle”, one of the pirates guarding the couple. “So we advise that no one interrupts our current good discussions.”

In the only comment that held some hope for the Chandlers, Gelle said that they had lowered their demand from $7m to $2m “or whatever price that we agree”. It was a clear signal that the pirates are open to offers.

Last week a Greek tanker, Maran Centaurus, was released for a reported $5.5m to $7m.

Gelle said that his group had spoken yesterday and on Friday with one of five brokers supposedly involved in negotiating a ransom. He said he believed the brokers were negotiating with “close relatives of our hostages, or other people trusted on behalf of them”.

The pirates are based in Haradheere, a fishing village north of the capital, Mogadishu. As well as the Chandlers, pirates are holding 11 ships, including the British-flagged chemical tanker St James Park which was seized on December 28.

Chandler, 59, said in an earlier telephone interview with ITV News, broadcast last week, that he and his wife, 55, had been separated and beaten and that he expected to be killed within “three or four days”.

Gelle denied the Chandlers were living under difficult conditions. “Okay, maybe they don’t feel good or comfortable but according to us they are fine,” he said.

“We also live in this situation so we do not think that they are that different from us. Once we get food, we share with them, and when there is a shortage of food they suffer with us.”

Original story here :
Almost sounds at the bottom of that article that they're trying to appear humanitarian, or something. xD:
Yup, they are sure trying their best, tough to appear humane when you keep threatening to shoot your hostages! They are also trying to appear humane by "offering" aid to Haiti :

Haiti: Somali pirates offer aid

24 January 2010

The article below is abridged from Aporea.org. It has been translated by Kiraz Janicke.

Spokespeople for the so-called Somali pirates have expressed willingness to part of their loot captured from transnational boats to Haiti.

Leaders of these groups have declared they have links in various places around the world to help them ensure the delivery of aid without being detected by the armed forces of enemy governments.

The “pirates” typically redistribute a significant portion of their profits among relatives and the local population.

A Somali “pirate” spokesperson said: “The humanitarian aid to Haiti can not be controlled by the United States and European countries; they have no moral authority to do so.

“They are the ones pirating mankind for many years.”

Original story here :

First they create a stock market, now it seems they have created a PR department as well! :rolleyes:

In other news...

US warship sails to aid a North Korean-flagged vessel threatened by pirates

MANAMA, Bahrain — The U.S. Navy says it overtook a suspected Somali pirate skiff that tried to attack a commercial ship in the Gulf of Aden.

A Navy statement issued Sunday says a security team aboard the merchant vessel Napht Al Yemen 1 repelled the Jan. 20 pirate attack without U.S. help.

The USS Porter stopped and boarded the pirate skiff later that day.

The commercial ship is Yemeni owned but sails under a North Korean flag.

The incident marked a rare example of the U.S. military aiding North Korea, a reclusive rogue nation.

Piracy is among the fastest ways to make money in Somalia, a nation plagued by war and no functioning government.

Somali pirates seized 47 vessels last year. They currently hold about 200 crew members hostage.

Original story here :

It doesn't say if they actually arrested the pirates though, probably more catch and release! :facepalm
I think this article pretty much nails it ...this is exactly why piracy is flourishing!

Navy gives Somali pirates food and water... then lets them sail off scot free

By Jason Groves
Last updated at 7:43 AM on 27th January 2010

Suspected Somali pirates captured by the Royal Navy are being given fuel, food and water and sent on their way.

In three cases they were released even though hostages had been found on board their vessels.

The extraordinary revelations yesterday by Defence Minister Baroness Taylor will add to concern about the role of the Navy in tackling piracy.

In November it emerged that a Navy ship had stood by as pirates kidnapped British sailors Paul and Rachel Chandler. They are still being held and threatened with death by their captors.

Baroness Taylor said there had been four instances in the last year when heavily armed gangs operating off Somalia had been given supplies on humanitarian grounds. None of the 66 suspects captured by the Navy in the last year have been taken into custody.

One former Navy commander said the Navy appeared to be operating a 'maritime welfare system' rather than enforcing law on the high seas.

Mike Critchley, publisher of Warship World magazine, said: 'I feel pretty sorry for Navy officers these days who have to phone a lawyer in London before they are allowed to do anything.

'In the old days the captain would have been told to just go and sort it out.

'I am sure that word will soon get round the pirate community that even if you run out of fuel 200 miles off shore a large grey vessel will come and help you on your way.

'If we are going to make a difference then we have to shake a fist at people.'

Former Tory chairman Lord Tebbit, who has tabled a series of Parliamentary questions on the issue, said ministers had indicated privately that suspected pirates were not being arrested because of fears they might claim asylum in the UK.

Lord Tebbit said the Navy appeared to be hamstrung by the 'morass of human rights laws and political correctness'.

Rest of the story here :
NATO Ship Prevents Pirate Attack in Gulf of Aden
Thursday, 28 January 2010 16:49

BRUSSELS--(ENEWSPF)--January 28, 2010. The Canadian ship Fredericton intercepted a suspected pirate skiff today while conducting counter piracy patrols as part of NATO Operation OCEAN SHIELD in the Gulf of Aden.

At 07:44 a.m. local time (10:44 p.m. EST), HMCS Fredericton received reports from her helicopter during aerial patrols in the International Recommended Transit Corridor (IRTC) that they had spotted a small skiff loitering beside the shipping corridor approximately 45 nautical miles away from the ship. The helicopter, call sign “Stalker” closed the position of the vessel. Upon detection, the skiff attempted to flee from the location but was stopped when Stalker continued to hover in front of the skiff to block the escape. After several attempts to try and flee the area, the skiff’s occupants stopped their engines and waited.

Fredericton proceeded to the location at maximum speed to intercept and board the skiff.

With extra surveillance assistance provided by a helicopter from the United States Ship (USS) Farragut, a warship attached to Combined Task Force 151, Fredericton dispatched her Naval Boarding Party (NBP) to board the vessel and conduct a detailed search. Their mission was to ensure that no pirate material was onboard and, if there was, to confiscate it to prevent them from mounting any attacks.

There were no weapons or ammunition found, though Farragut’s helicopter did see what looked like boxes being tossed into the sea prior to the Naval Boarding Party’s arrival at the skiff.

“As we approached the skiff, the group of six men onboard immediately raised their hands and followed our directions,” cited the Naval Boarding Party Officer. “They were all of Somali descent and they did not have any equipment onboard that would identify them as legitimate merchants or fishermen.”

“This event demonstrates that pirates remain active in this area and the difficult mission it is to locate these small skiffs, whether from air or sea” said Commander Steve Waddell, Commanding Officer of HMCS Fredericton. “In this particular case, though there was not enough evidence to detain the individuals, I do believe that we were able to prevent them from carrying out an attack on another vessel”.

Building on previous counter-piracy missions conducted by NATO (Operation Allied Provider and Operation Allied Protector), Operation Ocean Shield is NATO’s enhanced contribution to the international efforts to counter piracy and armed robbery off the coast of Somalia.

The mission of Operation Ocean Shield is to deter and disrupt piracy in the Gulf of Aden, the Horn of Africa and the Somali Basin.

Original story here :