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Technical Issues: Black Screen and Spyglass CTD


Hi there,

the normal program works but I bought the game only for your mod ;-)
Now I can see a little character picture, that my quest log was updated and even check the map and such - but the main screen is black and stays like that. I can even give commands and see the text about it...
Here is my error log


  • compile.log
    4.2 KB · Views: 112
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This is a strange problem. Are you using intel graphics? Have you set your screen resolution in the engine.ini?
I use 1980x1080 no intel card - but nvidia - do I need to edit resolution if I use the config program?
By the way looking forward for your own game ;-)
I don't like that config.exe and do not use it. Go into engine.ini and set your resolution and also make sure it is set to use 32 bit color.
It is set to my resolution and on 32 - still same result...
No idea? Would really love to play the game...
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There are a bazillion things that can cause POTC to not work.

Where is POTC installed? Windoze security can and will cause it to not run if it is in program files, the desktop, or documents. Have you ever heard of FFdShow? That can cause problems.
Now the thing is it usually works or doesn't work. This situation where some things work and some don't is strange.

How many log files so you have? There is the compile.log, system.log, and sometimes the error.log.

EDIT: Do you have an options file? You can delete that and it might start working. You will have to reset the options again.
Ok - I´ll try the options - where is error.log?
...here is the system.log
Deleting options did not work ;-(


  • system.log
    13.1 KB · Views: 122
Wow! There is a ton of stock stuff missing. Are you sure the stock vanilla POTC works? There are missing models, missing textures, and then the video crashed.
Congratulations! After more than a decade you have accomplished an all time first! :aar No one has ever tried to install New Horizons into a non Akella game before. :rumgone

What you have is a Disney game that has nothing in common with Akella's POTC. I am amazed that you got as far as you did. There really is nothing more we can do. :boom:
The mod should refuse to install on top of the wrong game.
How did you install it?