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Unconfirmed Bug Talking about the apothecary

Grey Roger

Sea Dog
Staff member
Storm Modder
One of the things you can say to a citizen in Bridgetown is "I heard you have an apothecary in town. Do you know anything about it?" You'd expect that to lead to directions to the apothecary - rather useful if you're in Bridgetown to get rid of a cursed albatross. But you don't get directions. You get stuck with the "Mysterious Plants" sidequest instead. And you still don't know where to find the apothecary, whether to hand over an albatross or to progress the sidequest.

Suggestion: change the dialog to give directions. And only trigger "Mysterious Plants" if you've talked to the apothecary and agreed to do it.
Quick hotfix: just put the directions to his location on the quest log entry. Because while we're talking about him, the quest's first entry entry ("I heard talks about...") is duplicated.

Also you should write in the next entry how much gold he asked you to gift to the church for him, because he won't mention in again and so you won't know how much it was until you try to make a donation while having enough.

Also I'm pretty sure he said either 1k or 10k (probably the latter), but when speaking to churchie my only option was to gift 8500, which was enough to advance the apothecary's quest. I didn't check wether I actually paid only 8500 or if I payed 10k and the dialogue line with the churchie is wrong though.
Quick hotfix: just put the directions to his location on the quest log entry. Because while we're talking about him, the quest's first entry entry ("I heard talks about...") is duplicated.
The whole point was not to have a quest log entry at all when you talk to the citizen. So I've dealt with the dialog file and now:
If you answer "What else can you tell me about him?", this is the answer:
bridgetown_citizen2.jpg bridgetown_citizen3.jpg

You can still trigger the quest by talking to the apothecary, and now you know where to find him, plus you can get hints on both his albatross habit and his plants quest.
Here are the dialog files which make the citizens a bit more helpful.


  • Greenford Citizen_Dialog.c
    12.3 KB · Views: 236
  • Greenford Citizen_Dialog.h
    9.3 KB · Views: 245
I have an issue where the door to the apothecary won't open from the outside. You need to fast travel to get inside.
Which storyline, if any, are you playing? Are you playing any of the sidequests?
Which storyline, if any, are you playing? Are you playing any of the sidequests?
I started a new game but I was doing Free Play. I had numerous side quest still open though not the plant one with the apothecary; it was my first visit in that game.
I've no idea what would be causing the apothecary to be closed, then. I can only find references to it in the "Mysterious Plants" quest and in the "Hornblower" storyline.

Put this into "console.c", run the game, press F12 and see if that opens the door:
locations[FindLocation("Greenford_town")].reload.l18.disable = 0;

As an experiment, start a new Free Play game as a British corsair and don't pick the "Stormy start" option when talking to Malcolm Hatcher. You should then start in Speightstown, from where you should be able to easily sail (or walk) to Bridgetown. Make sure to change the profile name so you don't overwrite your existing game. (The profile name keeps resetting every time you change anything else, so change it as the last thing after you've picked character model and name, ship type and name, and character type.) Make your way to Bridgetown and see if the apothecary is open.