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Unconfirmed Bug Spent the last few days playing and got a ton of bugs, also can't finish(?) main quest in Coruzel


Decided to play the mod again after 3ish years, did a whole playthrough, and have a list of bugs I found, including a bug for Coruzel for the endgame which I can't beat.
First off the top of my head, there's a typo with the Martinque French governor's reward text he says when paying the player money for taking down a ship thats harassing the island, "somethingMonseiur" no space in between it if i remember correctly.
There's also this one weird bug I experienced when porting back in Martinque again where the bald guy who used to work on the black pearl comes up to me, but I think I pressed a button being impaatient, which caused the player to sit down on the dock and couldn't move or anything while the dock workers continued to go around. Didn't happen again when I didn't press anything unnecessarily during the conv, he spawned me in the tavern like normal.

The Turk island with the will turner house place is really incomplete, 3 things I noticed there,
First, there's this 1000+ health lady in the island tavern where you find Gibbs, if you talk to her she attacks you, but even after you kill her the attack red flashing stuff and music doesn't go away even if you leave the tavern and start walking around town, although nobody attacks you.
Second, the people in town say there's a native problem in the jungle but the governor doesn't give any options or quests to fight them.
Third the outskirts is incomplete and you can't enter the two pathways, PLUS if you try to go straight to your ship from the outskirts the game crashes.

Finally Bridgetown
fucking Bridgetown.
First, from early on in the game, like the second visit to it, the port stop letting me fast travel, keeps giving a error saying something is going to happen here.
Second, during the main quest of helping Danielle to get the old lighthouse man, I did the lets meet up later, and during this time I found out that Danielle was invincible and would stay in my party during ship raids. Spent like a hour messing around trying to get a big ship by letting Danielle be a meat shield, only to come back to Bridgetown port to find that the fort was invincible.
I played smart, reloaded a older save before killing the soldiers in the lighthouse and used Danielle to also help get big ships, and went back to Bridgetown to take on the fort. I ended up doing it like 3 times because I could not figure out for the life of me how to proceed with the quest after taking down the fort, where I wasn't able to use my ship to leave the island.
During this time, I found the third bug, which was my own town soldiers automatically talked to me in the tavern, and said that I was a fugitive. They didn't do anything though, a couple just spawned in the tavern, I did save the compile for that and have it posted below.
I spent 20 minutes trying to figure out what was wrong, to then decide to youtube search the quest where I found this video, thank god.
My Fourth bug, turned out that Danielle wouldn't spawn in if I didn't specifically ask for the room the tavernkeeper offers. If someone is just cheap and sleeps in the tavernbar, Danielle doesn't spawn in.
That out of the way, I finally get to fight the warships that come in,
only to get shot to oblivion by Danielle's fort.
Turns out there's a Fifth bug, the fort will shoot at you if you have the english flag raised. On one hand I understand it, but on the other hand one would think your own fort would recognize you even with a fake flag.
Either way, I raised my personal flag, and went to fight with the fort, and I did good, until the part where the game wouldn't let me go port, or fast travel or anything after the fight.
The final Sixth bug I found out, was that if you spare one of the ships of the british fleet that comes, it glitches out the game and stops the quest from completing, leaving you unable to do anything except sail.

That was every bug in Bridgetown I came across, which leaves me where I am now, end game, unable to complete the main quest.
When I sail to Cozumel, I find the big warship owned by the governor along with 3 extra random other ships that are pirate ships and a french ship. However, they are grayed out and I can't attack them. I even tried dragging some ship to do battle there but it didn't do anything when I tried it. I also tried everything I could think of, removing party members, raising pirates/enemy flags when I was near them, raising pirates/enemy flags and THEN sailing there, I even sold my other ship and went there with just one ship in case that did anything, talking to Danielle and the oldman but nothing worked.
However, when I went to port royale to see if anyone was there in the governor building, I found this dude who gave me money and thanks for killing??? the old governor and a letter as well, and even after that and then sailing to cozumel, it's still exactly the same. I did crash the first time I tried to leave his building, compile below, but when i tried it again it worked the second time.
Basically, I think I might be completely boned, but feel free to tell me any workarounds you know of.
All of the comps of crashes I bothered to save are below. Here's some pics of the cozumel thing, there's also some god beam you can see in one of the screenshots.

bunch of compile files and save game of the cozumel issue are in the ZIP files, the other compiles are of other issues. Don't remember what the plain "compile" one was for though, think it might have been a crash.


  • cozumelcompilesandSAVEgame.zip
    1.2 MB · Views: 375
  • compile.log
    35.9 KB · Views: 265
  • owntownsoldiersseemeasbritishenemycompile.log
    24.1 KB · Views: 260
  • stuckonbridgeislandcompil.log
    175.4 KB · Views: 268
From what I can see you are playing on version 21st May 2018, which is outdated.

Maybe some of the bugs have been fixed on the newer versions.
Which you can get from here: Mod Release - Build 14 Beta [Last Update:24th March 2020]

One thing to note though, if you update your game, your current saves will not work.
Alright, I'll go through the latest release and see if I see the issues again, and hopefully provide savestates for each one this time.
I'm making a Word document involving screenshots and saving the comps, and save files of everything I notice, but I just wanted to let you know that the Typo from the Governor is still there, and this time I have a screenshot of it. Should be a really easy fix. Response text is also a little bit off, should probably reword it. I don't know if you guys can fix the name overreaching the name box though, maybe that's something you can't fix.

From what I can see you are playing on version 21st May 2018, which is outdated.

Maybe some of the bugs have been fixed on the newer versions.
Which you can get from here: Mod Release - Build 14 Beta [Last Update:24th March 2020]

One thing to note though, if you update your game, your current saves will not work.
Hey, so I managed to finish up a quick playthrough of the main quest along with a very slight tad bit extra. I plan to spend more time later when I can to do a more thorough scan of the various islands for more bugs and stuff that needs to be fixed, but I have like 30ish bugs and stuff I noticed already which I want to give you now.
I confirmed that basically all the bugs I had previously in Bridgetown are still there in the newest version.
I also found new bugs, all catalogued in the pdf below, and all the compiles and saves I have are saved in the two zip folders.

Right now Cozumel works, up until it's time for me to fight the black pearl. Something happens with the old man talking to you right before fighting the pearl, which gives a empty text box screen over the screen that doesn't go away. Is there a command to turn this off? Talking to people doesn't get rid of it.


  • compsandsavesfolder.zip
    9.2 MB · Views: 395
  • compsandsavesfolderTWO.zip
    9.7 MB · Views: 438
  • listofbugsandthingsfound.pdf
    659.4 KB · Views: 408
oh and in case you want real time chat since using forum posts is a bit slow you can find me on the piratesahoy discord, I'm extremely active on the platform in general.
Right now Cozumel works, up until it's time for me to fight the black pearl. Something happens with the old man talking to you right before fighting the pearl, which gives a empty text box screen over the screen that doesn't go away. Is there a command to turn this off? Talking to people doesn't get rid of it.
I ran into that bug years ago as well. Different trigger though.
Can't remember how it happened. Do remember not being able to get rid of that interface. :modding
I think I've also experienced it at least once before in some other stoyline or maybe freeplay, but can't remember where.
I ran into that bug years ago as well. Different trigger though.
Can't remember how it happened. Do remember not being able to get rid of that interface. :modding
So there's no console function, or fix for getting rid of it? Seems like something that would have some clear function, but if there's nothing I'll try and see if I can just reload from a older save over and over until I get past it.
@xXSB101Xx said
First, from early on in the game, like the second visit to it, the port stop letting me fast travel, keeps giving a error saying something is going to happen here.

What did you do with Edgar Attwood (if you can remember) the lock on fast travel is because it seems it is waiting for you to do some self dialogue at the port but he needs to be in your shore party. I dumped his attributes to check he was alive and consoled him to the port (he had no dialogue under such manipulation). So I killed him and left the port after which fast travel was restored subsequently.

My Fourth bug, turned out that Danielle wouldn't spawn in if I didn't specifically ask for the room the tavernkeeper offers. If someone is just cheap and sleeps in the tavernbar, Danielle doesn't spawn in.
Not exactly, there is a seven day (plus seven hours) timer running so if you wanted to sit around forever it should kick in (I must admit I haven't actually tested it, lacking a save at that point). Since you are locked from seaenter you can only kick your heels around Barbados. I guess the reasons are twofold, to give you time to repair and re-stock after the fort and it must take time to send the English squadron. Going up to the tavern room once you are prepared automatically gives you the requisite time and the quest continues. Not a bug.
I'm having a look through that PDF:
Spleightown custom town area has the merchant tents and goods which aren’t connected to the ground properly and are walkthroughable
Not much we can do about that unless someone wants to rebuild the whole area from scratch. Don't count on it happening any time soon... You'll probably find more buildings that you can walk through elsewhere.

Mansion in spleightown has the front door enter into the side door of the mansion
Who says all mansions must be laid out exactly the same way? :D The room looks the same as others, unless someone wants to make a new one. But rearranging the doors to make it a bit different is easy, and whoever added this mansion did so.

Unsolicited talking from NPCs both soldiers and citizens
Not a bug, a feature. Not everyone waits for you to be the one to start a conversation!

This meeting really lightened you???
Yes, lightened. Check your wallet. You've just been fleeced. If you notice this little difference and if you can find the person who did it, you might be able to get your money back.

Typo for saint pierre governor dialogue also name goes off text box.
There's not much we can do about the size of the text box. The typo is fixed in the latest update.

Jamaica trader doesn’t have paprika as a trade option, and neither do the smugglers recognize that I have goods to sell either. Acts like it doesn’t exist.
Hopefully @Levis, who wrote the smuggling system, can look into this at some time. Until then, get the "Trustworthy" perk, either in person or through your quartermaster.

Managed to escape into the tavern and save without giving up the chest to Pintel and the other one, and after talking to the tavern owner, the game character froze up in place.
Not sure why it froze, but that certainly will break the quest. You have to give the chest to the cursed pirates, then they tell you that you've been set up, and your questbook tells you to go back to Speightstown shipyard. If you manage to dodge the pirates then this never happens.

La Grenade smugglers only drop 1 coin of gold each whenever they die.
Some people are smart and do not carry all their money out on the street where they can be mugged by a visiting pirate. :p

Charlestown NPCs don’t add the shipyard to your fast travel hotbar after asking them where it is.
This one might be an actual bug. Does the same happen when you ask them about any other location?

Nevis raid on the pirate settlement has one of the players men spawn in next to a house and is stuck there and doesn’t move.
I'll maybe look into that one - a locator needs to be moved.

Nevis pirate landing raid has a glitch on the second area where the player spawns in the same spot as one of his crew members causing them to be stuck.
That's Bonaire Pirate Fort, not Nevis, and I spotted that one as well. It's not that you're on the same spot as one of the crew members, but that neither you nor he have proper spawning locators defined, so you both spawn in mid-air. This will certainly be fixed in the next update.

Bridgetown port glitch saying there’s something going to happen and doesn’t let the player fast travel.
There is probably an active quest blocking fast travel.

Bridgetown glitch during the old man being tied to a stake where npcs were spawned in the same spot.
I probably won't have time to look into this one any time soon. If anyone else wants to try their hand at rearranging locators for this scene, feel free to do so.

Game crashed when going to gun deck of ship battle.
If that happens again, post "system.log" as well as "compile.log".

Random NPC inside mine commanders home claiming it’s his house.
Easily enough fixed, I'll just add a 'vcskip' attribute to the house. The random NPC should not appear after the next update.

Slave you can hire from mine starts fighting guards right after you hire him.
Can you blame him? :D Depending on how you got here, that might be intentional. Or did you get into trouble with guards before you talked to Leborio?

Brighttown guards during idol grab all just have one gold piece each.
They're just poor privates, not rich officers!

Brighttown fort is invincible if you choose to meet up at the ship and don’t go directly to fight it.
If you chose not to fight at once but instead went off to find a suitably big ship, you first need to return to the lighthouse and talk again to Danielle. The fort is probably made invincible precisely so you can't attack it without talking to Danielle as that could break the main quest.

Bug that Danielles fort will fire upon you if you have a english flag up during the fight.
That's because flags are important. Besides, remember that at one time she thought you were still working for Silehard? If you're flying the same flag as the fleet attacking the fort, she probably thinks you've switched sides again!

Bug that if you have the English flag raised on your ship, and interact with your town soldiers in th tavern during the time you and danielle hold the town, the town soldiers will call you a British spy and spawn in a bunch of soldiers, but don’t attack you.
The soldiers are confused. You're claiming allegiance to Britain. The soldiers are part of a force which has just taken the town from Britain. However, they also know that you're supposed to be the boss.

Basically, at this point in the game, Britain is represented in the Caribbean by Silehard, so if you claim to be British then anyone who hates Silehard thinks you're working for him. Try using a Dutch or Portuguese flag instead. (In fact, I usually buy both Dutch and Portuguese Letters or Marque fairly early in this storyline. That way, I'm still a licenced privateer when Silehard turns nasty.)
I'm having a look through that PDF:
Not much we can do about that unless someone wants to rebuild the whole area from scratch. Don't count on it happening any time soon... You'll probably find more buildings that you can walk through elsewhere.

Who says all mansions must be laid out exactly the same way? :D The room looks the same as others, unless someone wants to make a new one. But rearranging the doors to make it a bit different is easy, and whoever added this mansion did so.

Not a bug, a feature. Not everyone waits for you to be the one to start a conversation!

Yes, lightened. Check your wallet. You've just been fleeced. If you notice this little difference and if you can find the person who did it, you might be able to get your money back.

There's not much we can do about the size of the text box. The typo is fixed in the latest update.

Hopefully @Levis, who wrote the smuggling system, can look into this at some time. Until then, get the "Trustworthy" perk, either in person or through your quartermaster.

Not sure why it froze, but that certainly will break the quest. You have to give the chest to the cursed pirates, then they tell you that you've been set up, and your questbook tells you to go back to Speightstown shipyard. If you manage to dodge the pirates then this never happens.

Some people are smart and do not carry all their money out on the street where they can be mugged by a visiting pirate. :p

This one might be an actual bug. Does the same happen when you ask them about any other location?

I'll maybe look into that one - a locator needs to be moved.

That's Bonaire Pirate Fort, not Nevis, and I spotted that one as well. It's not that you're on the same spot as one of the crew members, but that neither you nor he have proper spawning locators defined, so you both spawn in mid-air. This will certainly be fixed in the next update.

There is probably an active quest blocking fast travel.

I probably won't have time to look into this one any time soon. If anyone else wants to try their hand at rearranging locators for this scene, feel free to do so.

If that happens again, post "system.log" as well as "compile.log".

Easily enough fixed, I'll just add a 'vcskip' attribute to the house. The random NPC should not appear after the next update.

Can you blame him? :D Depending on how you got here, that might be intentional. Or did you get into trouble with guards before you talked to Leborio?

They're just poor privates, not rich officers!

If you chose not to fight at once but instead went off to find a suitably big ship, you first need to return to the lighthouse and talk again to Danielle. The fort is probably made invincible precisely so you can't attack it without talking to Danielle as that could break the main quest.

That's because flags are important. Besides, remember that at one time she thought you were still working for Silehard? If you're flying the same flag as the fleet attacking the fort, she probably thinks you've switched sides again!

The soldiers are confused. You're claiming allegiance to Britain. The soldiers are part of a force which has just taken the town from Britain. However, they also know that you're supposed to be the boss.

Basically, at this point in the game, Britain is represented in the Caribbean by Silehard, so if you claim to be British then anyone who hates Silehard thinks you're working for him. Try using a Dutch or Portuguese flag instead. (In fact, I usually buy both Dutch and Portuguese Letters or Marque fairly early in this storyline. That way, I'm still a licenced privateer when Silehard turns nasty.)
Alright doing a quick reply:
1. Yeah I kind of expected that it wouldnt be a easy fix but it was the first thing I noticed when starting the game.
2. Yeah true but it's still kind of weird if the doors don't line up per say. I get how it's a nice shakeup but it threw me off entering the front double doors just to come out inside next to the study doors. I've noticed this kind of shakeups with other buildings during my playthrough as well. Won't bring it up again.
3. Alright.
4.ahhhhhh I never even noticed that. I get the joke now but honestly there was never enough money missing that it made me put two and two together. Maybe there could be a more on the nose message but I get the pun thats there with the current message.
5. Cool that the typo is fixed, sad though there's not much that can be done with the text box. I'll keep a lookout for anymore easy typos that can be fixed.
6. Alright cool, I'll also do a check around to see if there's any other trading issues like this. I completely stumbled onto this one by accident and I didn't feel like doing a thorough check of other smuggling goods so there might be another couple of bugs like this.
7. Yeah I know purposely breaking the quest is guarenteed to get bad results but I felt like it should still be mentioned. Maybe lock the door to the inn? Honestly that's what I thought the old xbox version of the game did when you met the two pirates and it would be a nice simple fix to add to prevent people from encountering this bug.
8. Hmph how paranoid. Who would ever do such a thing. Honestly it's a good reason but I think there should probably be some randomizer like 1-10 gold you could get off of them so it doesn't look completely generic.
9. It's been a bit since I was there but yes I believe the shipyard is the only one that wouldn't show. All the other ones popped up after asking around.
10. And 11. Alright
12. Funny thing is that the damn port almost always does this and it stays like this and I can never figure out why. I'll check later and see if it still acts like this even after the main storyline has finished
13. Alright
14. Yeah my bad I forgot to save the files when that happened.
15. Alright
16. Nope no trouble. I just accept him into my crew and he immediately starts fighting the guards. This happens whether you pay him gold to join or if you strongarm him into joining for free if memory serves me right.
17.smhsmhsmh at least give a 1 to 5 gold randomizer
18. The thing is im pretty sure she is no longer at the beach if i remember correctly. Maybe I'm forgetting but im pretty sure i tried to meet up with her again and couldnt find her.
19. Smh danielle honey come on.
20. So basically this is probably a more annoying thing to actually fix then it's really worth. I'll remember this from here on out.
@xXSB101Xx said

What did you do with Edgar Attwood (if you can remember) the lock on fast travel is because it seems it is waiting for you to do some self dialogue at the port but he needs to be in your shore party. I dumped his attributes to check he was alive and consoled him to the port (he had no dialogue under such manipulation). So I killed him and left the port after which fast travel was restored subsequently.

Not exactly, there is a seven day (plus seven hours) timer running so if you wanted to sit around forever it should kick in (I must admit I haven't actually tested it, lacking a save at that point). Since you are locked from seaenter you can only kick your heels around Barbados. I guess the reasons are twofold, to give you time to repair and re-stock after the fort and it must take time to send the English squadron. Going up to the tavern room once you are prepared automatically gives you the requisite time and the quest continues. Not a bug.
Who? Honestly I dont remember. I almost always keep officers I get through quests or whatnot in my crew.
And well I guess it at least fixes itself but if all you care about is fixing your ships and crew up which takes a day or two at most you probably are going to be stuck wondering whats going on.
The reason that talking to a Charlestown citizen about the shipyard doesn't unlock the shipyard fast travel is that there are two sets of reloads in the definition for Charlestown. The second set takes priority but the dialog is based on the first set. So the dialog options all unlock the wrong places. You won't have noticed a problem with the store and tavern if you asked for each place in turn because talking about the tavern unlocks the store and vice versa. Talking about the shipyard unlocks the governor's residence.

Put the attached file in "PROGRAM\DIALOGS". The fast travel unlocking is corrected. You won't need a new game, though of course if you've already unlocked fast travel to the store, tavern and shipyard then you won't notice anything different until you do start a new game.

About typos in dialogs: you can fix these yourself if you like. It's the easiest form of modding and is how I got started. Most characters have dialog files with names like "Alistair Garcilaso_dialog.h" (the dialog file for Alistair Garcilaso, the boss pirate in Bonaire Pirate Fort). You'll find these in "PROGRAM\DIALOGS\ENGLISH". They're plain text so you can edit them with Notepad, Wordpad or whatever else you like, and you don't need to know the first thing about programming.


  • Charlestown_citizen_dialog.c
    12.1 KB · Views: 186
I'm having a look through that PDF:

Jamaica trader doesn’t have paprika as a trade option, and neither do the smugglers recognize that I have goods to sell either. Acts like it doesn’t exist.

Hopefully @Levis, who wrote the smuggling system, can look into this at some time. Until then, get the "Trustworthy" perk, either in person or through your quartermaster.

I think it is because when @Levis introduced the concept of increasing and decreasing contraband number of goods he didn't appear to take into account the need to reset the store good type on a reduction ie reset the previous contraband to normal. He did cover it in smuggling so the smugglers don't want it but the store (using a different system) will still think it's contraband. I will try to look at a quick fix or if not revert to a fixed number of goods.
He did cover it in smuggling so the smugglers don't want it but the store (using a different system) will still think it's contraband. I will try to look at a quick fix or if not revert to a fixed number of goods.
Those two use different systems??
I recall checking what the Colonies interface uses and it was the same as the attributes set for the islands that I believe the Smuggling uses too.
But that would explain a lot!
Those two use different systems??
I recall checking what the Colonies interface uses and it was the same as the attributes set for the islands that I believe the Smuggling uses too.
But that would explain a lot!

Well maybe.

In StoreUtilite.c there is stuff like

string GetStoreGoodsType(ref _refStore,int _Goods)
    //Changed by Levis to use island depended trade types


// Added by Levis
int AddTradeGood(ref sisland, string TradeType, int index, int Good)

which I understand is all part of trying to move to use island not store trade types BUT there is also GetStoreGoodsUsed() which is used to decide what the store interface shows and which is still using store based trade type attributes - which @Levis doesn't change because of the attempt to move to island base. So decreasing (or increasing too I suspect) the number of contraband items is not reflected in the store interface. So it should be simply a matter of changing that, however I want to check the interface out in case of other instances of missed impacts.

EDIT read through the rest of the interface code and it looks OK. Made the change to GetStoreGoodsUsed() and it appears to work as intended. Here's the file


  • StoreUtilite.c
    15.4 KB · Views: 209
Last edited:
read through the rest of the interface code and it looks OK. Made the change to GetStoreGoodsUsed() and it appears to work as intended. Here's the file
That sounds like a really important fix!
Thank you very much for figuring this one out. :bow