Hi, now that I am determined to be back here on a more semi-regular basis (never commit, says this happily single gal)(LOL!), I have been conversing with Thagarr about reviving this mod and making it work - with old ideas and new. I am not sure my old files are still somewhere on the server here, but I know I can dig them up.
Thagarr, Pieter, and I were talking on
THIS thread, and Pieter suggested we continue here which is a great idea since there are so many deliciously evil thoughts here that we can expand upon...

: We would appreciate any input that would help get this mod working and into the Build.
Here are some pix to start you folks off:
I started this guy on the original "Searcher" NPC and was trying to make a "slick salesman" type such as Stan in the "Monkey Island" series of games.

: Odd or unusual items of dubious value and even more dubious origin for sale at bargain prices that may be WONDERFUL or may be absolute junk... Handsome and popular with the ladies, the Sneaky Trader is the epitome of the English Tinker of lore - hated by the men he bilks and loved by the women he... Well... Heh...
As you meet him first he will look relatively normal but as you encounter him in later times he will begin to look progressively worse... OR you may find him healed and well and sporting a new scar or a broken nose or maybe even missing an eye! But the next time you see him he may have both eyes back... Or his hair will be a different color - or his eyes... Are you seeing things? Is it the same guy or (as he claims) his cousin of totally outrageous exploits but that's not HIM, he's never (no never!) run afoul of the law... Not on paper, anyhow! :d:
And then there's the unusual coat... It gets patched and worn and torn and grubby, and so does our ST...
That's it for now, wish some of the other old-timers who previously have contributed to this would drop back in - CCC and Alan and Nathan and Inez... Oh, we've had some truly "evil" geniuses here... :cry However I am reasonably certain there are others here now who would enjoy digging into what ultimately might be a really fun mod and quest-giver for PotC and beyond...
Thanks for your indulgence.