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Simplified Code for Build 14 Beta 3.3

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Does this fix fix the gunsmith on Grenada from refusing to work on my pistol at all?
It is indeed the same blacksmith dialog, so it might help. Though I don't remember hearing that particular issue reported just yet.

We shall see. After getting stuck with that beta 3.2 abomination for 8 months I will take a lot of convincing this is any good.
Beta 3.3 won't have the big rewrites in it. We'll save that for Beta 3.4.
New version now available
This here is pretty much intended to be the final Beta 3.3 public release.
In other words, there really should be no major concerns left with this one.

We'll keep this in testing for at least 1, maybe 2 weeks as we want to ensure it is good for the 'big audience'.
Please help with this as much as you can! We want to get it right. :cheeky

New Stuff:
- Code Updates:
  . Locked Perks re-enabled (but not for the ones that could not be unlocked in Beta 3.2)
  . Behaviour for submerged Flying Dutchman modified by Pillat and Levis
- New Features:
  . Blackbeard wielding the Sword of Triton added to Isla de Muerta by Pieter Boelen, model by Ostrov
  > Functionality improved to be stronger and more worthwhile
- Bug Fixes:
  . Receiving Promotion Ships fixed by Grey Roger
  . Whole group surrenders when commander gives up fixed by Levis
  . Ship sale price corrected with cannon price by Levis

Stuff worth checking from the previous version:
- Does Capture Colonies work properly for Tortuga, Oranjestad, Havana and Santo Domingo?
- Mules and Indians with Bow&Arrow or Tomahawk during Silver Train sidequest
- How long can you manage to not share the loot on Divide the Plunder mode?
- Standard storyline after capturing Black Pearl: Should be no more boarding deck errors
- Girl Won in a Card Game: Do you get amnesty now like you should? If not, savegame required!
- Does the Blade Care Kit ever show up? Check also the Blacksmiths!
- How do the redone blacksmiths work? Should save a lot of micro-management
- Brave Black Flag "Capture the Corvette" ship model should have no more missing textures

Stuff worth checking on this new version:
- Female Officer Percentage code has been reintroduced: Check if you notice any new weirdness with character models and the amount of female officers
- Locked Perks has been reintroduced: Check if there are any actual issues with this - Note that if you don't like the feature, it does have a toggle
- Worldmap and ship encounters with submerged Flying Dutchman
- Check surrender of ship groups where the commander surrendered
Buccaneer storyline: Clint Eastwood is still equipped with the shotgun, not the new flintlock revolver.:(
I think the Silver Train side quest would be most relevant.
The Indians used there now are quite different and we could use some feedback on them.

the treasure quest on Turks - Sandy Point - is not working. There seems to be no treasure chest, not even an empty one, at the designated location. I already looked here http://www.piratesahoy.net/threads/treasure-quests.7655/
for the right place.

Arr, now I found it. Needed to reenter thecave, and go out again. Then was attacked by pirates, and the found the chest. It has surely not been there before.
And it was empty ...:rumgone
Just installed the wip installer from the first post of this thread dated 22 December.

There is something strange going on with the save system. In game when I save there is only the new save showing, but when I exit the game and restart it all saves are there.
tester 2014-12-28 13-08-52-06.jpg tester 2014-12-28 13-09-16-24.jpg
The save system has not been touched in any way. But I did notice with the last savegame that you uploaded some weird effects with the profile name.
Looked like the game was appending "garbage" to the profile name, which confuses it.
I think that is pretty much the source of our long-standing save & profile issues.

My first suggestion would be to delete the "options" file again to ensure that is cleared out.
Also remove all old files from your SAVE folder to ensure the game doesn't get confused on those either.
I think the Silver Train side quest would be most relevant.
The Indians used there now are quite different and we could use some feedback on them.
I just test The Silver Train side quest.First the Indians:Its a very fast and close combat, I have a very little time to see
them in action. They were very close to me,and have not much space to use the bows. I collected the three new weapons,
and they all work fine.The axe looks mean and dangerous. A couple of Indian archers, in a further distance ,will be fine.
The mules: They look very most like the Swedish wooden horses I play whit as child, just a little animation will be fine
I think. Its a very quick and fast quest, a little more time will be nice. All by all :onya. Added a savegame so you can try it
by your self:cheers


  • -=Player=- Petit Tabac. Devil Creek August 16th, 1660.zip
    726.6 KB · Views: 128
Thanks for trying it!
I'm most interested to know if the indians are more/less dangerous with their new weapons or if they seem properly different.
Shame that the fight is so quick; would be nice to get the chance of having a proper pirates-vs-indians fight.

I don't think the mules can be animated. At least now way that we can accomplish here.....
New version now available
Despite my previous claim, a fair bit of improvements have been made again. We're getting closer and closer to a proper playable release!
A few more days of testing should hopefully be enough to confirm that we're good on this game version.
Here's to hoping....! :cheers

New Stuff:
Build 14 Beta 3.3:
- Code Updates:
  . Modified numbers for Ship Surrender by Levis (WIP: Testing fleet surrendering)
  . Behaviour for submerged Flying Dutchman modified by Pillat and Levis
  > Cannons do not fire while submerged by Pieter Boelen
  . Improved sound and visual effects for using bandages and cauterization kits by Jack Rackham
  > Set USE_PARTICLES to disable the extra effects
  . XP received log messages depend on Logs Toggle to reduce screen clutter by Pieter Boelen
  . Reduced amount of Fire Drill messages depending on Logs Toggle by Pieter Boelen
  . Sell All Loot button always keeps one Spade and Pickaxe for Treasure Hunting by Pieter Boelen
- New Features:
  . Improved smuggling with scheduled patrols and the ability to acquire these schedules by Levis
  . All blacksmiths allow repairing multiple blades by Jack Rackham
  > Dialogs improved by Pillat
  . Bow and arrow items added for Quest Indians by Bartolomeu o Portugues and Jack Rackham
  > Ingame appearance of item descriptions fixed by Pieter Boelen
  . Rockets added for quest purposes by Jack Rackham
- Bug Fixes:
  . Receiving Promotion Ships fixed by Grey Roger and Pieter Boelen
  . Nation relation changes after Town Capture fixed by Pieter Boelen
  . Cannot Hoist/Lower Sails fixed by Pieter Boelen
  . Attempted fix for Stuck At Sea When Assaulted During Mooring by Pieter Boelen (WIP: To be tested)
  . Godmode applies to ALL methods of receiving character damage by Pieter Boelen
- Location Updates:
  . Oranjestad Port, Havana Center, Santiago and Santo Domingo Towns completely replaced by Bartolomeu o Portugues, walk patches by danitim1
  > Town Capture fixed by Pieter Boelen

Stuff worth checking from the previous version:
- Does Capture Colonies work properly for Tortuga, Oranjestad, Havana and Santo Domingo? New fixes made to this!
- Female Officer Percentage code has been reintroduced: Check if you notice any new weirdness with character models and the amount of female officers
- Locked Perks has been reintroduced: Check if there are any actual issues with this - Note that if you don't like the feature, it does have a toggle
- Does the Blade Care Kit ever show up too much? Or not enough? Check also the Blacksmiths! Rarity value modified.
- How do the redone blacksmiths work? Do the dialogs seem better now?
- Standard storyline after capturing Black Pearl: Should be no more boarding deck errors
- Girl Won in a Card Game: Do you get amnesty now like you should? If not, savegame required!

Stuff worth checking on this new version:
- Do you ever get stuck upon mooring when an enemy ship approaches you while dropping anchor?
- Smuggling, including the book containing the patrol schedules for islands that can now be found on coastguard corpses
- Worldmap and ship encounters with submerged Flying Dutchman
- Check surrender of ship groups where the commander surrendered

New Tweak-able Setting:
- In PROGRAM\InternalSettings.h set USE_PARTICLES to 2 to ( :razz) disable the extra Cauterization Kit effects
Please acquire one of the patrol books and check it in different buy and sell interfaces and item transfer interfaces. If I'm right it should show up right everywhere but please check it for me, the name would look weird else.
Just a couple questions. In order to get the latest version of the game where do I go and where is the attachment?
Just a couple questions. In order to get the latest version of the game where do I go and where is the attachment?
Everything you need is in the opening post of this thread: http://www.piratesahoy.net/threads/simplified-build-14-beta-3-3-wip-code.23064/
The small fix attachment was for the previous version I uploaded, but I replaced it yesterday and those files are now included in the installer itself.
I forgot to remove the text about it though, which I have now rectified. Thanks for catching that! :doff
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