I can't play it for now, but will soon (in a week or so) and I'll post my opinion. But what I always wanted to change about game are banks, how lending money works. when you get to lvl 10 commerce you can store your money at 11% interest per month, and that is just too much. And you borrow money for 1% interest per month. Could we (or I, when get a chance) do something to change it to like 6% when storing gold in bank, and 8% when taking money from bank, at level 10 commerce?
And when on lvl 1 commerce, min interest could be 2% per month when storing, and when borrowing max could be like 15? idk which values are now (I haven't played it for month or so 'cos I'm really busy) but I think some editing is neccessary, as in game time goes pretty fast (map mode), and you can get rich very quickly that way. I know I have like 20ish million coins at banks with interest of 11% per month.
So, just thinking... I wrote too much stuff, but you'll forgive me