Thanks nixarass
that sounds so much easier than i thourght. I will have a go at porting another ship over and editing the files name so it has close or as close to the ships name as possible. :will The Heavy Warship has been ported over, the other two i will try to port over if you want them in COAS.
Here is the full ships combined mod, this includes every single ship ported over to COAS. Reason i have included the ships i have't ported over is beacuse the mod i'm working on is based on them aswell. I will upload a stansard full combined mod which will have all the ships again but not have my edits made to there stats like cargo holds, sail hp etc.
The RTBL ships full combined mod is HERE
Hopoefully there will only be one more release of the RTBL ships combined mod, the next reases will hopefully have all fixes and perhaps a few more ships.

Here is the full ships combined mod, this includes every single ship ported over to COAS. Reason i have included the ships i have't ported over is beacuse the mod i'm working on is based on them aswell. I will upload a stansard full combined mod which will have all the ships again but not have my edits made to there stats like cargo holds, sail hp etc.
The RTBL ships full combined mod is HERE
Hopoefully there will only be one more release of the RTBL ships combined mod, the next reases will hopefully have all fixes and perhaps a few more ships.