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    Maelstrom New Horizons

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Fixed Several Ships with Missing Interface Pictures

I don't have access to all my files at the moment as I'm using someone else's PC while on holiday. But it looks as though I forgot to correct the alpha map for "shipsBL.tga". The picture for "FR_SoleilRoyal" is where it's supposed to be, it's just not showing up due to the alpha map. While I do have "shipsBL.tga" on my portable drive, I don't have "ConvertorTX" so I can't create a corrected version for now.

Perhaps someone else can convert "shipsBL.tga.tx" to a .tga, edit the alpha map with Photoshop or possibly GIMP, then re-convert it? Otherwise you'll need to wait until the new year...
I repeat, I'm using someone else's PC. The owner might not like me installing pirate software, even if it's our sort of pirating. :D
I repeat, I'm using someone else's PC. The owner might not like me installing pirate software, even if it's our sort of pirating. :D
:rofl :rofl :rofl

Technically it doesn't even need installing; you can just extract the archive and remove the files when you're done.
But that doesn't matter now because your hint was enough for me to sort this out:

She's back! Thanks be to @Grey Roger. :cheers

Since @ANSEL confirmed this was the only one missing, this one is officially "Fixed" now again. :woot