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Seaworthy is a new 16 bit pirate game from Mildly Competent Games (great name btw!) They have set up a Kickstarter campaign that runs through March 10'th, 2015, so far they have raised over $10,000 of there $44,000 goal! The first thing that struck me in the video was the sea shanty, it is “Roll the Old Chariot” nice!
Roll the Old Chariot
We’ll be all right if we make it ‘round the horn
We’ll be all right if we make it ‘round the horn
And we’ll all hang on behind.
We’ll roll the old chariot along
We’ll roll the old chariot along
We’ll roll the old chariot along
And we’ll all hang on behind
We’d be all right if the wind would fill our sails
We’d be all right if the wind would fill our sails
And we’ll all hang on behind.
Oh, a drop of Nelson’s blood wouldn’t do us any harm
A drop of Nelson’s blood wouldn’t do us any harm
And we’ll all hang on behind
Oh, a little mug of beer wouldn’t do us any harm
A little mug of beer wouldn’t do us any harm
And we’ll all hang on behind
Oh, a plate of Irish stew wouldn't do me any harm
A plate of Irish stew wouldn't do me any harm
And we’ll all hang on behind
Oh a bowl of kitten’s milk wouldn’t do us any harm
A bowl of kitten’s milk wouldn’t do us any harm X2
And we’ll all hang on behind
Oh, a pretty little lass wouldn't do me any harm
Yes pretty little lass wouldn't do me any harm
And we’ll all hang on behind
We’ll be all right when the skipper’s in his grave
We’ll be all right when the skipper’s in his grave
And we’ll all hang on behind
The second thing that struck me were the animations! Watch both videos closely and pay attention to the animations, they are simply awesome! Better yet, they are all animated in glorious 16 bit graphics, absolutely beautiful! This has an authentic look that I haven't seen from a game in a long time, I am really hoping the gameplay captures that same feel.
At first glance, this game doesn't look that complicated, however, if you read fully through there Kickstarter page (it is fairly long!) you will see that there is quite a lot of depth here! There are many strategic decisions that you will have to make to keep you and your crew alive. Oh, and by the way, death is permanent!
They also have a Steam page setup where you can vote to put them on Greenlight! You can vote for them to be added HERE! They also have an IndieDB page HERE! The game is being created for PC, Mac and Linux. From their web page :
Seaworthy is a pirate adventure roguelike featuring RTS combat and brutal 16-bit graphics - inspired by great games like FTL and King Of Dragon Pass. The game is currently in development for PC, Mac, and Linux. Enjoy our initial teaser trailer below.
Seaworthy is our take at an interactive fast paced pirate adventure: a game about building a pirate crew, watching their tales unfold, and facing their gut wrenching decisions. As the Captain of a pirate ship, you are in charge of commanding crew in battle, managing resources, improving your ship, and staying afloat through engaging encounters. Seek glory, adventure, and prosperity all while avoiding the dangers of a dark oppressive procedurally generated world.
Thanks to @leandro195 add his post HERE, we have some front page-worthy news!