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screenshots thread

Must be the camera view, then. PDN is long, but that was a bit excessive. (I could probably draw her plans from memory- she's one of my favorites.)
Must be the camera view, then. PDN is long, but that was a bit excessive. (I could probably draw her plans from memory- she's one of my favorites.)
One of my favorite designs too! When the time comes to include her in Hearts of Oak, I will be doing an extensive rebuild--in fact I may start over-I want to be sure to do her justice:)
I figured you would find this the fastest here:

A concept render for HoO; still needs some major tweaking. Would you happen to know the proper Dutch ensign that would have been flown on a ship like this?
Thanks! Hopefully I'll be able to post a final version tomorrow or the day after.
Why is the spritsail twisted like that? I just went through Modern Knight's collection of hundreds of renderings and only found one of a spritsail even remotely like what you are doing. It is a Japanese rendering of the first Portuguese ship to visit Japan.
That's how a sprits'l would be set when reaching or close-hulled. If it weren't set like that, it wouldn't be able to fill without luffing, since it is not able to rotate o the same axis as the yards.


The practice is mentioned in old seamanship manuals, and the yards are specifically rigged to be canted like that. The sprit tops'l in my render is clewed up because it is on a different axis of rotation and would have been overly distorted by the sprit yard.
The only ships rigged like that in game are the Spanish Galleons and the Revenge. You might be better served to use one of those. There are renderings showing them rotated horizontally also.
That rule applies to every sprits'l I remember encountering, including in technical diagrams and on real vessels, whether it is from 1600 or 1800. I would really like to see those renderings, then. The position of the yards makes horizontal rotation awfully impractical.


I found this, but there are a few other seamanship mistakes in it as well. (The mizzensail is set in the wrong direction.) That looks like a render of the same sailing mechanics as in stock PotC, but with extras like healing. I didn't see anything else definitively suggesting the practice with the sail set, unless I missed something. Edit: I've found one picture of an actual vessel with its sprits'l braced around horizontally, but not very far. It seems to be the exception rather than the rule. You can only brace the yard so far around before your leeward sheet becomes useless. I suspect that it was only being done in order to allow the sprit tops'l to be set correctly.
How's this flag? (Scene still needs work.)

Would the Dutch government have hired a VOC ship in a capacity that would have allowed for the flying of the Lion of Nassau?* I think she could use more flags. I can't find an image of the flag exactly as you described it online.
*too lazy to write a shorter sentence at the moment.

If not, I still have the pennant to add.
Thanks for the advice. Here's the preliminary final product:
The second image needs work, and I'm going to try to modify the VOC flag to make the orange just a bit darker in order to match the other flags better.

im still using it, just trying to figure out some more things, since i upgraded Fraps. started a thread similar to yours on the video adventures.
:drunk :cheers
what really SUX is i couldnt get all the Gems from the battle with the battleship during Morgan's Quest, why is that???? i got rid of everything, bullets, meds, books, trinkets and still couldnt carry it all, so i captured the ship and then swapped @ St. Johns, hoping they'd still be in the cabin chest......(does the goonies mouth saying) "Buttttt Noooooooo, they werent
:thumbsdown2 :nogood :boom:
start 2013-03-30 16-58-33-13.jpg
Actually, that particular version looks like it's been heavily modified from the PotC stock 'Battleship2' hull and rigging.
I remember Craiggo sending me the model once, among several others that had been modified by some Russian modders. I can't say I really liked all the modifications, though.
And "Linear ship" sounds a bit odd, to me. :read
If memory serves Armada, you yourself had a version of that ship in your signature illustration for quite some time.

I need to do one of those one of these days. I have a lot of ships I have morphed and reskinned now. Maybe I'll wait until Zeven Provincien is finished.
Yes, I rather liked the unmodified ship for a while. Of course, these days I have a more critical eye for ship construction, so whenever I encounter the ship, I can spot a hundred issues from a mile away. :rolleyes:
Still, I do quite like the art style of the original texture.

I had the ship in my signature until I finished the Rossiya, by which time I had been dying to replace the image for weeks.
Maybe you could choose one of your favourite reskinned models and use that in a signature, at least until the Zeven Provincien comes along.
this was a ship i had coming @ me, notice my ship/name, then the spyglass and after boarding action report.


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    start 2013-04-04 20-11-15-87.jpg
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    start 2013-04-04 20-13-16-35.jpg
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there are a few things i really cant stand in this game and one of them being the ship cabins.
1. class 7-5 cabins has only 2 chests and a cargo hold chest no cannon deck/ward room
2. class 2/1 cabins has only 1 chest, 4 cannon deck, 2 ward room and 1 cargo hold chests.
i like the class 4/3 cabins where it has 3 cabin,
start 2013-04-13 02-35-03-00.jpg
start 2013-04-13 02-36-34-23.jpg
start 2013-04-13 02-38-09-81.jpg
4 cannon deck, 2 ward room 1 cargo hold chests