Armed Schooner: indeed, compared to other ships, its arcade performance seems low compared to its realistic performance. Arcade speed can go up to 15.5, turn rate to 50. Corsair Schooner, which is a better armed, pirate version of the same ship, also gets its arcade performance boosted to match.
Caravela Redonda: almost looked at the wrong ship because that's also the realistic mode name for what arcade mode calls "square-rigged caravel". It's also the name for a Portuguse ship which would be perhaps better renamed "carrack". It's an older-looking design than the other caravels with higher superstructure and is indeed an inferior design. Possibly reduce its period chance in "Spanish Main" so you don't see as many of them in the later period.
Dutch pinnace vs. medium pinnace: the Dutch pinnace loses some cargo capacity because it has a heavier armament. It's also slower in realistic mode, but the same speed in arcade mode. So the Dutch pinnace will be slightly slowed down in arcade mode. HP can stay as it is; this is a pinnace, not a frigate!
USS Enterprise: this was an earlier attempt to make a more realistic version of the Interceptor. The model has a few more guns than the Interceptor but not enough to justify over double the crew size. Possibly either increase its speed and turn to match "US_Interceptor" and "RN_Interceptor" (American Brig), or drop their performance to match "US_Enterprise" - at present they're slightly slower than the fantasy "HMS_Interceptor". In any case, "US_Enterprise" crew can drop to 65 compared to 57 for the other two.
Treasure Galleon: could indeed do with a boost to its arcade speed, as other ships have higher arcade speed than realistic speed while this one has them the same. Realistic speed stays at 8, arcade speed goes up to 9.5.
Caravela Redonda: almost looked at the wrong ship because that's also the realistic mode name for what arcade mode calls "square-rigged caravel". It's also the name for a Portuguse ship which would be perhaps better renamed "carrack". It's an older-looking design than the other caravels with higher superstructure and is indeed an inferior design. Possibly reduce its period chance in "Spanish Main" so you don't see as many of them in the later period.
Dutch pinnace vs. medium pinnace: the Dutch pinnace loses some cargo capacity because it has a heavier armament. It's also slower in realistic mode, but the same speed in arcade mode. So the Dutch pinnace will be slightly slowed down in arcade mode. HP can stay as it is; this is a pinnace, not a frigate!
USS Enterprise: this was an earlier attempt to make a more realistic version of the Interceptor. The model has a few more guns than the Interceptor but not enough to justify over double the crew size. Possibly either increase its speed and turn to match "US_Interceptor" and "RN_Interceptor" (American Brig), or drop their performance to match "US_Enterprise" - at present they're slightly slower than the fantasy "HMS_Interceptor". In any case, "US_Enterprise" crew can drop to 65 compared to 57 for the other two.
Treasure Galleon: could indeed do with a boost to its arcade speed, as other ships have higher arcade speed than realistic speed while this one has them the same. Realistic speed stays at 8, arcade speed goes up to 9.5.