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Screenshots thread

Glad you like the pictures. As for the question if I'd be willing to share them to Facebook...well I enjoy taking these screenshots but I'd prefer it not becoming a job or requirement for. It's just something I do for fun once in a while. Of course, you are free to share them yourself if you want, I'd have no problem with that.
There is no obligation in it.
Whenever you feel like posting something, you would at least be able to do so directly in the place where most people could see it.
And if you don't feel like posting something, then you don't. Anything that you do post is appreciated. :doff
Been a while guys but I got some new stuff to show. Most of the new screenshots are from a rather impressive encounter with an American patrol. I had to pull of some weird trickery to get some of these shots but I think it was worth it.

The new screenshots, as well older ones can be found in a special album on my imgur profile. Enjoy!

New Horizons
Man. Those ships are gorgeous. I still can't tell what the black and white american ship is (still havn't learned my riggings yet. I'm assuming some kind of brig/brigantine based on hull size.) but it is stunning. In fact, all these ships are stunning. The real stars of the New Horizons mod. :D Great shots btw. I have no idea what you did, but those angles are impressive.
The American ships are in fact three masted, fully rigged frigates. The model used for the American heavy frigate is based on the USS Constitution.
My guess is that's a Consitution class frigate. Not the USS Consitution herself, she has a slightly different colour scheme, but a similar type. She's a tough opponent for a Unite class frigate, which is what I believe @Joer is sailing.

(Looks like @Joer was posting his reply about the same time as I was. :ninja)
Yes, I mainly play the Unité frigate. I had to sail dangerously close to them to get the close up screenshots. Needless to say my ship was utterly decimated and I had to reload a previous safe.
Grapeshot is your friend. Batter the crew, not the ship. Once their morale is really low, they might surrender; if not, boarding should be easier. Then you get the screenshot of the American frigate as close as you like, although not with an American flag any more. :napoleon
You can fly whatever flag you want. :cheeky

Also with Ctrl+Arrow Keys, you can switch the camera to any other ship in the scene.
@Pillat just curious how was the performance during that huge battle?