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Screenshots thread

I had since long time planned a scene with pirates careening their ship.
That looks REALLY piratey!

And also replay the famous Pyle painting: "So the treasure was divided".

And that even moreso. :woot

Also introducing a new weapon: the hand cannon.
That thing is MASSIVE and I am scared...

(I placed a locator very very far away and switched to a character model without a talking head.)
Apparently rightly so. :shock
@Jack Rackham: can I use the donkey and tepee? I've an idea for a new sidequest involving the silver train; not to be confused with the existing "Silver Train" quest, this one is going to be set in and near Cartagena. So I'd like to have some donkeys for the scene in which you attack the silver train, and the tepee for an Indian village which you'll visit on your way there.

And there will be a swamp:
The idea is that when you go through that, you'll be bitten by something, then you'll be taken to the Indian village. They like you because of something you've already done, which is why they'll heal you...
@Grey Roger, I have posted your screenshot on our Facebook page now too.
Can you see it here?
I see it, though perhaps it's a bit premature as I have quite a bit of work to do before the quest is ready for testing...

On the other hand, what I have done is to set up the jungle. So even before the quest is done, you'll finally be able to walk away from the beach near Cartagena and explore inland, including that swamp. (But you won't be able to walk to Cartagena town because there is no suitable gate inside the town to lead to the jungle.)
The donkeys were imported by @Bartolomeu o Portugues so I guess it's ok.

Use the tipis if you like. It's of course possible to retexture them...
You have to check how they were placed, randitem or ... the other way.
I'm not at home so I can't see it today.
Thanks! :cheers

I'll probably make a retextured version so as to keep your original version unique. Looking at the "Goldbug" files, they seem to be placed by "randitem". I hope to make a new location model with a few tepees, which can then be used as an Indian village. So mine will be placed by TOOL onto that location.

Incidentally, I found this in GoF:
There are a few other designs as well. I'll import them and make them buildable items for use in Indian locations.
Could there be something wrong with your installation?
Can you post the model file's name?
Maybe I can find the texture.
Perhaps this is the same texture layout as the one in TEHO, perhaps it's not. It's the one I found in GoF which provides the textures for the totems which I found there.

These totems are named after gems: "DiamondA.gm", "EmeraldA.gm", "RubyA.gm", "SapphireA.gm". GM Viewer shows all of them to use "EnvAmmo.tga.tx" and "Signs.tga.tx". But they don't really seem to use "EnvAmmo.tga.tx" because if I rename it, GM Viewer still shows them properly.


  • signs.tga.tx.zip
    553.1 KB · Views: 273
Yes! That's the one. Thanks a lot. :xmas
Interesting. That's not one of the totems which I found in GoF, even though it does appear to work with the same texture file.

I've succeeded in making three of the four GoF totems into buildable items. Here's one of them:

See that lizard at the bottom of the pole? That's no coincidence. Any build item must have a character associated with it, and several which aren't supposed to show anyone nearby use "b_invisible", which is a lizard. For most buildings, that is not a problem - it's a small animal, hidden by the building. But it's visible here. There should be a simple solution, though - create a new texture with the alpha channel set entirely black to make it transparent, hex-edit "b_invisible" to use it, then "b_invisible" really will be invisible.

Another problem is that build items need a couple of locators added, "start" and "end". One of the four totems can't be read by TOOL, so I can't add the locators to that one. @Jack Rackham: could you upload the TEHO totem? If I can add the locators to that one, it can join the rest. Otherwise both it and the GoF totem which TOOL won't read can still be placed by "randitem" scene locators.
Sure, here. There's a stone map on the top but it can be removed with the TOOL.

And yes I've seen those lizards too when adding garden stuff. So if you please could upload that alpha texture file I can fix older things.


  • TEHO totem.7z
    100.2 KB · Views: 235
There should be a simple solution, though - create a new texture with the alpha channel set entirely black to make it transparent, hex-edit "b_invisible" to use it, then "b_invisible" really will be invisible.
If you decide to try that, please:
1. Rename the original file, but keep it in the mod (it's hilarious :rofl )
2. Make "b_invisible.gm" truly invisible.

That being said, I'd be perfectly fine with leaving it as-is in this example.
It's a jungle. Why wouldn't there be a lizard resting under a pole?
If you decide to try that, please:
1. Rename the original file, but keep it in the mod (it's hilarious :rofl )
2. Make "b_invisible.gm" truly invisible.
There's no need to rename the original file. It's probably a copy of "lizard.gm".

That being said, I'd be perfectly fine with leaving it as-is in this example.
It's a jungle. Why wouldn't there be a lizard resting under a pole?
If you want a lizard in your choice of build item, copy "lizard.gm" from "RESOURCE\MODELS\Animals" to "RESOURCE\MODELS\Characters", then use "lizard" instead of "b_invisible" in its 'InitBLDexterior' line in "initItems.c". Besides:
And yes I've seen those lizards too when adding garden stuff. So if you please could upload that alpha texture file I can fix older things.
The visible "b_invisible" apparently spoils some other things.

So here are the new "b_invisible.gm" and the invisible texture "invis1.tga.tx". Just put "b_invisible.gm" into "RESOURCE\MODELS\Characters", overwriting the existing one; put "invis1.tga.tx" into "RESOURCE\Textures\Characters"; and any building which uses "b_invisible" should have an invisible lizard instead of a visible one.


  • b_invisible.zip
    6.9 KB · Views: 246
  • invis1.tga.tx.zip
    205 bytes · Views: 266
Ok, that works fine. I tested hedgerow and hedgerow2 and this was very good as I'm about more of those. :onya