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    Maelstrom New Horizons

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Screenshots thread

I wonder if we can and should rename the "Defend" order to "Follow". That might make it clearer to people.
Don't know but whatever they do, except the attack order .... Maybe best is to have a few orders replaced witht he "turn in circle and fire" order from the main character's abilities.That's how they 'll be most valuable.
Heh, once battle commences anything goes. One ship will hang back and fire from long range and the other ship will charge in and fire at point blank range. Then I have to go rescue the charger....
The hoy fights with the sea: ENGINE 2013-10-16 02-45-14-04.jpg The Mordaunt : ENGINE 2013-10-19 09-01-22-69.jpg My officers: ENGINE 2013-10-19 20-01-41-25.jpg

ENGINE 2013-10-14 17-03-14-77.jpgENGINE 2013-10-18 01-38-54-39.jpgENGINE 2013-10-14 22-21-17-04.jpgENGINE 2013-10-18 10-24-38-81.jpgENGINE 2013-10-16 13-17-42-67.jpg
I did the 2 Battles for Bridgetown and the 1st Cozumel Battle last night. Gawd I hate this part!!!! :rumgone

First I assembled my fleet of 3 Waller Pinnaces and then sailed to Barbados. When attacking the fort the wind pinned me to one corner of the harbor where I could not hit the fort. I probably did kill some earthworms and gophers tho. The companion ships did all the fighting. Then because I had never attacked a fort before I did not know that I was supposed to then land troops and attack the fort again. :facepalm It eventually got done and it didn't glitch.
3 pinnaces-1.jpg 3 pinnaces-2.jpg

Then off to Cozumel! :ship Why not one but two storms hit during the battle I do not know, but they made it most difficult. The only good thing is that one of the enemy ships sank in one of them. What a mess......:rumgone
Cozumel-1.jpg Cozumel-2.jpg

No to go into the Temple. :pirates
Done! Now to repair the ships and see about getting the Wicked Wench. And why is the BP still cursed?
Temple-1.jpg Temple-2.jpg Temple-3.jpg Black Pearl captured.jpg Black Pearl trapped.jpg Black Pearl cursed again.jpg decisions decisions.jpg
And what do you mean by "bend no knee to the aristocracy ?" To the traditional one or to the new falsely called so ? Not to respect it ?!
Yes. Queen Anne Romney is one example of the new aristocracy.

The Bush family is another.

The Koch family is another.
I thought there was code in place to swap the cursed BP with the uncursed one at the end of the Standard storyline.
Is that not working? Do you have a savegame just prior to the capture?
The Black Pearl became uncursed after I captured her, and then became cursed again on the voyage to Havana. I have no idea why or how.

Also, the "sneak into the temple" quest remains in the quest book long after the main quest is completed.

I do not have a save from just before capturing the Pearl, but have one from in the temple and one from landing at Havana.

Are the old European aristocracy trying to change Europe into a Corporatocracy, with a few hundred uber rich owning everything while most people live in poverty? That is what the Amerikan aristocracy is doing. It is called Fascism.


  • -=Player=- Cozumel.7z
    688.4 KB · Views: 131
  • -=Player=- Cuba.7z
    683.8 KB · Views: 120
Are the old European aristocracy trying to change Europe into a Corporatocracy, with a few hundred uber rich owning everything while most people live in poverty? That is what the Amerikan aristocracy is doing. It is called Fascism.

Actually this is closer to slavery than to fascism. I doubt the old aristocracy is into it, most of them were stolen everything. I myself have lived worse than the ordinary people for standing for the correct things.
It is corporate slavery with wage slaves. The Capitalistic ideal is the factories in Communist China, believe it or not.

I really just want to say that all of the lower boarding decks are now black, as in Black Pearl.
The Pearl DOES get uncursed and then gets herself cursed AGAIN? UH!?!?
You don't happen to have a cursed coin on her captain, do you?
:modding :modding :modding

But you say that she DOES get uncursed after being captured, which is what should be happening.
After that, there is no code that should be touching her again though.
It is there to be seen in the screenies of post #367. They show us battling and the BP is cursed, then uncursed as part of my fleet, and then sailing away as the cursed BP again. You can see all the smoke coming from her.