• New Horizons on Maelstrom
    Maelstrom New Horizons

    Visit our website www.piratehorizons.com to quickly find download links for the newest versions of our New Horizons mods Beyond New Horizons and Maelstrom New Horizons!

Save Swapmeet , Share your Saves with other people.

Red Back Dude

HoO Team Member
Public Relations
Hearts of Oak Donator
Ever wondered what life would be like in another Pirates shoes ? what about an officer of the navy or a simple merchant captain ? well here is your chance ! i always find it interesting to load somebody elses save for troubleshooting and see just how different it is from my own so i thought i'd start a thread to share saves around!

When you get in make sure to check the quest log to see where things are at to start off then looking at ship berthing on each island and cheeking ships chests would also be a good idea.

To load the save go Load in the main menu then click Profiles.

Please include the release date on the main menu in your post as well as the storyline.
Put the saves in the appropriate storyline folder in the Save folder of your PoTC install.

Standard (tales of a sea hawk)
Red , Currently a merchant captain caught up in a shady governors plans.
19th January 2015


  • -=RBD=- Jamaica. Port Royale. Center.7z
    511.6 KB · Views: 114
Last edited:
Free Play
22nd may 2016

Character Name: Sir Llywellyn Wellesley
Background: Naval Officer in the royal navy of George II
Scenario: Colonial powers

Warning bad things might happen straight off the bat


  • -=Player=- Open Sea September 26th, 1740.zip
    945.5 KB · Views: 133