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Solved Runtime error!


Sailor Apprentice
I open engine.exe and tells me:
Runtime error! Abnormal program termination. It will not open. How did this happen? Under Engine.exe I found the error.txt file. Maybe that's the cause? (See attacked)


  • error.log
    126 bytes · Views: 286
COMPILE ERROR - file: Loc_ai\LAi_CreateOfficer.c; line: 32
Function [CreateOfficer_Cheat] already declared in: NK.c line 14

@chri: That is definitely the reason. You must have a wrong modpack installation.
Where do you have the game installed? And what modpack files did you install? And in what order?

This is the correct way:

1. Install the stock PotC and make sure it runs OK
2. Create a folder anywhere, such as in "Downloads"
3. Download Part 1 and Part 2 and put them in that folder
4. In that folder, click on the EXE
5. Browse to your PotC install. Point the installer there
6. Choose the options you want when asked
7. Play!

1. You MUST install this on top of the unmodified stock game
Pirates of the Caribbean, released in 2003 by Akella.
The mod is NOT a standalone game!

- DON'T install the game to Program Files,
otherwise Windows prevents it from installing correctly
Install to, for example, C:\Games\Pirates of the Caribbean
I installed build 14 beta 4.1 on the original game in C \ Program Files (x86) \ pirates of the caribbean
I installed build 14 beta 4.1 on the original game in C \ Program Files (x86) \ pirates of the caribbean
That could be the problem, then. Install the original game somewhere else. Create a folder at the top level of C: if necessary. As @Pieter Boelen suggested, perhaps create "C:\Games", then install PoTC (and, for that matter, any other games) into that.

Having said that, I don't think "NK.c" exists in the original game. So I'm wondering if you've somehow managed to mix up two different installs. Because looking at my archives, function "CreateOfficer_Cheat" is defined in "NK.c" in earlier versions of the mod but has moved into "LAi_CreateOfficer.c" in Beta 4. If you have a Beta 4 installation with a Beta 3 version of "NK.c", that would produce the error you saw.
I installed build 14 beta 4.1 on the original game in C \ Program Files (x86) \ pirates of the caribbean
Indeed "Program Files" must be avoided at all costs. Windows Security Stupidity (WSS) messes stuff up there basically all the time.

I personally like "C:\Games\Pirates of the Caribbean" which has always worked fine for me.

Having said that, I don't think "NK.c" exists in the original game.
That is a mod-added file for sure. The letters "NK" are the initials of @NathanKell.

So I'm wondering if you've somehow managed to mix up two different installs. Because looking at my archives, function "CreateOfficer_Cheat" is defined in "NK.c" in earlier versions of the mod but has moved into "LAi_CreateOfficer.c" in Beta 4. If you have a Beta 4 installation with a Beta 3 version of "NK.c", that would produce the error you saw.
That is indeed by far the most likely explanation. :yes