What do you mean with "soundtracks"? The seperate .ogg file references? With "cases" I mean, for example <i>[music_spokplavanie]</i> (see below). With "tracks" I mean a .ogg file reference, for example <i>name = MUSIC\Spokplavanie.ogg</i> (see below). I imagine it's the amount of cases that causes the problems, not the amount of tracks.<!--c1--><div class='codetop'>CODE</div><div class='codemain'><!--ec1-->;============= SPOKPLAVANIE =======================
name = MUSIC\Spokplavanie.ogg
name = MUSIC\Sailing01.ogg
;============= ENPLAVANIE =========================
name = MUSIC\Enplavanie.ogg
name = MUSIC\Sailing02.ogg<!--c2--></div><!--ec2-->Question: Why is this seperate? As far as I know, both are played when sailing. We might as well join them in one case, right?
name = MUSIC\Spokplavanie.ogg
name = MUSIC\Sailing01.ogg
;============= ENPLAVANIE =========================
name = MUSIC\Enplavanie.ogg
name = MUSIC\Sailing02.ogg<!--c2--></div><!--ec2-->Question: Why is this seperate? As far as I know, both are played when sailing. We might as well join them in one case, right?