I've been playing a little of the CM and I really like most of it, you guys are fantastic; but the wind model you guys implemented is not realistic at all. If you look at wind maps for the Caribbean, most of the time the average wind speed is between 10 and 15 knots and out of the east. In my game (I have RTBL on) the wind changes drastically every hour. This is just odd to me. Yes, historically wind played a huge role in sea battles and commerce but it was more often predictable in this part of the world than not during fair weather.
I understand if some people like it but I read some posts that there may be a setting to disable the random wind speeds. If this has already be implemented please let me know where I can find it. thanks!
I understand if some people like it but I read some posts that there may be a setting to disable the random wind speeds. If this has already be implemented please let me know where I can find it. thanks!