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Solved Reputation and saving Bugs?


First thing I can not save at sea.

Next I have the reputation of bloke and it appeared when I released a prisoner I though that was supposed to be a good deed and I cant get my rep to neutral or good on any of my playthroughs.
You can only save at sea when you are in sailing mode (big map) or when you are in the ship sea mode (while viewing your ship). If you trying to save in your cabin, the option will be greyed out.
I also assume that you are NOT playing "hardcore" mode.

When it comes to hero reputation, depending on the deed it can take more than action to actually change your reputation, unless it is tied to a significant quest completion. Some quests are not reputation base game correct based on coding.

A good comparison for example is when you do governor's quests. It takes 2-3 quests to raise you individual reputation and standing in a country.

HINT: If you really are having a hard time with individual reputation you can use the debug menu (F11) and use F11 again to add reputation. I do this myself because you always lose reputation when boarding pirates, capturing the captains and then turning them in authorities which is base game coding "faux pas".

At some point, I may actually fix this, but it will require some more detective work. But I know which files cause this action.
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Normally the only time you can not save at sea is when you are in combat. Do you have an error log?

It takes some time to build up your reputation and one bad deed wipes out many good deeds.

EDIT: Enchanted City? Where is that?
Thanks for the info on rep that should help.

About the saving though I can hit the save button but it is a corrupt save when at sea also same thing happens with quick save fortunatly I can still go on ship deck and save and at towns how do i find error log?
You are getting corrupt saves? Methinks you have the latest mod too. Not good. Hmm, do you have many different profiles for different characters? Sometimes many profiles can confuse the game engine.

In your POTC folder there will always be a compile.log and a system.log, and sometimes there is an error.log also.
Yep latest version and right before i started this game I reinstalled the game deleting old saves.


  • error.log
    5.5 KB · Views: 145
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By corrupt saves the save says something on the lines of that and won't load
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Ok the corrupt save thing says bad save and the F11 rep thing didn't change my rep is that also a CoAS thing
That is a load of different errors! Some are stock game things too. Methinks you got a bad download.
That is a load of different errors! Some are stock game things too. Methinks you got a bad download.
Their mostly all from one instance I kept wanting to do I kept trying to capture a centurion ship because I didn't want to just let her go when she had no powder to shoot at me and it kept crashing so I gave up on her and no problems now.
Accually now that I look at it that is a lot of errors not all from the centurion attack
Well thanks for the help we sure have the best community on Pirates Ahoy with all the help you get. :cheers

I can still save in areas and on the deck at sea so the game is still quite playable. So I'll just leave it alone and enjoy this great game.

Though who knows what the problem is, and it hasn't been fixed, it is not really to big of a deal, and I seem to be an isolated case, so I will put the thread to solved so people don't worry about it.