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WIP Remus77 Christianus/Trinity

A thread could get messy quick; I vote for a new subforum dedicated to historic research and discussion. Maybe it'll take off, maybe it won't, but at least we'll have tried. :doff
Armada, would you mind setting that up? I'm trying to do as little as possible while I'm still on vacation in Florida. ;)
Rather than make a new subforum, I've modified the description of The Blind Parrot to include discussion on the Age of Sail in general, rather than just pirates.
It was already labelled as "Mature discussion..." and contains historical accounts, so it was very close to the idea in the first place. How does that sound?

Noriruru: Back on topic indeed... I haven't had a chance to finish the path yet, but it's only a quick job so I'll see if I can get it done today.
How did we get so off topic anyway?o_O

I hope my submitted trinity variants weren't the cause.:unsure

Anyhow when the path is ready please send me a link.:yes
I'm not too bothered about what got us off topic. As long as we're back on track, that's all that matters. ;)
Sorry to interject so late in the conversation, and I hope I do not offend MK by calling this out, but I think it may be necessary for the sake of neurodiversity tolerance.

MK has started in the past that he's on the autism spectrum, and that age of sail ships, especially 17th century to mid 18th century ones, are an interest area for him. I don't know how many of you have first hand experience with ASD people, but anything that affects an interest area can trigger a strong response, which shouldn't be taken personally.

I've seen a few conversations recently where MK have a disproportionately strong response to a post and people said things along the lines of, woah chill out! Or acted offended. I don't think (and he can correct me if I'm wrong) that he means any of these posts to be taken personally. He mostly seems to be defending an area of extreme interest that others could be interpreted to be saying isn't important.

I think this is mostly a miscommunication, and could be alleviated on both sides by accepting each other's differences.

MK, I don't think anyone meant to say that historical accuracy isn't important. Some people simply value it more than others, and some mods and games make it a higher priority than others. I think that should be ok. I can't tell you not to feel upset when people get tired of taking about an interest, but please understand that they don't mean it personally, or that your interest in the subject isn't important, most of them seem to have wanted only to get the thread back on topic of the specific ship.

Everyone else, please accept that MK is just going to have reactions that seem disproportionately strong sometimes. He cares a LOT about this topic and others like it. Bringing up such topics can trigger what some might consider too much information. Invalidating that flood of info can trigger a negative response. I suggest in the future when a thread goes off topic for several posts like this one did, gently suggest starting a new thread, "wow, I never knew that historical paint was such a huge topic! Perhaps we should start a new thread for discussing it where we can go in more depth?"
Really good of you to post this KrisWood, the whole conversation makes more sense in that light. I'll be more understanding about it in the future.
Thanks, mate. As long as we all believe the best of each other, there should be no concerns with getting along. Right?

We do try to split off off-topic conversations into their own threads when we can, but obviously in this instance we failed to do so. Stupid. :facepalm
Now that you bring it up, I do remember him mentioning it awhile back. He's able to handle himself so well, that it slipped my mind.
Come to think of it, he probably does think differently than from most people. That's not a bad thing, necessarily. I used to know people with more severe autism who possessed mental powers in certain areas that far surpassed those of average people. One that I remember in particular could recall the exact date when every major event, global or personal, in his lifetime occurred... But I digress. I'll certainly bear that in mind this time.
I am sorry to have caused a Talkshow that is not part over here.
I have been rightly rejected. Now please go back to the ship which is now being built.

Who builds ships must deal with historical shipbuilding. How else should he be able to construct its something.

Meet here different opinions. MK is right. A new theme to be good.
Finished it now; see attached file. When I said "today"... I meant this "today", really. :cheeky
I allowed access to the poop deck, but the main gun deck is still inaccessible. It would take quite a bit longer to add access to that, and my priority is the Rossia right now.

I've also made an interface screenshot for the default version from this image:

All that's left is a sailorspoints/walk file, and with my new guide to the Sailor Tool for everyone to see, there's really no reason for me to do it. :wp


  • Trinity1_path.7z
    8.2 KB · Views: 147
The POTC install I use for just playing CTDed on me last night. This is now rare enough that I looked into the cause, and the game was looking for the Trinity! o_O How did the Trinity get into the ships_init.c?

Could someone get this ship into GOF2?
The POTC install I use for just playing CTDed on me last night. This is now rare enough that I looked into the cause, and the game was looking for the Trinity! o_O How did the Trinity get into the ships_init.c?
I included an entry in the file I posted recently in the new sails thread, but I definitely commented out the code, so it should NOT be trying to generate the ship.
Simple solution: add the Trinity to your game. :p

So.... can we add her into the game now then?
Yes, aside from waiting for a walk file. We should look at including Noriruru's textures to add variety as well.
Finished it now; see attached file. When I said "today"... I meant this "today", really. :cheeky
I allowed access to the poop deck, but the main gun deck is still inaccessible. It would take quite a bit longer to add access to that, and my priority is the Rossia right now.

I've also made an interface screenshot for the default version from this image:

All that's left is a sailorspoints/walk file, and with my new guide to the Sailor Tool for everyone to see, there's really no reason for me to do it. :wp

Well done Armada.:onya
I REALLY appreciate all the work you put in to this wonderful ship.
When I first left PotBS I thought I'd never see her again.
She was the biggest and grandest ship I ever obtained on that game.

I'm really enjoying her on PotC safe in the knowledge that no idiot game dev will ever screw with her again.:ship

Hats off to both You as well as SeaNorris for getting his hands on the model to convert. :doff

I've been checking on the Rossia as well, Rossia looks great my friend.:yes