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Not a Bug Reconnoiter captured Speightstown city bug

During one part of the quest where you have to escort the baroque carrying ammunition the captain of that ship tells you that I need to bring my ship in the Saint Pierre port in order to set sail but every time I sail to the port, the fort attacks me regardless of the flag I fly. What could be the problem?
Please try again and then posted your compile.log file here afterwards.
That will probably contain a mention of what happens and why.
I don't know if I was able to do so before but I tried to sail to the port again and I was able to moor at the port even though the fort was still attacking me. I was able to get the ammo ship to travel with me, though the fort sunk the barque for me so I got that going for me, which is nice :p Here is my compile.log, maybe you will figure something out.


  • compile.log
    13.2 KB · Views: 323
According to compile.log:
FLAGS: The 'Saint Pierre Fort' remembers us as personal
Apparently you were spotted before by the fort while flying a Personal flag.
I assume you're personally hostile with France, right?

To sort that out, you can either:
- Get another ship (one they don't recognize)
- Make peace with France
- Get into town from the beach out of range of the fort
@Pieter Boelen Yes, I was personally hostile to France due to letter of marque I got from Silehard, and as you know in that timeline the English are hostile with France. But don't false flags work? What criteria contributes to the fort not recognizing you?
False flags work fine.
But if the fort first sees you with a hostile flag, then later with a false friendly one, they won't believe the friendly one.
Because they already saw you as being hostile before. ;)
So the only ways to reset the forts memory is if it was attacked, if you change your ship and if you make peace?

Edit: @Pieter Boelen Also, is it possible to make so that false flags work even though fort knows you as hostile? If so, could you tell me how?
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So the only ways to reset the forts memory is if it was attacked, if you change your ship and if you make peace?
The fort commanders are fairly clever. For them to remember you as an enemy, they just need to SEE you flying a hostile flag.
And unless they've got a valid reason to forget about that, they won't.... :diomed

Edit: @Pieter Boelen Also, is it possible to make so that false flags work even though fort knows you as hostile? If so, could you tell me how?
There is no ingame way to do it, except to give them a valid reason to as described in post #4 above.
But of course you can "cheat" anything through console:
ResetCharacterMemory(CharacterFromID("YOUR FORT COMMANDER"));
Replace "YOUR FORT COMMANDER" with the relevant character ID as found in PROGRAM\Characters\init\FortCommandants.c .
You probably need the "Falaise de Fleur" one.

Or maybe even easier:
I've just come back to New Horizons and this is causing me trouble. Boon won't leave unless my ship's in port, but I can't go to the port because even with a French flag flying I get smashed by the fort. It's so long since I played the base game I can't remember how this used to work.
I've just come back to New Horizons and this is causing me trouble. Boon won't leave unless my ship's in port, but I can't go to the port because even with a French flag flying I get smashed by the fort. It's so long since I played the base game I can't remember how this used to work.
Can you upload your compile.log file?
Probably the fort saw you with a different flag before and still remembers you.
This behaviour is fairly new and definitely wasn't in the base game.
Thanks, Pieter. I tried the various console commands posted earlier but nothing happened.

I then realised that I was playing the beta 'WIP' version from my last installation! I've now started a new game with the latest Build and executable from ModDB so I will see if the same problem occurs.
I've done it again with my new game. I was able to moor at the port under a French flag and deal with Virgile Boon later. It seems this is quite an opaque part of the quest, especially so close to starting the game. Having been to Silehard the player is already a British agent and has a Letter of Marque so getting into St Pierre is going to be frustrating unless something specifically about this can be added to the quest book entry.

On leaving the World Map in the middle of the sea after leaving Martinique, my flag had automatically been changed from French to British so the Oiseau started firing on me before I realised what had happened.

Is it still the case that flags must be changed when outside of 'Land Ho!' range for there to be any effect? Can I be sailing next to a hostile island in 3rd person mode, change flag to one friendly to the settlement, then sail into the port with no ill effects?
Is it still the case that flags must be changed when outside of 'Land Ho!' range for there to be any effect? Can I be sailing next to a hostile island in 3rd person mode, change flag to one friendly to the settlement, then sail into the port with no ill effects?
Depends on the range. Ships and forts that SEE you will remember the flag you're flying and that might mess you up later, so you have to be careful.
Whether they see you or not depends on the distance, visibility and whether it is night or day.
Having the Letter of Marque is not the problem. That's the whole point of false flags - you can have a Letter of Marque from one nation but still hoist an enemy flag in order to sneak into a port.

Ideally you should indeed change flag while outside "Land Ho" range. At the very least, you must not go anywhere near port until you have changed flag because if the fort once sees you with a hostile flag, it will remember you and will recognise you. This does not need to be added to the questbook, you need to remember this any time you want to enter an enemy port for any reason. You'll need to get into San Juan repeatedly later in the story, and various sidequests might need you to enter other hostile ports.

Leaving worldmap in the middle of the sea, or anywhere else after you've left Martinique waters, is indeed what triggers the attack on the Oiseau. You automatically hoist a British flag so that you're properly hostile to the ship and are attacking it legally under that Letter of Marque. Don't be anywhere near a French or Spanish port when you leave worldmap to fight the Oiseau!
Quite, I understand the idea and recalled the Land Ho! bit from some Build years ago. However, from the perspective of someone who last played Build those years ago, a line saying 'I must remember to hoist a French flag before approaching St Pierre!' at that point quite early in the game could be a useful addition. Obviously in my case it wouldn't have worked because I must have been seen by the fort before.

Subsequently, it would be patronising to add it to the Quest Book every time as it would have been introduced to the player through a storyline mechanic. Otherwise, apart from the wall of text when meeting Malcolm Hatcher at the beginning, in which it's easy to overlook the intricacies of hoisting flags when one hasn't seen the ship's deck yet (especially if the player has not played the game before - my brother for instance is starting a Build game without having played the original), I've only come across the 'International Relations' tutorial which I may have triggered by talking to Silehard and getting the book. Or perhaps it was from getting fired on by the fort.

I'm just trying to think of ways of streamlining that bit, which if playing the 'normal' storyline is perhaps the second task, and the first quest point where the power and ingenuity of the false flags system is apparent.
Actually, adding various "tutorial" parts also later during the Standard storyline does make a lot of sense. :onya
I'm considering adding this to the "Relations Book":
False Flags:

The use of false flags to gain a tactical advantage prior to battle, or to enter an enemy port under cover, is perfectly legal.  You are required to hoist your true flag (or at least, a flag hostile to the target) before opening fire.

Forts and ships may see you change flag if you are within visual range.  Be warned, forts can see a long way.  If a fort once sees you under a hostile flag, it will remember and it will recognise you.  Therefore if you intend to enter a hostile port under a false flag, be sure to hoist your false flag well away from the coast.

If you have been recognised, there are several ways to avoid further recognition:
- Make peace with the nation, even if only for long enough to carry out your business in port and leave safely.
- Acquire a different class of ship.  The fort remembers your ship, therefore if you no longer have a ship of that type, the fort will no longer recognise you.  (It is not sufficient to repaint the ship, or to give it to a subordinate officer.  If the fort sees that ship, or any ship of the same type, anywhere in your fleet, you will be recognised.)
- Attack and capture the fort.  The fort's records will be lost while you are plundering it.
I'm considering adding this to the "Relations Book":
Why not?
Big question though: Will anyone bother to read it?

"Be warned, forts can see a long way."
Forts use the same formula for visibility as ships, so it shouldn't matter between the two.

"Acquire a different class of ship."
Different "type" as opposed to "tier", right?

"Attack and capture the fort. The fort's records will be lost while you are plundering it."
Is that true? I suppose if it is, I must've added that at some point, but I don't remember it.