I think your keep model crashed the game because it has been converted as CHARACTER model. At least it had locators called Saber_belt, saber_hand, gun_hand etc. , and only characters should have those.
If you work with a NONcharacter model in Inez Tool you must check the "ship,item,location" option at the right margin. Otherwise your model will be converted into a character that requires such stuff as the mentioned locators, bonestructure, animation etc. I think your keep causes crashes because those things don't exist (properly), or the program get's confused cause a charactermodel is used for an (building)item.
I managed to let your keep appear without crash this way:
Checked "ship,item,location"
Opened with the tool and saved it as Vrml
opened that b_keep.vrm and saved it as gm again
That twice reconverted DOES show up in the game. Albeit slightly garbled: the exterior walls got lost. But that might be fixed if you convert your original model to GM again, this time as item.
Some other, minor things:
A building item is an item of the "blade" type, and as such it needs a "start" and an "end" locator. If those are missing you'll get errors. For details look at the locators of other buildings (but I can also add them for you)
The textures for building items must be in the resource\textures\AMMO folder. The ones you used are from resource\textures, so currently you'll get errors
Can't load texture resource\textures\AMMO\WALKL_256.TGA.tx
Can't load texture resource\textures\AMMO\FFPW.TGA.tx
Can't load texture resource\textures\AMMO\OXBAY_BRICK.TGA.tx
Can't load texture resource\textures\AMMO\BRCK48L COPY.TGA.tx
Can't load texture resource\textures\AMMO\BRCK48L COPY.TGA.tx
Can't load texture resource\textures\AMMO\SPAIN_PESOK.TGA.tx
Can't load texture resource\textures\AMMO\FFPW.TGA.tx
Can't load texture resource\textures\AMMO\PLANKS.TGA.tx
Can't load texture resource\textures\AMMO\WOODEN2.TGA.tx
Can't load texture resource\textures\AMMO\PLANKS.TGA.tx
Can't load texture resource\textures\AMMO\WOODEN2.TGA.tx
and the keep is untextured. It would be no big problem to copy those textures into the ammo folder, but we could save filespace and download volume if you take, where ever possible, the stone and wood textures from the ammo folder.
Your keep is a really beautiful model, and we can employ it to improve the looks of locations. But it is simply too big to be used in the settlement feature of the Buildingset: it dwarfes all other buildings, and is half as wide as the average beach. No big problem though, we can stick to my ugly "Pentagonal Norman Keep" <img src="<#EMO_DIR#>/wink.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid="

" border="0" alt="wink.gif" /> in the settlement part (will probably be not much used anyway), and use your model as B_citadel to make nice new architecture for the new islands.
I mailed you a screenshot of your keep in Oxbay port, and the double-reconverted model in case you can get any info out of it. And I'm looking forward to your (small) redoubt model <img src="<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid="

" border="0" alt="smile.gif" />