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Fixed RE-Joining the Pirates

What was the desired result by changing the code in "PROGRAM\DIALOGS\Isenbrandt Jurcksen_dialog.c"?

I tried both codes, no changes in Isenbrandt's dialog.

What was the desired result by changing the code in "PROGRAM\DIALOGS\Isenbrandt Jurcksen_dialog.c"?
The desired result was that it would work this time.
But now that I see your screenshot, it is beginning to dawn on me that the problem is somewhere else altogether!

Jurcksen gets a "generic pirate governor dialog" when you join the pirates. That dialog doesn't allow you to join the Pirates, because you just did.
When you leave the Pirates, the dialog gets reset and you end up "locked out".

Execute this through console instead:
ch = CharacterFromID("Isenbrandt Jurcksen");
ch.Dialog.FileName = "Isenbrandt Jurcksen_dialog.c";
Well this happened. :wp:wp


Should I revert the code in "PROGRAM\DIALOGS\Isenbrandt Jurcksen_dialog.c" to its original line?
Still no luck, reverted it back to the original line but after executing console, all I have is a blank dialog box by Isenbrandt.
Then try:
ch = CharacterFromID("Isenbrandt Jurcksen");
ch.Dialog.FileName = "Isenbrandt Jurcksen_dialog.c";
ch.Dialog.CurrentNode = "First time";

Then try again. If it doesn't, post your compile.log here. Also check if there is anything in error.log .
ch = CharacterFromID("Isenbrandt Jurcksen"); Trace("------------------------------------------"); DumpAttributes(ch); Trace("------------------------------------------"); ch.Dialog.FileName = "Isenbrandt Jurcksen_dialog.c"; ch.Dialog.CurrentNode = "First time";

THIS WORKED!!!! :bounce

However.... You loose all points you've earned before, points revert back to zero.
And.... If you choose to leave the pirates' service again, the dialog to join disappears. you just have to execute the code again in console.

I still uploaded the compile and error logs, you might find something significant. :aar


  • compile.log
    94.6 KB · Views: 139
  • error.log
    4.9 KB · Views: 142
Basically, you have to start over again. If I remember correctly I am supposed to have 700+ points and a rank of Scourge of the Seven Seas. But as you can see, it is reverted back to the lowest rank and point.

But I'll take this any day, at least I can re-join PIRACY LEGITIMATELY.

I still uploaded the compile and error logs, you might find something significant. :aar
Thanks for that. Nothing related to your issue, but now we know for sure.

Some entries in error.log log though that I thought I already fixed.
This might explain it:
Build 14 Beta 4 WIP: 17 Apr 2016
Savegame Compatibility: 14.932
That means you are missing out on a fair few important fixes. You might want to consider upgrading to this version:
Mod Release - Build 14 Beta 4.1 WIP | PiratesAhoy!
It is technically savegame-compatible with your game; only F11 required.

However.... You loose all points you've earned before, points revert back to zero.
And.... If you choose to leave the pirates' service again, the dialog to join disappears. you just have to execute the code again in console.
Both true.
This is the simplest solution I could think of from a distance (having no access to my game right now), but something more is required.

Can you upload the PROGRAM\DIALOGS\Pirate Governor_dialog.c file? I think that is its name.

If you can't find that, do DumpAttributes(CharacterFromID("Isenbrandt Jurcksen")); on the savegame you posted without execuing those other lines I suggested.
Then post your compile.log so that I can see what dialog and node are actually assigned to him before you override that with console.
No problem. Here you go.
Thanks. In that file, find:
if(ProfessionalNavyNation() == UNKNOWN_NATION && iNation != PIRATE)
Replace with:
if(ProfessionalNavyNation() == UNKNOWN_NATION)
See how that goes.

Good chance that you or him will actually call it a "Letter of Marque" then, which of course technically doesn't make any sense.
But functionally it should at least work. Please let me know if that works.
I can think of several "proper" solutions that mainly depend on whether we think it makes sense to get your rank back after leaving the Pirates or not.
The Pirates are generally quite forgiving of acts against them, but I'm not convinced they'd invite you with open arms after you turned against them.

Any thoughts? @Grey Roger's suggestions would be welcome too.

but as you said, it did not make sense. "...So I will not be branded as a pirate." You are applying to be a pirate doofus.

Anyway, cheers, this is much appreciated.
The Pirates are generally quite forgiving of acts against them, but I'm not convinced they'd invite you with open arms after you turned against them.

I think they'd ask for a pretty hefty sum (as the pirates they are), or at least a dirty task I cannot refuse, like assassination or pillaging a city to prove loyalty.
but as you said, it did not make sense. "...So I will not be branded as a pirate." You are applying to be a pirate doofus.
Now you know why that condition was there. ;)

I think they'd ask for a pretty hefty sum (as the pirates they are), or at least a dirty task I cannot refuse, like assassination or pillaging a city to prove loyalty.
Money is simpler.
So proper fix would be:
1. If for whatever reason you leave the pirates, reset various things, such as their governor dialogs and maybe some other things too.
2. Then have Isenbrandt's dialog check if you have a "previous rank" and offer you to get your rank back IF you pay him some money. If not, you can start from zero.

I personally consider #2 optional; not because it isn't a good idea (it is), but simply because of limited time on my part.
Would definitely appreciate if someone else could look into this. We know now what needs doing; it just needs to be done.
I can think of several "proper" solutions that mainly depend on whether we think it makes sense to get your rank back after leaving the Pirates or not.
The Pirates are generally quite forgiving of acts against them, but I'm not convinced they'd invite you with open arms after you turned against them.

Any thoughts? @Grey Roger's suggestions would be welcome too.
I'd agree with that. Action against another pirate, at least if you don't have some nation's LoM, is just rival pirates squabbling over gold, which is all part of a pirate's life. But if you've actively left the Brotherhood then you have to earn back your position if you rejoin - there will be plenty among them who still call you traitor, especially if you got a nation's LoM in between.
Basically, if you turn your back on Pirates, expect to find a dagger in it. :walkplank

As for paying money to get your old rank back, if it's to happen then it should be a lot. One well loaded merchant ship can net you a few hundred thousand, possibly a few million. Isenbrandt Jurcksen should take that into account when deciding how much to charge you to buy back your rank.
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I'd agree with that. Action against another pirate, at least if you don't have some nation's LoM, is just rival pirates squabbling over gold, which is all part of a pirate's life. But if you've actively left the Brotherhood then you have to earn back your position if you rejoin - there will be plenty among them who still call you traitor, especially if you got a nation's LoM in between.
Basically, if you turn your back on Pirates, expect to find a dagger in it. :walkplank
Thanks! :cheers
In that case, scratch #2 from my list above. The only thing needed to properly fix this is a "reset the pirate-friendly world" to become pirate UN-friendly again if for whatever reason you leave the pirates.
That would also allow you to rejoin them again, but without your former rank.
Thanks! :cheers
In that case, scratch #2 from my list above. The only thing needed to properly fix this is a "reset the pirate-friendly world" to become pirate UN-friendly again if for whatever reason you leave the pirates.
That would also allow you to rejoin them again, but without your former rank.
I wouldn't necessarily go that far. If you leave the Brotherhood on good terms, they might not necessarily need to turn hostile unless you actively turn against them. They're wondering what you're going to do next. But I'd imagine that rank in the Brotherhood is measured by your piratical deeds and if you're not doing them any more while someone else is, he's the one everyone else is going to look up to and you're just a nobody now.

Of course, if you've got yourself a new LoM from one or more nations and are now attacking pirates then they won't take long to turn hostile. But that's going to happen anyway, so no need for any further action.

Basically, what we have now works well enough, apart from getting Isenbrandt Jurcksen to use the correct dialogs and to revert to his normal one if you leave Pirate service.

(I'm now thinking of my storyline in which the plot may call on you to stop being a pirate, but you may not want to turn against your former mates. You just aren't one of them any more. Of course, if you sail around under a nation's flag then pirates are going to want to attack you and if you don't want to become hostile to the Brotherhood then you have to avoid rather than fight them. I'd like for that to still be your choice.)