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Racism and 'Black Lives Matter'


Baroness of the High Seas
Storm Modder
Regarding the Black Lives Matter movement/protests and why they are important, this is literally what it comes down to (in too many cases just like this for real, and worse):








Racism is a serious social problem that does not affect everyone equally.

And the ableism that disabled people experience is no different.
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Couldn't agree more!

I'm too tired now to go in-depth (moved my boat today) but thought you might at least like to see these related pictures I accumulated the past few weeks. :doff


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Looking back on the 2020 summer of love, I think we can now safely state that BLM has not really provided any solution. Just a general increase in crime (and violent crime as well), lawlessness, a lack of proper justice reform (just a highly ineffective series of policies aimed at or resulting in low bail and letting criminals back on the street, lack of proper prosecution), poverty: all in all another charity organisation that perpetuates a scam. Thankfully they have a deficit. I guess buying million dollar houses for the board isn't a sustainable business practice.

Also I am not denying that there is a racist history in the US and that there are social differences between groups. However an honest look at why certain differences exist is needed in order to see how to properly move forward. African Americans do come into contact with police more often than white people (yet more white people are shot by police officers in the absolute sense) and yes a lot of times these interactions come with some level of use of force (excessive or otherwise). You could say that therefore the police is racist. Oooor look up statistics and then you can see that the police is more often than not responding to behaviour not to people or their skin color. Then the frequency of these interactions and more often than not the amount of force used becomes a lot more proportional even to the casual observer. If you completely abolish or defund the police then all you end up doing is creating more crime, more victims therefore. These victims tend to be African American as well (black on black crime is happening a lot more than white on black crime). So bravo BLM and the legislature you have further victimized the group you were trying to help.

I am all for fighting racism, but in a prudent way. Not by supporting radical policies that do more harm than good. I wish you all well. Just wanted to say my piece upon seeing this post.
