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Solved Puerto Rico: cannot trasported to beach


Sailor Apprentice
I'm doing the quest of Sao Feng, I got to the point: "Sail to Puerto Rico - on Land Ho - Transported to Beach," but when I arrive, does not carry me anywhere.
@Talisman, any thoughts?

I know that part of the quest was dodgy a while back, but I know I successfully played through it after changing the code.
No idea :shrug

- I assume it is this bit here:-

Go to Church and talk to Father Bernard (End of Ammand Quest ) – QB Update
– when finished walk away & then go back and talk to him ask what is troubling him – ( Sao Feng Quest Continues ) – QB Update
Sail to Puerto Rico – on Land Ho - transported to Beach – meet with Masked Men – QB Update - go to San Juan Church – talk to Padre Domingues. – QB Update

@chri - do you have any error logs for this
or a Save just before you Sail to Puerto Rico -- or before you talk to Father Bernard & he sends you to Puerto Rico.

That spot? Oh, in that case I didn't test that.
I only tested that thingey with the Lian and Park on a beach somewhere.
I went back to the last save, and when I try to ask the father bernard what bothers him he replies as well (see attacked). Why is this happening?


  • Bernard.jpg
    396.5 KB · Views: 232
You have to have a personal relations better than Matey - for father bernard to tell you what bothers him

Check F2 > Character screen under your name. to see what your personal relations are.

A sorry I just managed to solve, but even here: when arriving in Cuba should transport me to Ship Deck? Because I do not carry anywhere ... However I have already spoken with Domingues Father and Quest book already updated.
A sorry I just managed to solve, but even here: when arriving in Cuba should transport me to Ship Deck? Because I do not carry anywhere ... However I have already spoken with Domingues Father and Quest book already updated.

That is OK - you have to choose your flag


Sail to Cuba – on Land Ho transported to Ship Deck – talk to self Choose

1)  Raise Battle flag

2) Raise Spanish Flag

WARNING if Montanez sunk - Mergildo Hurtado & Joaquin de Masse. will not appear in the rest of this quest – But Quest will continue depending on choice made above

1) – sink two ships attacking Montanez – QB Update – Transported to tavern – Talk to Mergildo Hurtado. - Transported to Beach

Sail to San Juan, Puerto Rico. – Talk to Padre Domingues – QB Update – on leaving church attacked by Masked Men as you go into next section of town. – QB Update - Transported back to church – talk to self – talk to new priest, – QB Update

Sail to Port Royale, Jamaica Talk to Father Bernard in church – Attacked – QB Update – Meet Jaoquin de Masse. – QB Update

Sail to San Juan, Puerto Rico - See Below 

2) – sink two ships attacking Montanez – Transported to tavern – Talk to Mergildo Hurtado. – QB Update

Sail to San Juan, Puerto Rico. – Talk to Padre Domingues – QB Update – on leaving church attacked by Masked Men as you go to next section of town. – QB Update - Transported back to church – talk to self – talk to new priest, – QB Update

For the Full walkthrough of the quest see :- Sao Feng's Missing Bodyguards | PiratesAhoy!


Yes, in fact I came to Cuba with the battle flag raised, but when I get to cuba nothing happens ...
When you arrive at Cuba - after you choose which flag to raise - you should load to the sea again automatically and the ships should be close to you.:yes

ok.. I hope it is the right one:yes
At this point we are in Puerto Rico, Cuba and should therefore change its flag and so should see the ships ...


  • -=Player=- Puerto Rico. Oyster Beach.rar
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I have tried your Save - everything works OK. :yes

From your Save - go and talk to Padre Domingues in the church in San Juan, Puerto Rico - then sail to Cuba ( are you sure you are sailing to the correct island - not the big one next to Puerto Rico - the one further West from that) - on Land Ho transported to Ships deck - choose flag & Fight ships to rescue the Montanez.

Only problems I saw with your game is that you have no crew :unsure :shock

I think you will have to get some from the tavern - and some food & rum for them from the Store - so that you can fight & sail the Black Pearl well -- you won't be able to defeat the powerful ship at the end of the quest without them . :yes :dance

Just arriving at Land Ho nothing happens.
Top left a written, centra something appeared? (See attacked)


  • cuba.gif
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:shrug - It worked OK for me .

Did you talk to Padre Domingues in the church before sailing to Cuba?


From the image you posted above - it looks like you were off Eluthera not Cuba - (from the text top left of screen) - try sailing to the South coast of Cuba & see if that works.
