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Discussion Post ye favourite game trailers!

Robert Nutter

Serving Victoria
3D Artist
QA Tester
Storm Modder
I couldn't find this having been done before, so thought it might be fun (and productive on my part) if we all posted our favourite wet-in-the-pants-for-the-game's-release trailers. I'm intrigued to see trailers from not necessarily your *favourite* game in the world (unless it is), but more just a trailer which really stuck out to you as being unique or really well done. Could be a good way for us to all discover new alternative games too!

Mine would probably be the original FOTS trailer, purely for the comedic appeal of the slightly dark humour halfway through...that and the fact I discovered it had ironclads in it made me desperately want the game when it came out. Really do hope Creative Assembly make another TW set in this period...ie Civil war or something. :yes

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There must be several trailers I've seen that are worthy of this thread, but this is the one that immediately sprang to mind:

As a fan of the Civilization series, I remember being completely caught by surprise when I first saw this trailer nearly two years ago. I love space travel and exploration, so when I saw this trailer, I was sold straight away. Watching it again still gives me shivers!
Hmmm, this is a tough one, a lot of my favorite games came out before there even were game trailers!

There is one that will always stick in my head though... probably not much of a surprise here.

Unfortunately, that is the best quality I could find on Youtube
@Armada , this piques my interest, how would you say Beyond Earth compares to something like Sins of a Solar Empire? Looks very different and possibly much better! I've been playing Civ4 for a while but not sure how well it'd transfer to space...time to visit some youtube 'let's play's I think...:D
@Armada , this piques my interest, how would you say Beyond Earth compares to something like Sins of a Solar Empire? Looks very different and possibly much better! I've been playing Civ4 for a while but not sure how well it'd transfer to space...time to visit some youtube 'let's play's I think...:D
Unfortunately, I haven't played Sins of a Solar Empire, so I can't really compare the two.

When Beyond Earth came out, it was met with a fairly lukewarm response from critics, mainly citing the lack of "personality" in the fictitious 'sponsors' compared to the historical factions in traditional Civ titles. The trade-off is that you get to customise your sponsor to match your playstyle before you start the game. Personally, I like this change and don't mind the new sponsors. The game builds upon the changes introduced in Civilization V, including the hex-grid and one-unit-per-tile rules, so it will seem quite alien (literally) if you haven't played that game, but fairly familiar as well.

When the Rising Tide expansion came out last year, it changed things up significantly and was met with much more positive reviews. Not only was the diplomacy system improved with a complete overhaul, but you can now settle cities on the water, which has a major effect on gameplay. I really enjoyed the base game despite critics' opinions, but I enjoy Rising Tide even more, and would definitely recommend getting that with the game. ;)
Well, this thread has sadly gone silent for far to long! Ok here is one from the late 90's that I played the heck out of, sadly it didn't have a lot of commercial success but the gameplay was absolutely brilliant!


Here is some game play video from the German version of the game, with much better graphic detail.

not a trailer, but it really got me to play this when it came out, I also play BF4.

Then why did you decide to post it in a thread about game trailers?

the best pirate game before SD, AoP and POTC

Obviously you never played the original Sid Meiers Pirates! Even after almost 30 years, that is still the best pirate game ever made. As I stated, a lot of my favorite games came out before there were game trailers.
Firaxis has done it again:

Now I have to decide whether this is my new favourite trailer... :checklist
That does look quite good! I love the Civilization games, but I tend to lose interest when technology gets to modern era's, perhaps this game will change that!