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Included in Build Post 28th July fixes

Grey Roger

Sea Dog
Staff member
Storm Modder
Here's a collection of fixes since 28th July.
http://piratesahoy.bowengames.com/potc/Grey Roger/post_jul28_fixes.zip
EDIT: Additional fixes: Fix in Progress - Post 28th July fixes | Page 5 | PiratesAhoy!

No experimental new mods are included. What's in:
  • Bug fixes, as reported in "Build Mod Bug Tracker" and the fix reported in "New Content: Post Build 14 Beta 4.0 Public Release"
  • A few other bug fixes found elsewhere
  • Cosmetic changes which do not affect general gameplay
  • Storyline and sidequest changes which do not affect gameplay outside their specific stories/quests
I've tried to keep out anything related to brainstorms and overhauls featured in the later ZIP updates, though something may have got in if I mistakenly included a bugfix which held code from such an update, or worse, was actually a fix for a bug in said updates.

The safest way to use this is to install the game from scratch (if you have room on your hard drive, you can install it to a different folder so you don't lose your more updated version); install the 28th July update, available from here but do not install the 23rd September ZIP update or any later ZIP's; then drop this entire package onto the install.

I've tested it as far as seeing that the game runs and doesn't do anything blatantly silly right at the start. Beyond that, it's ready for testing and correction...
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This is absolutely brilliant, @Grey Roger! :bow

I hope people can test this for now. And once I finally manage to find a quiet weekend, I think that this will be a great base to use to create a proper new EXE. :woot
A proper test would probably be to play "Tales of a Sea Hawk", choose a stormy start, then go the whole way through and preferably do some of the sidequests along the way - especially "Sabine Matton".
Hold the celebrations until someone has had a good long play session and can confirm that it actually works. ;)
Well. I currently only play the 28th july version as the september 23rd has some weird performance issues that still need to be ironed out. Thank you for this!


Im currently playing a freeplay game. Id start a campaign, but ugh... Ive restarted Nathanial Hawke twice now without finishing due to the new version releasing, and sheer boredom after a certain part where you get two branching quests. Anyhow... Ill see if I can't get some time in with the Nat Hawk campaign sometime this weekend.

....and I crashed upon docking at the Pirate Settlement at Nevis. *sigh* Just went up a rank in the Brotherhood of the coast and took two english patrol ships out. The crashes and bugs are really what make me loathe starting up the game lol


and crashed again actually both times I was trying to save. Are these fixes not compatible with a game in progress? A real shame as its created two bad saves. Lost two potentially great ships. :( Was about to leave the schooner forever and get a ship with some real 'oomph' to her.

*EDIT 2*

Well, new games seem to save just fine. :)


  • error.log
    1.1 KB · Views: 391
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It may indeed have trouble with old savegames. From that "error.log":
RUNTIME ERROR - file: seadogs.c; line: 749
invalid index 1000 [size:1000]
"seadogs.c", line749, is the end bracket of this function:
void OnSave()
   Set_inDialog_Attributes();//MAXIMUS: VERY strange, but it's needed
   seadogs_saveFrom = "";
   if (IsEntity(&worldMap)) {
     seadogs_saveFrom = "world map";     //Was "seadogs_sav From"  ccc mar20
   if (bSeaActive) {
     seadogs_saveFrom = "sea";
   int ldLoc = FindLoadedLocation();
   if (ldLoc < 0 || ldLoc >= nLocationsNum) {
     trace("OnSave() -> unknown character location");
   seadogs_saveFrom = "location";
   SendMessage(&Locations[ldLoc], "l", MSG_LOCATION_SETCHRPOSITIONS);
   PostEvent("SeaDogs_ClearSaveData", 200, "a", &Locations[ldLoc]);
And the maximum number of locations has been increased from 1000 to 1100, presumably to allow for the new loanshark at Turks Island. My guess is that a savegame which has the old value of MAX_LOCATIONS and therefore only has an array of locations from 0 to 999 will fail when presented with location number 1000.
And the maximum number of locations has been increased from 1000 to 1100, presumably to allow for the new loanshark at Turks Island. My guess is that a savegame which has the old value of MAX_LOCATIONS and therefore only has an array of locations from 0 to 999 will fail when presented with location number 1000.
That does sound very plausible.
I made a mistake in WoodesRogers StarStoryline.c
It doesn't start from the beginning but from a jumpstart (where I was working)
Here's the correct one.

It's easy to fix it yourselves: line 298 should be the start case not line 321.


  • StartStoryline.c
    73.8 KB · Views: 360
I think a very lot got wrong with my mods included or should I say not included in the latest zip.
I did upload everything after the latest zip as I thought it was from that point it would be taken further.

This means everything I made after the latest installer 16-07-28 and the latest zip are NOT included.

So how do we proceed from this? Should I make a pack of everything (quest & fixes) from after
installer 16-07-28 to what's now included? The missing gap.

Does this mean that ALL stuff in the 3 zips after installer 16-07-28 NOT
are included?
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I assume @Grey Roger only included @Jack Rackham's latest upload?
If so, I see two solutions:
1. @Grey Roger can install all Jack's files posted after 28 Jul 2016 in sequence
2. @Jack Rackham could make an "all in one" archive with all recent content grouped together

I'm sure you guys can sort out which of the two would work best for you. :doff
What exactly is missing?

Remember that the idea here is to include only bugfixes and storylines, the latter only if they do not affect general gameplay compared to the 28th July version. Did I miss something which is required for "Woodes Rogers"? Otherwise, what specifically have I left out which should be included?
What exactly is missing?
The following files were all posted by @Jack Rackham after the 28 July 2016 release:
1: http://piratesahoy.bowengames.com/potc/JRH/JRH 6 mods after zip august 16-09-12.7z
2: http://piratesahoy.bowengames.com/potc/JRH/JRH Isle & Flag files 1503 16-09-20.7z
3: http://piratesahoy.bowengames.com/potc/JRH/female english greetings.7z
4: http://piratesahoy.bowengames.com/potc/JRH/JRH Kristiania files 1614 16-10-11.7z
5: http://piratesahoy.bowengames.com/potc/JRH/WoodesRogers 16-10-11 and 16-11-14.7z

I'm not 100% sure what is what there, but I think #3 is not meant to be included, but the other ones are.
If I understand Jack correctly, #5 is the one you did include, but it turns out that archive isn't all-inclusive.
Therefore probably the content from archives #1, #2 and #4 are missing at the moment.
This is my assumption though based on the above posts. :unsure

I think that is all Woodes Rogers content, though I'm not sure about #2.
@Jack Rackham would be able to confirm this for sure.
There is very much missing. I have to check everything before I come back with an answer.

Maybe it's easiest if put together all I find missing and then merge that with the current game
(the one with @GreyRogers zip added). What do you say?
The problem is that the others contain files with material which is not supposed to be in this fix-only collection, e.g. "initItems.c" with revised weapons. I had thought that number 5 contained everything necessary for "Woodes Rogers" without any such unwanted additions. If not, then @Jack Rackham, could you put together such a zip?