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WIP Pirates Odyssey: To Each His Own

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@Cpt Sparrow, Don't worry mate - were all waiting for the English version. When it comes out, I'm certain we will stand up a support thread for it right here at PA! Also I'm sure the DEVS will provide support in English via Steam as well.

@Harley, Keep looking - its there....here's a screen. MK

PO - To Each His Own.jpg
Would the game download to our normal steam?

That's how I downloaded it.....

I'm telling you though that unless you can understand the Russian, you are dead in the water. I CANT WAIT till the English version.

One of the things I was told was that they probably wouldn't change the sound dialogue, just the text dialogue, so one of the first things I can seeing us do to mod it is to take the voice-overs from GOF or even record some new ones ourselves to put in the game.

Here's some more ships I ported in from Pirates Odyssey: To Each his Own.

So I was planning to do a Flemish Galleon as one of my new skins for GOF Eras, on top of the Heavy Galleon model. Well I don't have to now, because the Russian devs of To Each his Own have made one already. She looks like she is based on the Galeon_H model, but she is a little longer, has four masts! - she has a different prow with a different smaller dragon figurehead and she has two stern walk galleries. She also has the typical lower rear starboard and port guns that are found on the Dutch/Flemish galleons of that time in illustrations. Over all she has 54 guns. Her decoration is stunning and one of the textures is taken directly from the famous "Stockholm Galleon" model. http://www.modelships.de/Stockholm_Galleon/gIMG_7859.jpg

These were the types of ships that were first commissioned by burgher gentlemen for private investor merchant ventures before the formation of the larger trading companies. They made their masters rich on long journeys to the spice islands with 400-700 percent profits. Their decoration is typical of the times and the affluence of their owners. I am so excited to see this ship in the game. She is gorgeous!

Next is a little sloop with a seahorse figurehead and a rounded transom. Very nice little ship of good quality. Her prow shows the improvements over these models from the typical past Russian models.


Next is an improved Tartane which I named Barco Costero in the game. She is missing the second mast on the other tartanes, has a nice wide "genoa" looking headsail jib. She also has a little raised crew compartment. I like her much better than the old tartanes!


Last is a wonderful ship! A lot of people have been waiting for this one. She is simply titled "Shnyava" in the files, but she looks nothing like the Shnyava we have in GOF that Craiggo was able to get from the SOFS/Corsairs mods.

This one excitingly enough is typical of a "guineaman" built between 1685 and 1720 - Total golden age of piracy written all over this one. Notice the guns on the weather deck only. No guns below, because she was a typical English cargo ship of those times. Because of the lack of guns below she was an ideal SLAVE trade vessel. Don't get me wrong.....I think slavery was horrible, but think its great we finally have a "guineaman" example in game.

This one is likely very much like the ORIGINAL QUEEN ANNE'S REVENGE. This is what she would have looked like. She would have probably been just a little larger than this example, but very close. I called her Guineaman and in the interface she appears as "Bristol Merchantman". I gave her to England and France only. France bought tons like her as imports. She was also widely copied and built by other countries. Its nice to have an alternative merchant hauler to balance out all the Dutch pinnaces in game. MK


Does the jib on that tartane move with the wind? It appears to be on a port tack. Do the booms on that schooner not move?
Does the jib on that tartane move with the wind? It appears to be on a port tack. Do the booms on that schooner not move?

Yes it does move. The booms do move, but their movement is limited. Keep in mind that these screen shots are of the Pirates Odyssey: To Each his Own ships ported into COAS:GOF(Eras module 2), so they have very likely improved the mechanics in the new game. I tend to think this is the case, because there is a lot of additional mast and rey files as well as shatter files in each model folder - over and above what we have in POTC:NH and COAS:GOF. It will be exciting to see if I'm right about this when the English version is released.

Here's some screens of the last ships.

There was a question about quest ships....Yes there are some and yes I ported a couple. They have that larger sleeker version of the lugger I already ported with screenshots of it a few posts back.

They have the Arabella from COAS and there is another Arabella model that is called Fortune. She is based on the Fifty gun ship hull I posted in screens above. I don't quite have her fully ported yet, so screens will be upcoming.

There is a version of Flying Dutchman that appears to be a brigantine or a large ketch. However all the files are not available so I can't port her in. Look at their movie promos in the first part of the thread to see this ship with the shreaded black sails to see what I'm talking about.

Last, there is a ship they call Fatima and another Santissima. The Fatima is based on the COAS Brig Queen model, but bright yellow and full of gaudy decorations. I never liked that model (totally unauthentic) so I didn't port it. The Santisima is based on the Superior Warship model in COAS and POTC, but with lots of additional decoration. This version I find over the top and quite fugly, so I am not porting her either.

For tonight though here are some shots of their reworked Brig model with a nice new prow and horse figurehead. They toned her down from four sails per mast to three. She's nice! They also reworked the stock Fluyt model to have a thinner stern. I rather like her.



Next is a new very nice Polucca model and a new Xebec which is based on the COAS Bluebird model, but with three separate new textures - (I replaced the old ugly ported POTC Xebec with this model).




View attachment 9756

Also a shot of their new take on the Barque which I rigged with a lateen. There is also another version of the brigantine which I am also changing to have all square sails(17th century style). Not pictured here yet. I could use some help from Hylie in re-rigging these models. MK


That is a lot of ships and I'm going slower than I used to. 12-14 months ago I was working 14-18 hour days on POTC. Now I'm down to 1-3 hours, except for yesterday which was maybe 12 hours. I paid a price for that though, as I can hardly see to read or type today. So it will take some time to clean them up.
Ahoy comrades!
Nice to see that game "Pirates Odyssey: To Each His Own" is also interesting for fans outside of Russia.
For you attention screenshot with some of new characters in the game.

hey guys,
so i was wondering..i have steam acc us, and if i will buy this game with that link to ru steam, i can login there. Will my game migrate to us steam if i will buy it there?language is not a barrier, thx.
Can some one put hms surprise to the game (give me folder with the ship and instruction how to install and put to the game :D)

P.S Sorry For My English
Can you tell me where are the dialog texts in that game (which folder)?
The Program folder is not included in the the Steam local files, so you cannot change game character (NPC or RPC) dialogue files. Believe me I would have already done it - with a little help from google translate if the files were there.

So here's some more screenshots. I am finished with ships and now porting weapons and characters.

First ship is called the Mirage. I changed its name to Levantine Ketch.

The next ship is a nice little armed Tartane. Its bigger than the stock COAS war tartane and has six swivel guns. It is smaller than KrisWood's La Dilligent (WarTartane). I made no substitutions, and just added another cool tartane.

The last ship is a quest Xebec. I can't remember its name right off at the moment. Can't wait to play this game, but enjoying its content nonetheless. MK



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I've got a couple of questions:
1) If the dialog files aren't in Program folder, they MUST be somewhere else, please answer if you know where.
2) Where is Isla Mona, I can not find it on map.
3) -SPOILER- How to get to the COAS (location from AOP2), I know you can.
4) How to make peace with the Spanish (NOT TEMPORARY)?
5) Do you want to know the cities' names or would it be unkind to Russsians before release of English version?
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