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Pirate 'Governor'?


Powder Monkey

This is my first post. I just wanna say how surprised and excited I was to find a thriving modding community on a game I played so much when I was younger. I wanted a nostalgia kick, instead I found a completely new and fun experience worthy of being its own game!

I just had one question. I wanna be a Pirate in my PIRATES of the Caribbean game, but I can't figure out how to join the faction for ranks and stuff. I'm on the Sea Hawk storyline so I got the Letter of Marque from the British guy. Who do I go for to do the same for the pirates? The only one I can think of is the dude in red on Nevis, but he just tells me to fuck off every time I talk to him.

Am I missing something? Thanks~
This is my first post.
Ahoy there! And a hearty welcome to the crew to you.
Good to see you made your way into these waters. :cheers

I just wanna say how surprised and excited I was to find a thriving modding community on a game I played so much when I was younger. I wanted a nostalgia kick, instead I found a completely new and fun experience worthy of being its own game!
Haha! Thank you for the kind words.
I hope the actual experience ends up living up to at least some of your hopes and expectations... :oops:

I wanna be a Pirate in my PIRATES of the Caribbean game, but I can't figure out how to join the faction for ranks and stuff. I'm on the Sea Hawk storyline so I got the Letter of Marque from the British guy. Who do I go for to do the same for the pirates? The only one I can think of is the dude in red on Nevis, but he just tells me to fuck off every time I talk to him.
Just to be clear, I'm assuming you're running one of the latest New Horizons modpack versions from here:
Mod Release - Build 14 Beta [Last Update:19th May 2021]

The guy on Nevis is indeed the right guy to talk to. But most probably he doesn't like you because your Nation Relations are hostile with the pirates.
You first need to become friendly with the pirates; and the way to do that is by acting like a pirate.
You should have a "Relations Book" in your inventory that explains a bit how the system works.

One sure-fire way to do the trick is to attack a friendly ship.
Or mess around with false flags to make enemies believe you are a friend, then fire on them without warning and sink/board them while still flying that fake friendly flag.
You'll be hated by everyone in the Caribbean in absolutely no-time at all!
Except by the pirates. They'll love you for it; and happily accept you into their ranks after.

@Grey Roger: While we're at it, shouldn't "RelationAgent_dialog.c" have an option also for Sweden?
I hope the actual experience ends up living up to at least some of your hopes and expectations... :oops:

Yeah, absolutely! the NH mods adds so much stuff I don't even think I could go back to vanilla knowing what I'd be missing! Even little things, like being able to play a female character means a lot. My only complaint is not being able to lez it up with Danielle since Nate takes her place, but I guess you can't win 'em all c:

Just to be clear, I'm assuming you're running one of the latest New Horizons modpack versions from here:
Mod Release - Build 14 Beta [Last Update:19th May 2021]

Yup! Just started playing a few days ago so it's whatever the most recent build is.

The guy on Nevis is indeed the right guy to talk to. But most probably he doesn't like you because your Nation Relations are hostile with the pirates.
You first need to become friendly with the pirates; and the way to do that is by acting like a pirate.

Ahhhh, that makes sense! I assumed pirates were always hostile no matter what, so I thought I was doing something wrong when I couldn't sign up! Guess I'll get a bit further into the storyline before doing that so I don't get eaten by Redmo-... I mean Port Royale's Fort every time I need to talk to Silehard.

Thanks a bunch :3
My only complaint is not being able to lez it up with Danielle since Nate takes her place, but I guess you can't win 'em all
And there was poor @Grey Roger who deliberately put in the effort to swap Danielle with Mr. Hawkey!
Before he did that, you most definitely DID end up going for the lesbian romance with dear sweet Danielle.
Talk about "can't win 'em all"!!! :shock

I'm sure there's a way to switch it back though.
We did it one way. We can do it the other.
If you'd really want that...

Yup! Just started playing a few days ago so it's whatever the most recent build is.
Head's up then: @Grey Roger is planning on making a new update very soon.
Knowing him, I'm expecting it to drop somewhere next week.
Some of the newest features might require a New Game though; so want to upgrade, be sure to choose a good time in your storyline.

I assumed pirates were always hostile no matter what
Used to be; back in the early days.
Not anymore though.
"Always hostile" is just too boring. ;)

Guess I'll get a bit further into the storyline before doing that so I don't get eaten by Redmo-... I mean Port Royale's Fort every time I need to talk to Silehard.
Heheheee; I see what you did there. :razz
Yeah, absolutely! the NH mods adds so much stuff I don't even think I could go back to vanilla knowing what I'd be missing! Even little things, like being able to play a female character means a lot. My only complaint is not being able to lez it up with Danielle since Nate takes her place, but I guess you can't win 'em all c:
The idea was to give players of female characters a different experience. The original developers had the idea of giving you the choice to play as Nathaniel or Danielle, with a different version of the storyline from Danielle's perspective. I didn't try to recreate that, though I did manage to put a few dialog lines from Danielle's story into the standard story, which you'll see if you play a female character.

You still have lesbian action with the barmaids if you so wish.

Ahhhh, that makes sense! I assumed pirates were always hostile no matter what, so I thought I was doing something wrong when I couldn't sign up! Guess I'll get a bit further into the storyline before doing that so I don't get eaten by Redmo-... I mean Port Royale's Fort every time I need to talk to Silehard.
You could always moor at a beach instead of the port. Or you could fly a false British flag when you enter port.

As for becoming friends with the pirates, you could also visit the governor of Tortuga, alias La Tortue, who'll make them like you - for a price...
The idea was to give players of female characters a different experience.

Yeah, I get that. I appreciate the effort put into it but my dumb lesbo brain is like 'Me WaNt ThE gAy'

You still have lesbian action with the barmaids if you so wish.

And Governor's daughters!

Or you could fly a false British flag when you enter port.

Until you become recognised as a pirate ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Another issue I'm having, related to the thread. I've joined the Brotherhood after getting spanked out of my LoM. I've done some naughty things and my relation rank is green, promotion time! But the Pirate governor on Nevis is refusing to talk to me again. He just says he's busy. Do I need to talk to someone else or do something else?
And Governor's daughters!
Not any more...
Improving gameplay for female player characters

Until you become recognised as a pirate ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Then you'll just have to moor at a beach and sneak in through the landward gate.

Another issue I'm having, related to the thread. I've joined the Brotherhood after getting spanked out of my LoM. I've done some naughty things and my relation rank is green, promotion time! But the Pirate governor on Nevis is refusing to talk to me again. He just says he's busy. Do I need to talk to someone else or do something else?
Hmm... that one is going to need some fixing. Normally the boss on Nevis is Isenbrandt Jurcksen and when you join the pirates, he turns into a proper pirate governor with governor-style dialog including promotions. But Isenbrandt Jurcksen is removed part way through "Tales of a Sea Hawk" because he's off to join Silehard's fleet, and his stand-in, Skull, has not been given governor-style dialog. For the moment, download this, put it into the game's "PROGRAM" folder, press F12, and then see what happens when you talk to Skull. (You should also get an on-screen message "Executed Console". If not, there should be a file "error.log" - upload that and I'll try to figure out what's wrong.)


  • console.c
    35.4 KB · Views: 186
Not any more...

Nooooo, my lesbian harem power fantasy! T.T

For the moment, download this, put it into the game's "PROGRAM" folder, press F12, and then see what happens when you talk to Skull.

But I haven't even seen Skull yet. It's still Isenbrandt since I haven't gotten past Cozumel and he's not promoting me either. Also will my relation with pirates return to normal after Cozumel? I noticed it turns to hostile after you engage Silehard's fleet which is annoying since I want to be a pirate.
But it's essentially playing hard mode and makes continuing the storyline of Nathaniel Hawk impossible, since it requires good relationships with England first, right?
But I haven't even seen Skull yet. It's still Isenbrandt since I haven't gotten past Cozumel and he's not promoting me either. Also will my relation with pirates return to normal after Cozumel? I noticed it turns to hostile after you engage Silehard's fleet which is annoying since I want to be a pirate.
Try Tortuga or Turks Island. Their governors might be able to give you your promotions.

Except, of course, if you've killed the boss pirate Isenbrandt Jurcksen in the battle at Cozumel. Of course the pirates aren't going to like that! You're back to square one - see if you can pay one of those governors to forgive you, then rejoin the pirates. Otherwise you can still be a pirate, just not one of the gang.

But it's essentially playing hard mode and makes continuing the storyline of Nathaniel Hawk impossible, since it requires good relationships with England first, right?
Good relations with England help during the first half of the story, when you need to visit Port Royale regularly to get more jobs from Silehard. Then he turns nasty and England becomes hostile, which is a good time to turn pirate. After you've dealt with Silehard, there is a chance to become friends with England again if you so choose. But at this point the story is over, the game switches to freeplay, and you can do whatever you like.
Sure, but what I mean with that is, that turning full pirate would probably make the most sense during freeplay, so you don't accidentally ruin a storyline that requires peaceful contact with other nations. Unless the story needs you to be friendly with pirates, of course.
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The story does not require peaceful contact with other nations - quite the opposite! You get a free English LoM right at the start, and if you've been making proper use of it then France and Spain both soon hate you. Then Silehard turns nasty and England hates you. Unless you're careful to avoid fights with English ships (except when required by the story), Holland and Portugal will soon hate you too. Pirates are already hostile by default. So unless you pay someone to make peace, the story can easily turn you hostile to everyone.