BTW Language question: Is it appropriate to speak of "serene atmosphere" in connection with corpses on a battlefield? Or is serene more in the line of "idyllic"? In that case it is not QUITE what I mean....
The corpses that I littered around by deleting just that line do NOT obstruct your path, you can walk through them. And you can't "talk" to them or identify them with the "T" key.
It would indeed be great to replace the automatic plundering of the dead with a routine that would require you to walk to the corpse and actually search it. I already tried to keep not only the model but also the whole functioning character in the game by outcommenting parts of the LAi_Character_Dead_Process function, but a more thorough rewriting seems to be necessary.
As for the plundering interface, I noticed that unused "search the dead" dialog as well. Maybe Disney censored that feature <img src="<#EMO_DIR#>/rolleyes.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid="
" border="0" alt="rolleyes.gif" /> But I have another little tweak that might make a nice plundering interface:
I rewrote the SWAK stealing code (for the Thiefknife and stunned chars) so that a successful theft opens the "exchange items" interface. That way you can choose what you actually want to steal. And it gives us the possibilty to steal not only weapons and gold but also other items and treasures.
<!--c1--><div class='codetop'>CODE</div><div class='codemain'><!--ec1--> if( CheckAttribute(weapon, "steal" ) && !LAi_IsFightMode(enemy) )
if(rand(100)+sti(attack.skill.Sneak)>25 )
LaunchCharacterItemChange(enemy); // ccc jun 05 stealinterface<!--c2--></div><!--ec2-->
In connection with that I gave some additional items to the random characters: bandits and soldiers carry additional SWAK weapons, women jewels, indians artefacts, merchants minerals, innkeepers potions... So that if you feel the urge for a certain item you could go-a-stealing, select the right victim and have a fair chance to get what you want.
I'll put the files into the cccXperiment FTP-folder