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Included in Build Perks Mod V2.6 Unlockable Perks! (READABLE BOOKS!)

How 'bout adding an option like the "Examine" button to every book but in this case, it says, "Read Book" and it takes a couple of days or weeks depending on the player's Experience or level or something-alike to read the book and after that will only be the time you'll acquire the specified additional skill?
:read->:nerbz->:read->:sail->:read->:checklist->:read->:modding->:read->:duel:->:read->:onya->:guns:->:keith->:cheers ( :shrug:D:p )
*For realism purposes again.:type1:)
Hmmm...nah I don't think that would work. It's the journey of finding the book which should give you enough "experience" already to earn the perk. Ofcourse you could be lucky and find it in the first merchant you meet :p.
The unlocking by book,convoy quest, sword fighting and encounter with raiders are now implemented in this update:

I will try to include the rest as soon as possible. Still if people have sugestion to change it feel free. This is what I for now use:

These are some of my idea's (the ones in italic are removed in realistic settings and the ones underlines are removed if you go ironman mode):

Combat Skills Group
BasicDefence - aviable from start
AdvancedDefence - find a book about blocking techniques
Toughness - Get it from a band of thugs in the jungle, they will only give it if you really scare them
CriticalHit -available from start
SwordplayProfessional - Finish high level sword practice
Rush - aviable from start
Gunman - available from start
GunProfessional - Find a book about gun firing
GunFighter - Only in certain storylines

Ship Control Abilities
ShipTurnRateUp - available from start
ShipSpeedUp - available from start
Turn180 - Get from captain if you spare his ship and crew during boarding
SandbankManeuver - available from start
StormProfessional - Survive 5 twisters

SailingProfessional - Go to the naval school (forgot where but I know it's there) and finish a little quest I will make there

Ship Combat Abilities
BasicBattleState - available from start
AdvancedBattleState - Find a book about protecting your ship
ShipDefenceProfessional - Capture a fort
FastReload - available from start
ImmediateReload - Finish fetch quest for the smith
HullDamageUp - available from start
SailsDamageUp - available from start
CrewDamageUp - available from start

CriticalShoot - Find the rumored best Canoneer there is. If you find this traveling person he will learn you this perk.
LongRangeShoot - available from start
CannonProfessional - Find a book about shooting cannons
LongRangeGrappling - Get from captain if you spare his ship and crew during boarding

MusketsShoot - available from start
GrapplingProfessional - Get from a captain of a tier 2 or up ship
InstantBoarding - Finish Gold Coin Curse (which I'm going to make) (else get it from a very special shipyard)

Miscellaneous Abilities
Troopers - Gouvernor Title
LightRepair - Finish Fetch Quest for Shipyard
InstantRepair - Find the rumored best Carpenter there is. If you find this traveling person he will learn you this perk.

Personal Abilities Skills Group
BasicCommerce - Do a convoy quest
AdvancedCommerce - Finish Fetch Quest for Store
Trustworthy - Gouvernor Title
BasicLandOwner - Gouvernor Title
SharedExperience - available from start
IronWill - aviable from start
Brander - aviable from start

Sugestions are welcom. I just made this up now so could be completly unbalanced.
I don't get this one:
LongRangeGrappling - Get from captain if you spare his ship and crew during boarding
How 'bout getting the ability by finishing 3 merchant requests.
(Someone will give you the grappling item, hypothetically)
How 'bout getting the ability by finishing 3 merchant requests.
(Someone will give you the grappling item, hypothetically)
If you wouldn't have any grappling hooks, how do you manage to do any boarding at all? :shock
Isn't it that you can't board ships when you don't have the "Long Range Grappling" ability?
No, you can't board ships while going in the opposite direction while flying at 20 knots. I boarded a ship today by coming alongside at 2 knots with no sailing skills at all.
Isn't it that you can't board ships when you don't have the "Long Range Grappling" ability?
You can board ships without ANY perks and with a Grappling level of 1.
It won't be easy though and you have to carefully manoeuvre alongside and match the other ship's speed.
But it can be done. :yes
Oh I thought that was the case with the boarding thing. Hence my suggestion. Hehehe.
Just wondering about this section of code:
string GetSkillbookPerk(string itmName)
     case "skillbook1":
       return "AdvancedDefence";
     case "skillbook2":
       return "GunProfessional";
     case "skillbook3":
       return "AdvancedBattleState";
     case "skillbook4":
       return "CannonProfessional";
   return "";
Would it be possible to list that in initItems.c? Something like this?
case "skillbook1": genitm.groupID = BOOK_ITEM_TYPE; genitm.perkunlock = "AdvancedDefence"; break;  // Levis Skillbook 1
would be possible yes. Altough I'm thinking of another way. This was just something to make it work. Will make it better. Maybe including it in the iteminit would be nice indeed. Altough I wanted to make the group detection automaticly so if you have a file in the BOOKS folder it will detect it and make it a BOOK item and else a normal item. But thats not on highest priority.
I got an escort quest and it worked as advertised. I did not lose money on my cargo and got $29,000 for the escort service. Two of those a month will pay the bills. :nerbz

I also unlocked the basic commerce perk!
I have now used those GoF textures to make all other books readable as well.
Also, I temporarily used texture-based books for two of your skill books just so that they have some content.
But that can be easily removed again once there is something in there.

would be possible yes. Altough I'm thinking of another way. This was just something to make it work. Will make it better. Maybe including it in the iteminit would be nice indeed.
I think I have just managed to do this myself. :doff

When you close the book interface, you don't return to your inventory, but straight back to the 3D world.
Also done. Not in the "prettiest" way, perhaps, but it works.
Last edited:
Thanks. Are these things included in the WIP version already?
No, they're not because I uploaded the WIP yesterday and didn't do this work until today.
I want to see about including the Polacker first and I'll post it in another WIP version before the end of the day.
A little rebalancing for the skillbooks. Made some a bit more common and change the prices a bit.
Place in:


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