OK everyone...I've done a few trials sailing from Puerto Rico to Santo Domingo on "Hispanola"....I'm missing one key element: ship speed. I looked in the code for a way to show this on the screen (like a console) but I did not notice anything....anyway, it took me about fifty-two game minutes (sailing in arcade mode and probably less than fourteen knots) to get from Puerto Rico to Santo Domingo, and I see that in real life, it takes about sixteen hours at fourteen knots...so, it looks to me that the whole one day + one hour idea may have not been too far off...I did some more playing around with LogInterface.c and indeed, the colums do describe what I mentioned..so, it is rather possible to get that relatively accurate....in other words, if the magic number is, say, eleven hours thirty-six minutes, we can do that!
However, I do wonder if we would be better served in a couple of different areas:
1) Instead of adding a day, we could mess around with TIMESCALAR_SEA and change that multiplier...sure the game clock would spin around, but, with that and a bit of tweaking to the weather change file (which IMHO has been greatly improved from Build 13), we could have time slip by nicely...
2) Another thought would be to go back to the "old" method of island hopping and change the distance of change to something like 30000 meters....this way, we could concievably keep the game clock at a reasonable number and allow for more open expanse sailing...
3) I wonder how the coordinates of islands work, and I wonder if we could somehow expand that grid by a factor of two, three, or even four to also arrive at the results we desire while still using the "new" method in DIrectsail 1.1....
I tend to lean towards changing the TIMESCALAR_SEA function and tweaking the weather a bit more, but just my two cents...
So, I wonder if anyone can tell me how to display speed on the screen (code cheat or otherwise)...that would help a lot in a finer tuning of the multiplier....
Off to sail some more!
EDIT: OK, I can see that messing with the TIMESCALAR_SEA function will not work too well, as the character levels up too fast, however, I am tinkering around with the idea of increasing TIMESCALAR_SEA to ten, Then skipping ahead three or four hours in time, and also reduce the amount of XP reward for sailing (which is also seemingly conveniently located in LogInterface.c right next to the hour skip code...OR I could just reduce the XP reward by dividing by twelve....hmmmm