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"Of Chains and Slavery" trilogy with separate titles "John Flint's Bastard," "Slavery and Revenge," and "Treasure and Redemption."

Welcome to the world of Joshua Smoot - the bastard son of Treasure Island's John Flint - the evil benefactor of Savannah - who finally spawns a son by one of his concubines.


Flint kidnaps the eight-year-old lad and takes him to England to be raised as a gentleman, but Joshua's refusal to accept the name Thomas Flint condemns him to a life of dishonor that earns him two King's warrants for his head and drives him to indenture himself to America with a young woman he intends to marry. But enroute, his betrothed is forced to watch him hanged from a yardarm or be sent into slavery somewhere in the Caribbean. And so, Joshua Smoot is separated from Rebecca Keyes and condemned to the sugar plantations of Cuba.

If you have salt water in your veins like me, then you will thrill to the full spectrum of love versus hate, loyalty versus betrayal, freedom versus bondage, and the extremes of mankind's goodness and evil toward one another as Joshua - along with Long John Silver and John Paul Jones - play a vital part in the early stages of the American Revolution and the final outcome of the fabled Treasure of Dead Man's Chest. Oh, and you'll discover the final destination of Lon John Silver.

If this fast-paced pirate adventure piques your interest, you can see the cover art and read the back cover teasers at Amazon.com Those few minutes of your time will be well worth it.

Roger L Johnson
Commander, US Navy
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