I agree with almost EVERYTHING you say.
(and I agree it does make sense for regcaptains to get sailors)
Since I agree with almost everything, I'll just mention any additional small thoughts I have.
- Firstmate getting defense perks and skill is probably my FAVORITE change. Currently, the Firstmate is useless. This gives him a role, while the doctor is still useful for healing.
Besides, the old system didn't make ANY sense. The doctor reduces damage to ship from cannonfire? How? The Firstmate certainly could--he is organizing the deck crews, making sure they are in the right places, managing getting people in and out, training them to handle the fire in the first place.
Basically, I think it improves both realism and gameplay.
- I removed some of the smugging perks from boatswains to strengthen them. A Boatswain as a fighter needs ALOT of combat perks (especially since they need the personal gun perks to buy musket volley), and the smuggling perks will usually be handled by quatermaster anyway. Basically, on a boatswain, less perks is better for their role. Same thing for man at arms. Basically, any combat officer already has a TON of perks he needs to get, actually having only the low level versions of other perk lines hurts them.
- I agree with cooking moved to boatswain.
- Firstmate lost shared XP in anticipation of new shared xp dialogue system, I didn't want bugs occuring if firstmate officers died and so the player lost access to the perk, so I wanted it player only. But either way works.
On boarding crews, I think they need to be balanced against each other, rather than considered in isolation. Here's how I balanced them:
officer/hp base bonus/hp per level/fencing importance/accuracy importance
master at arms (crew for privateers and regular captains): +10/+0/5/6
pirates +0/+2/6/5 (pirate crews are the most dramatic from ship to ship--they can be desperate and weak, or they can be fearsome under great captains)
sailor (merchant guards) +0/+0/4/3 (weakest of course)
guards +150/+0/5/10 level bonus of 10(+ some bonus from the captain rank bonus)
(the guards +150 hp may look high, but their old +5 per level and near 20 boost from the captain and their personal rank to level meant that anything tier 7 or better basically had this HP or more. I think the more moderate and steady HP change better reflects standardized training across ship sizes, and were consistently very good)