I'd like a general, historical look at the ships themselves, please! Seeing the Man-of-War anatomy on one of the in-game books greatly spurred my interest in the topic, so I'd like to see a book talking about the different ships from different eras while providing each ship's "anatomy" would be great! Thanks, in advance!
I'll start out with a disclaimer: I myself never read any such official book.
What I did do though last year is to start an education here:
EZS info engl.
Because I didn't have the time due to having a regular day job already, I didn't finish it. Not yet anyway.
But I did get a lot more understanding and am hoping to build on that again some other time because it's SUPER cool!
Also cool: Anyone can sign up for this school and get into these ships
for real.
Won't be easy and there's basically no money in it. But it's pretty awesome.
Anyway, the course book (which is sold nowhere) about Square Rigged Sailing does recommend some other books.
The English ones listed are:
- Masting & Rigging by Harold A. Underhill (ISBN 0-85174-173-8)
Clipper Ships & Ocean Carrier, with plans, working drawings and details of nineteenth and twentieth century sailing ships.
(This is considered the "Bible" by Klaas Gaastra, current captain of
the three-masted barque "Europa".)
- The Lore of Sail by Int. Maritime Experts (ISBN 0-87196-221-7)
Maritime Dictionary in drawings, also available in Dutch, Swedish & German.
(Pocket book also exists.)
- Seamanship by John Harland (ISBN 0-87021-955-3)
Seamanship in the Age of Sail. An account of ship handling of the sailing man-of-war 1600 - 1860, based on contemporary sources.
- Tallships Down by Daniel S. Parrot (ISBN 0-07-139092-8)
The last voyages of the Pamir, Albatross, Marques, Pride of Baltimore I and Maria Asumpta.
- Bridge Management for Small Ships by Daniel S. Parrot (ISBN 10-71550070)
I haven't read any of those, but I think it's fair to consider them highly recommended.
Up to you what you'd consider the most interesting to start with.
I've been able to determine its faction via the spyglass. It's also waving the Pirate faction flag model on top of the fort, and it also fires at me when I hoist any other flag aside from the Pirate flag. I've attached the save.
Also, while we're on the topic of the Pirate faction, I've once reported on this forum that my save was not displaying the town names properly (it shows #town_name#) and pirate ships were using the "Type: pirate_ship Ship" label when sunk. The "town names" problem has since been fixed by creating a new save, but the pirate ship mislabelling still occurs on any save, new or old.
@Grey Roger, does any of that make sense to you?
I'll definitely consider doing that!
I've had my share of modding for other games, so I hope I can also contribute to this community in that way.
AWESOME! You'll certainly be very welcome to.
Relevant code for this would be:
The 'DoDailyUpdates' function from calendar.c eventually can trigger the LaunchRandomTownEvent function in Towns\Towntable.c .
The 'CaptureTownForNation' function is called when you take a town for yourself, but can also be used to give it (back) to another nation.
CaptureTownForNation("Grand_Turk", ENGLAND);
Which, come to think of it, might be quite a useful thing for you to try and trigger through console.
It should reset the Turks fort to be English to properly match the town.
Alternatively, use 'PIRATE' and see if EVERYTHING turns to Pirate instead.
I personally found the few simple things described here to be very powerful:
Tutorial - Modding Tips & Tricks
Together, this unlocks most of the accessible game code and the main limits are your imagination and your perseverance.
Prior coding experience helps, but is not a requirement. And actually, PotC makes for a great learning ground.
Many people, including myself, learned here 'on the job (well...
And these days, all that knowledge and experience really does come in handy on my ACTUAL paid job.
By adding 'regular' quest coding you could, for example, add a sequence of events where some rumours start about a mounting expedition against a town,
then trigger a fleet in front of the fort there and if you don't get there in time the town changes hands (while on the worldmap).
But if you do get there and win the sea battle, it doesn't happen.
This probably wouldn't be the simplest feature to start out with, but I reckon I've got a fair handle on what code tweaks would be needed to make it happen.
I don't have the time to actually do it, but with your enthusiasm and my hints, I'd give this one a reasonable chance of success.
Good though to consider the potential for a 'whack a mole' effect on gameplay, which probably
@Grey Roger and/or
@Hylie Pistof can better describe than me.
Just the way I like it
Thanks so much!