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Medium Priority New models for Spain (and Portugal)

Grey Roger

Sea Dog
Staff member
Storm Modder
Some time ago we divided the various models into those which could only appear randomly at colonies of north European states (English, French, Dutch), those which could only appear in colonies of southern states (Spanish, Portuguese) and some which could appear anywhere. At the time I made the somewhat dubious decision to have "towngirl1" be the one who could appear anywhere and "towngirl1_1" only appear in northern state colonies, the reason being every nation has at least one colony with a "towngirl1" permanent resident. And since then, whenever I've met a fair-haired "towngirl1" in any Spanish or Portuguese town, I keep thinking that this isn't exactly characteristic of someone from this place.

Here's my proposed solution. Meet "towngirl1_2":

Unless there are objections, this can be restricted to Spanish and Portuguese towns. "towngirl1" then reverts to being only English/Dutch/French, and "towngirl1_1" reverts to being generic. "towngirl1_2" will also become the model for the permanent residents of San Juan and Sao Jorge who currently use "towngirl1".

For similar reasons, fair-haired, blue-eyed "Diller" doesn't strike me as being all that appropriate for Jordano. The son of the recently deceased cooper of San Juan, Jordano appears briefly in the "Strange Things Going On" side quest. Here's the model I propose to use for him instead:
This should be all you need to put both models into the game. Texture files, model files (both full body and head), updated "initModels.c", plus updates of "Characters\init\IslaMuelle.c", "Conceicao.c" and "SideQuest.c" to have Jordano and the female former "towngirl" residents of San Juan and Sao Jorge use the new models. Also included are the required head .ani files and updated "models_description.txt" so their descriptions appear in the tailor's shop and in the list of outfits you own, should you acquire them.

A couple of other changes in "initModels.c": "towngirl1" is now assigned to France because France has more of them than any other nation - two residents in St. Pierre and three sidequest characters, one of them effectively a third permanent resident (Rachel Blacque). "towngirl1_1" goes to England because the only permanent residents using that model are English (though another one works in Havana tavern). And Spain gets "towngirl1_2" simply because development of "Ardent" and a playthrough of "Tales of a Sea Hawk" have put me in Spanish towns, especially San Juan, a lot more frequently than in Sao Jorge. :D (Besides, if "towngirl1_2" is assigned to Portugal then anyone playing in "Revolutions" or "Napoleonic" periods won't be able to buy it because Britain takes over the colony.)


  • Spanish.zip
    1.2 MB · Views: 349
This should be all you need to put both models into the game.
If you can, please do continue updating your ZIP archive with everything that you think should go in the main mod, but isn't actually in there.
My vacation has finished, so I'm back to having a lot of other things to keep me occupied. :unsure
Slight change to the ZIP file included in post #3. "PROGRAM\Characters\init\Conceicao.c" now has Beatriz Medeiros use either "towngirl1" or "towngirl1_2" depending on whether you're playing in the "Revolutions" or "Napoleonic" periods. In those later times, the island is owned by Britain, so she uses the northern model instead.