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    Maelstrom New Horizons

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Included in Build Naval/Privateer Promotion Steps

Yes. Can you put back my "nk.c" file, run the game, and when it crashes upload the "error.log" file? I haven't had a chance to try the new version myself yet but if I've misplaced a semicolon or something then that would foul it up.
Here it comes:


  • error.log
    72 bytes · Views: 117
  • system.log
    239 bytes · Views: 117
Got it, I think. I'd started by copying the whole section for Britain, deleted all the stuff for specific characters (there's no place for Nelson, Aubrey or Hornblower in the French navy xD), then replaced the uniforms, then replaced the ships. And I missed one of the uniforms, so a British officer managed to sneak in. But what really did the damage was that when I deleted the specific character stuff I got one of the brackets by mistake as well.

Updated again: missed out a ship replacement, now corrected

Try this:


  • NK.zip
    20.1 KB · Views: 118
Last edited:
And now you'll need to download it again. I missed one of the ships to replace, so if you'd been playing "Early Explorers" and reached the rank of Amiral, you'd have received an English galleon. :facepalm
Now let me know how you get on, and if you find the ship progression suitable. Because if this works, it should be even easier to copy the French block into other nations and then replace ships and uniforms as appropriate, there being no character specific stuff to delete.
Well I have my first promotion " Captain de Corvette" and my promotions ship a" Heavy sloop of war"
uniforms too. Some small problems: The charater Henry Lee is still wearing english uniform, and
you have to wear the black uniform, from BBF, until your first promotion. I choose the Napolion era
for my game. I will test some more to night, so if there is something you want me to do, please tell me:napoleon
Capitaine de Corvette is just the name of the 4th rank, it doesn't necessarily mean you get a corvette. It's the equivalent of Britain's Senior Lieutenant. The Heavy Sloop of War is actually quite a nice ship, bigger and better armed than a 6th rate frigate which is what you'd get at the same rank in "Golden Age of Piracy" or "Revolutions".

If that's your first promotion then you must have started a few ranks up, presumably Lieutenant de Vaisseau, which is rank 3 and the equivalent to Britain's Lieutenant. The promotion table assumes you got a French Lieutenant's uniform when you were promoted to Sous-Lieutenant de Vaisseau, the equivalent to Britain's Junior Lieutenant. If you're being given a high ranking character to start with, whatever code is responsible for creating your character may need to be altered; it's not part of the promotion reward code. For that matter, if you're playing as a French officer then you probably want to give your character a different name. ;)

Two promotions further will put you at rank 6, Capitaine de Vaisseau, at which point you should get a captain's uniform - that's the equivalent to a British Post Captain so that's when a British character can expect a new uniform.

Did you get any free officers along with the promotion? You should have gained a quartermaster and gunner.
Yes! I got the quartermaster and the gunner. Now I start a new game, sees what happens.
Try this version. I've copied the code which assigns you a Lieutenant's uniform at rank 2 and pasted it to rank 4, so when you are promoted from Lieutenant de Vaisseau to Capitaine de Corvette, you should get the uniform. It's a quick'n'dirty fix since I've no idea where the character generation code is, let alone how to get it to give you the correct uniform for your choice of nation.


  • NK.zip
    20.1 KB · Views: 141
I can't fix that. Both his name and uniform are presumably set by whatever code creates your character, whereas what I'm working on is the promotion rewards which you receive as you progress through the ranks. Perhaps someone more familiar with the game code can look into it, or failing that, tell me where to look...
Thanks for working on this!

The officers you get straight at the start of Brave Black Flag are given in StartStoryline.c and defined in the storyline character init Officers.c file.
Those indeed aren't nation specific yet at the moment, so that code would need to be modified.
Probably putting an if in StartStoryline.c for non England nations and using Create Officer Cheat like in NK.c would do the trick.
Try this version. I've copied the code which assigns you a Lieutenant's uniform at rank 2 and pasted it to rank 4, so when you are promoted from Lieutenant de Vaisseau to Capitaine de Corvette, you should get the uniform. It's a quick'n'dirty fix since I've no idea where the character generation code is, let alone how to get it to give you the correct uniform for your choice of nation.
This version makes a lot of troubles for me. You cant hire a specific officer any more, he just act like he already is my officer,
the right dialog is missing. I loose all cargo, dont know if it is related to the NK Zip. And I think there may be other problems too.
So I go back to the previous NK, which I think is working fine. I will try it again and see if Im right about this.


  • error.log
    356 bytes · Views: 152
  • system.log
    7.9 KB · Views: 127
  • compile.log
    10.3 KB · Views: 131
Well now it is weird, Im still using your latest Zip , and when I go back in the game, it just work fine.
So I think you should forget about what I was saying in my latest post. I will start a new game and see
what happens. Some more testing is needed indeed.:rumgone:nerbz
Thanks for working on this!

The officers you get straight at the start of Brave Black Flag are given in StartStoryline.c and defined in the storyline character init Officers.c file.
Those indeed aren't nation specific yet at the moment, so that code would need to be modified.
Probably putting an if in StartStoryline.c for non England nations and using Create Officer Cheat like in NK.c would do the trick.

Remember how, when I was wondering what to do about Sharpe and his men when "Hornblower" ends the story and becomes free-play, you wanted rid of them because having such companions right at the start of free-play would make it too easy? Sharpe agreed with you, so I removed them. Generic free-play, being based on "Brave Black Flag", starts you off with a whole load of companions, not just fighters but the other key officer types as well. And Sharpe has reminded me that there is a very simple solution to this sort of problem. xD

Besides, having that many officers right from the start makes all the work on hiring a chosen type of officer from the tavern or new officers with each commissioned officer promotion pretty well redundant. Or, switching that around, all the work on hiring officers from taverns and new officers from commissioned officer promotion pretty well makes the initial free officers redundant. Which means I'm seriously inclined to solve the problem of officers with wrong names and uniforms by getting rid of them all. :D
Well I have my first promotion " Captain de Corvette" and my promotions ship a" Heavy sloop of war"
uniforms too. Some small problems: The charater Henry Lee is still wearing english uniform, and
you have to wear the black uniform, from BBF, until your first promotion.
You don't have to wear the black uniform. When you start a free-play game you can customise all sorts of things, including your starting appearance. Click on the picture of the black uniform and you should get to a screen in which you can choose your outfit, where you can set various filters to narrow down the choice. You're intending to play a French naval officer, so set the filters accordingly. You'll probably end up with "9JdFra", alias "I remember Jack Sparrow as a polished Officer of the French Navy". Which, by happy coincidence, is the one I'd set the promotion code to give you if you're playing as Jack Sparrow and have just been promoted to Sous-Lieutenant de Vaisseau, and which you'd keep until your promotion to Capitaine de Vaisseau.
Thanks for the tip about clicking of the uniform picture, I never think of that option.
Anyway I was going straight to the tailor, and buy a" 9JdFra". Now I will delete the
options file, and go to some more testing.:keith
Those new game officers are part of the Brave Black Flag and Nelson concepts that jump-start your career.
I'm not too fussed about losing that, but so far have been trying to maintain as much of other modders' intentions as possible.

I should be able to assist with coming up with a better solution next week.
If you can figure out what behaviour you would like from the code, we can see about setting that up.
If a naval officer is to be assigned free officers then their names and uniforms must be appropriate for your chosen nation. Henry Lee in a British uniform should not appear in the French navy, for example! This ought to be done for all nations.

It might make your job a bit easier if Henry Lee uses a different model. All the other officers are in common sailors' outfits, which may not be appropriate for an officer of His Majesty's Navy but it is consistent with any officers you later hire from taverns; they probably won't be in uniform either. So if giving Lee a different uniform for each nation is a problem then take him out of uniform. He (and the other officers) will still need different names for different nations, though...