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Name the PC game!

here's one you won't be guessing:


and i'll tell you what, even i think it's worth buying. it's got several little tricks even commercial RPG's don't have, but which make the gameplay SO much better. one of my favorite RPG's to date.
never heard of it, but i want to look for it now.

durp. of course, a random guess. the units you see there are just for one location.
i already hinted it was non-commercial, so no. hell, every RPG looks alike. but this game's pretty recent, 3 years old at most.
dude. you're absolutely right. it's the second game, how'd you find that?

ah, wait. searched the names?
I personally liked 1503 AND 1404 better than 1701. 1701 looked too toyish Fischer-Price world for me and I hated the town center statues and street mobs (stupid).

OK, try this one? Old school:


Nice one MK! Gotta be Ultima 3, I used to get in trouble playing that one on my schools state of the art Apple II E's all the time! xD:

That one and Karateka, although I could never finish it because the end of the game was corrupted somehow. I could get to the room just before you rescued the princess, but then the game died! :modding

Here is one, another old school game :

seems like one of the king's quest games, but i'm really not sure. i'm not even sure if that's the right name, but it does look familiar.
I have a relatively easy one. Well, I guess it is only easy if you actually know what it is...


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